lectur ture e 12 planni anning ng intro and for forward

Lectur ture e 12 Planni anning: ng: Intro and For Forward - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Computer Science CPSC 322 Lectur ture e 12 Planni anning: ng: Intro and For Forward Planning, Slide 1 Announ nouncem emen ents Material for midterm available in Connect 1. List of Learning Goals 2. Short questions on material

  1. Computer Science CPSC 322 Lectur ture e 12 Planni anning: ng: Intro and For Forward Planning, Slide 1

  2. Announ nouncem emen ents • Material for midterm available in Connect 1. List of Learning Goals 2. Short questions on material (no solutions) 3. Sample problem-solving questions (with solutions) Material covered • • Until Forward Planning included (covered today) • See corresponding learning goals and short questions on Connect Midterm will be close textbook, no calculator or other devices • - Part short questions similar or even verbatim from the list posted in connect - Part more problem-solving style questions There will be an individual exam followed by a group exam on the same • test • Groups will be formed on the spot, not predefined

  3. Exam Format Form Group Exam Collect Indiv. Exam Groups (same or subset of Indiv. Exam)

  4. Lect cture re O Overvi rview • Planning: Intro • STRIPS representation • Forward Planning • Heuristics for Forward Planning

  5. Course Overview Representation Environment Reasoning Stochastic Deterministic Technique Problem Type Arc Consistency Constraint Vars + Search Satisfaction Constraints Static Belief Nets Logics Query Variable Search Elimination Decision Nets Sequential STRIPS Variable Planning Elimination Search Markov Processes First Part of Value the Course Iteration 5

  6. Course Overview Representation Environment Reasoning Stochastic Deterministic Technique Problem Type Arc Consistency Constraint Vars + Search Satisfaction Constraints Static Belief Nets Logics Query Variable Search Elimination Decision Nets Sequential STRIPS Variable Planning Elimination Search Markov Processes We’ll focus Value on Planning Iteration 6

  7. Planni anning P ng Probl oblem em • Goal • Description of states of the world • Description of available actions => when each action can be applied and what its effects are • Planni anning ng: build a sequence of actions that, if executed, takes the agent from the current state to a state that achieves the goal But ut, hav haven’ en’t w we e seen t een thi his bef before? Yes es, i in n sear earch, but but w we’ e’ll look ook at at a a new new R&R sui uitab able e for or pl planni anning ng Slide 7

  8. Standard Search vs. Specific R&R systems • Constraint Satisfaction (Problems): • State: assignments of values to a subset of the variables • Successor function: assign values to a “free” variable • Goal test: all variables assigned a value and all constraints satisfied? • Solution: possible world that satisfies the constraints • Heuristic function: none (all solutions at the same distance from start) • Planning : • State • Successor function • Goal test • Solution • Heuristic function • Inference • State • Successor function • Goal test • Solution • Heuristic function 8

  9. Standar andard S d Sear earch v ch vs. Spec pecific R c R&R s syst ystem ems CSP problems had some specific properties • States are represented in terms of features (variables with a possible range of values) • Goal: no longer a black box => expressed in terms of constraints (satisfaction of) • But actions are limited to assignments of values to variables • No notion of path to a solution: only final assignment matters Slide 9

  10. Key I Idea ea of Planni nning ng • “ Open-up ” the representation of states, goals and actions – Both states and goals as set of features – Actions as preconditions and effects defined on state features • agent can reason more deliberately about which actions to consider to achieve its goals. Slide 10

  11. Key I Idea ea of Planni nning ng • This representation lends itself to solve planning problems either • As pure search problems • As CSP problems • We will look at one technique for each approach • t his will only scratch the surface of planning techniques • but will give you an idea of the general approaches in this important area of AI Slide 11

  12. Planning Techniques and Application from: • Ghallab, Nau, and Traverso Automated Planning: Theory and Practice Morgan Kaufmann, May 2004 ISBN 1-55860-856-7 • Web site:  http://www.laas.fr/planning applications 12

  13. Let’s start by introducing a very simple planning problem, as our running example Slide 13

  14. Runni unning ng Exam ampl ple: D Del eliver very R Robot obot ( (text extboo book) k) • Consider a del delivery robo robot nam named ed Rob ob, who must navigate the following environment, and can deliver coffee and mail to Sam, in his office Slide 14

  15. Deliv livery R Robot E t Example le: fe features • RLoc - Rob's location • Domain: {coffee shop, Sam's office, mail room, lab} short {cs, off, mr, lab} • RHC – Rob has coffee • Domain: {true, false}. Alternatively notation for RHC = T/F: rhc indicates that Rob has coffee, and that Rob doesn't’have coffee rhc • SWC – Sam wants coffee {true, false} • MW – Mail is waiting {true, false} • RHM – Rob has mail {true, false} • An example state is 15

  16. Deliv livery R Robot E t Example le: fe features • RLoc - Rob's location • Domain: {coffee shop, Sam's office, mail room, lab} short {cs, off, mr, lab} • RHC – Rob has coffee • Domain: {true, false}. Alternatively notation for RHC = T/F: rhc indicates that Rob has coffee, and that Rob doesn't’have coffee rhc • SWC – Sam wants coffee {true, false} • MW – Mail is waiting {true, false} • RHM – Rob has mail {true, false} • An example state is Rob is in the lab, it does not have coffee, Sam wants coffee, there is no mail waiting and Rob has mail 16

  17. Deliv livery R Robot E t Example le: Actio tions The robot’s actions are: puc - Rob picks up coffee • must be at the coffee shop and Preconditions for not have coffee action application delC - Rob delivers coffee • must be at the office, and must have coffee pum - Rob picks up mail • must be in the mail room, and mail must be waiting delM - Rob delivers mail • must be at the office and have mail move - Rob's move actions – there are 8 of them move clockwise ( mc-x ), move anti-clockwise ( mcc-x ) • from location x (where x can be any of the 4 rooms) must be in location x • 17

  18. Model deling a ng actions ons f for planni anning ng • The key to sophisticated planning is modeling actions • Leverage a feature-based representation: • Model when actions are possible, in terms of the values of the features in the current state • Model state transitions caused by actions in terms of changes in specific features 18

  19. Lect cture re O Overvi rview • Planning: Intro • STRIPS representation • Forward Planning • Heuristics for Forward Planning

  20. STRIPS r repr pres esent ntat ation on (ST STanf anfor ord Res esear earch h Insti titu tute te Probl oblem em Solver er ) STRIPS - the planner in Shakey, first AI robot http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shakey_the_robot In STRIPS, an action has two parts: 1. Preconditions: a set of assignments to features that must be satisfied in order for the action to be legal/valid/applicable 2. Effects: a set of assignments to features that are caused by the action 20

  21. STRIPS act ST ctions: Exa Example STRIPS representation of the action pick up coffee, puc : pr prec econdi ditions ons Loc = and RHC = • effe fects ts RHC = • cs = coffee shop off = Sam’s office mr = mail rom 21

  22. STRIPS act ST ctions: Exa Example STRIPS representation of the action pick up coffee, puc : prec pr econdi ditions ons Loc = cs and RHC = F • effe fects ts RHC = T • cs = coffee shop off = Sam’s office mr = mail rom STRIPS representation of the action deliver coffee, Del : pr prec econdi ditions ons Loc = and RHC = • effe fects ts RHC = and SWC = • 22

  23. ST STRIPS act ctions: Exa Example STRIPS representation of the action pick up coffee, puc : pr prec econdi ditions ons Loc = cs and RHC = F • effe fects ts RHC = T • cs = coffee shop off = Sam’s office mr = mail rom STRIPS representation of the action deliver coffee, Del : pr prec econdi ditions ons Loc = off and RHC = T • effe fects ts RHC = F and SWC = F • Not ote e in this domain Sam doesn't have to want coffee for Rob to deliver it; one way or another, Sam doesn't want coffee after delivery. 23

  24. STRIPS ac actions: MC MC and and MA MAC STRIPS representation of the actions related to moving clockwise • mc-cs prec econd onditions ns Loc = cs effects Loc = off • mc-off prec econd onditions ns Loc = off cs = coffee shop effects Loc = labf off = Sam’s office • mc-lab …. mr = mail rom • mc-mc … There are 4 more actions for Move Counterclockwise (mcc-cs, mcc-off, etc.) 24


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