Lehrstuhl für Systemsicherheit Virtual Machine-based Fingerprints SPRING 9 Bochum, 31.07 - 01.08.2014
Table of Contents 1. Background 1. Fingerprinting 2. Virtual Machines 2. Implemented Schemes 1. Permutation-based Fingerprints 2. Dynamic branch-based Fingerprints 3. Fingerprints based on Encoding Choice 3. Conclusion Implementing a Virtual Machine-based Fingerprinting Scheme HORST GÖRTZ INSTITUT FÜR IT-SICHERHEIT | SPRING 9
Background Implementing a Virtual Machine-based Fingerprinting Scheme HORST GÖRTZ INSTITUT FÜR IT-SICHERHEIT | SPRING 9
Fingerprinting I ● Two phases: 1. Embed an unique identifier (“mark”) into object 2. Identify the object by extracting the fingerprint mark ● Fingerprint mark identifies party that uses the object ● In contrast to watermarking (claim ownership) ● Software use case: given a copy of the software, find out who it has been sold to Implementing a Virtual Machine-based Fingerprinting Scheme HORST GÖRTZ INSTITUT FÜR IT-SICHERHEIT | SPRING 9
Fingerprinting II ● Three types of fingerprints, determined by extraction phase: 1. Static 2. Dynamic 3. Abstract ● Balance properties : 1. Stealth 2. Data Rate 3. Resilience Implementing a Virtual Machine-based Fingerprinting Scheme HORST GÖRTZ INSTITUT FÜR IT-SICHERHEIT | SPRING 9
Virtual Machines I ● Structure commonly used in software protection systems ● Basic idea : Translate (parts of) native code into a custom architecture and embed interpreter (VM) ● breaks existing tools ● non-trivial to attack generically ● hides original semantic and tamper-proofs ● Set of handlers describe semantics Implementing a Virtual Machine-based Fingerprinting Scheme HORST GÖRTZ INSTITUT FÜR IT-SICHERHEIT | SPRING 9
Virtual Machines II bytecode VM context opcode parameters entry value 5A 0xdeadbeef vIP [pointer] 0x0f00 FE handler tbl [pointer] 0xbeef 0x0f00 32 native eax 0xdeadbeef 5A 0xcafebabe native ecx 0x1badc0de 0x0f00 FE ... ... 0xdead 0x0f00 07 0xbeef 0xdead 5A 0x1badf00d 0xb00b 32 FE 0xdead 0x0f00 00 vm_and_reg_reg vm_mov_reg_imm handler ... ... 5A vm_mov_reg_imm fetch operands ... ... calculate 7F vm_add_reg_reg update ctx 80 vm_xor_reg_reg dispatch next ... ... FF vm_mov_reg_reg handler table handler code Implementing a Virtual Machine-based Fingerprinting Scheme HORST GÖRTZ INSTITUT FÜR IT-SICHERHEIT | SPRING 9
Implemented Schemes Implementing a Virtual Machine-based Fingerprinting Scheme HORST GÖRTZ INSTITUT FÜR IT-SICHERHEIT | SPRING 9
Permutation-based Fingerprints ● Based on patent by Davidson and Myhrvold (1996) ● Embeds the mark in order of basic blocks of a function ● Mark extracted by comparing order in binary to canonical ordering ● But: Prone to subsequent application! ● Approach here: Embed mark in permutation of handler table ● Subsequent application results in non-functional program! Implementing a Virtual Machine-based Fingerprinting Scheme HORST GÖRTZ INSTITUT FÜR IT-SICHERHEIT | SPRING 9
Permutation-based Fingerprints Extracted Canonical Form Perm. Handler Table 0040AFC4 00 0040640A FE 00407513 01 0040645A 39 0040645A 02 004064AB 01 0040699E 03 004064FF 12 canonical 004070A1 04 0040654F 2A 0040640A 05 004065A0 00 ... ... ... ... 00407F72 FF 0040AF72 42 lookup handler index 0040AFC4 00407513 0040645A 0040699E 004070A1 Code 0040640A ... 00407F72 Fingerprinted Binary Implementing a Virtual Machine-based Fingerprinting Scheme HORST GÖRTZ INSTITUT FÜR IT-SICHERHEIT | SPRING 9
Branch-based Fingerprints ● Based on method by Linn et al., extension by Collberg et al. ● Mark encoded in (unstealthy!) series of unconditional branches ● Branch direction encodes one bit ● Extraction using Execution Trace ● Approach here: Transferred verbatim, but extraction phase problematic due to VM layer ● Circumvent VM layer without lowering its security? ● VM Trapdooring : constant (secret) seed when generating components Implementing a Virtual Machine-based Fingerprinting Scheme HORST GÖRTZ INSTITUT FÜR IT-SICHERHEIT | SPRING 9
Branch-based Fingerprints handler table 00 jmp 35 vm_mov_reg_imm 01 jmp 07 vm_mov_reg_reg 02 jmp 08 0040645A 0 1 ... ... 0040699E 1 07 jmp target vm_mov_reg_imm 08 jmp 00 0040640A ... ... 0 1 ... 0 12 jmp 24 vm_mov_reg_reg ... ... 1 23 ... 24 jmp 02 ... ... ... 35 jmp 01 VM code virtualized code encoding fingerprint 0b1010101 intercept handler execution jmp target (IA-32) verify vIP update verify VM sequence mov_reg_imm tmp, target track target immediate track dst register mov_reg_reg vIP, tmp vm_mov_reg_imm observer vm_mov_reg_reg observer Implementing a Virtual Machine-based Fingerprinting Scheme HORST GÖRTZ INSTITUT FÜR IT-SICHERHEIT | SPRING 9
FPs based on Encoding Choice ● Handler Duplication : duplicate handler code ● Multiple handlers encode same semantics ● Multiple opcodes per virtual instruction ● We have a choice when encoding bytecode ● Approach here: Group equivalent handlers and assign values to each member in a group (cf. Monden et al.) ● Every encoded virtual instruction embeds a few bits based on the handler it chooses ● Embed mark in all emitted instructions Implementing a Virtual Machine-based Fingerprinting Scheme HORST GÖRTZ INSTITUT FÜR IT-SICHERHEIT | SPRING 9
FPs based on Encoding Choice handler table bytecode enc. bits opcode semantics opcode parameters 00 00 vm_mov_reg_imm ?? 0xdeadbeef 0x0f00 ... 01 vm_mov_reg_reg ?? 0xbeef 0x0f00 ... 02 vm_add_reg_imm ?? ... 03 vm_and_reg_reg ?? 0xcafebabe 0x0f00 01 04 vm_mov_reg_imm ?? 0xdead 0x0f00 10 05 vm_mov_reg_imm ?? 0xbeef 0xdead ... 06 vm_add_reg_imm ?? 0x1badf00d 0xb00b ... ... ... ?? 11 FF vm_mov_reg_imm ?? 0xdead 0x0f00 Implementing a Virtual Machine-based Fingerprinting Scheme HORST GÖRTZ INSTITUT FÜR IT-SICHERHEIT | SPRING 9
Conclusion Implementing a Virtual Machine-based Fingerprinting Scheme HORST GÖRTZ INSTITUT FÜR IT-SICHERHEIT | SPRING 9
Conclusion ● Schemes draw from resilience provided by VM ● Exploit specific VM traits, tied to VM layer ● Comes at the cost of increased time/space complexity ● Refrain from protecting performance-critical sections Implementing a Virtual Machine-based Fingerprinting Scheme HORST GÖRTZ INSTITUT FÜR IT-SICHERHEIT | SPRING 9
Bibliography ● Robert I. Davidson and Nathan Myhrvold. Method and system for generating and auditing a signature for a computer program , September 24 1996. US Patent 5,559,884. ● Cullen Linn, Saumya Debray, and John Kececioglu. Enhancing Software Tamper- Resistance via Stealthy Address Computations . In Proceedings of the 19th Annual Computer Security Applications Conference (ACSAC 2003). Citeseer, 2003. ● Akito Monden, Hajimu Iida, K-i Matsumoto, Katsuro Inoue, and Koji Torii. A Practical Method for Watermarking Java Programs . In Computer Software and Applications Conference, 2000. COMPSAC 2000. The 24th Annual International, pages 191-197. IEEE, 2000. ● Christian Collberg and Jasvir Nagra. Surreptitious Software . Upper Saddle River, NJ: Addision-Wesley Professional, 2010. ● Patrick Cousot and Radhia Cousot. An Abstract Interpretation-Based Framework for Software Watermarking . In ACM SIGPLAN Notices, volume 39, pages 173-185. ACM, 2004. Implementing a Virtual Machine-based Fingerprinting Scheme HORST GÖRTZ INSTITUT FÜR IT-SICHERHEIT | SPRING 9
Thank you for your attention! Any questions? @dwuid Implementing a Virtual Machine-based Fingerprinting Scheme HORST GÖRTZ INSTITUT FÜR IT-SICHERHEIT | SPRING 9
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