learning control decisions in gas networks

Learning Control Decisions in Gas Networks Mark Turner - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Learning Control Decisions in Gas Networks Mark Turner Combinatorial Optimization @ Work 2020 Exact control decisions of Network Stations Listen to previous talks Provides descriptions of individual gas network elements Provides

  1. Learning Control Decisions in Gas Networks Mark Turner Combinatorial Optimization @ Work 2020

  2. Exact control decisions of Network Stations ◮ Listen to previous talks ◮ Provides descriptions of individual gas network elements ◮ Provides background into the derivation of this problem 1

  3. Exact control decisions of Network Stations ◮ Listen to previous talks ◮ Problem Setting (Important sub-networks inside larger network) ◮ Focus on Network Stations ◮ Network Stations contain all heavy machinery of the entire network ◮ Network stations are commonly the intersection points between large transportation pipelines 1

  4. Exact control decisions of Network Stations ◮ Listen to previous talks ◮ Problem Setting (Important sub-networks inside larger network) ◮ Problem Aim (Control Decisions) ◮ Find control decisions for all network elements ◮ Ensure these control decisions are safe and realisable ◮ Make these control decisions as ‘stable’ as possible ◮ Control decisions are made at each time-step over a time-horizon { 0 , ..., | T |} . 1

  5. Exact control decisions of Network Stations ◮ Listen to previous talks ◮ Problem Setting (Important sub-networks inside larger network) ◮ Problem Aim (Control Decisions) ◮ Two Different Approaches: ◮ (Model driven) Rolling Horizon approach ◮ (Data driven) Machine Learning approach 1

  6. Problem Input and Output ◮ Input: ◮ Network Topology - Complete individual Flow and Pressure Network Initial State of element descriptions and connectedness Topology all Elements Prognosis at Boundaries ◮ Initial State - Starting values for all elements ◮ Prognosis - Set of demands we aim to meet Model Future Control Decisions for all Elements 2

  7. Problem Input and Output ◮ Input: ◮ Network Topology - Complete individual Flow and Pressure Network Initial State of element descriptions and connectedness Topology all Elements Prognosis at Boundaries ◮ Initial State - Starting values for all elements ◮ Prognosis - Set of demands we aim to meet ◮ Output (For all future time steps): ◮ Valve states (Open / Closed) ◮ Compressor states (Active (operating point) / Bypass / Closed) Model ◮ Regulator states (Active (operating point) / Open / Closed) ◮ Additional: Flow / Pressure levels throughout the network Future Control Decisions for all Elements 2

  8. Problem Uncertainties and Difficulties ◮ Organising priorities. 3

  9. Problem Uncertainties and Difficulties ◮ Organising priorities. � � flow ( u , v ) + flow ( v , u ) = v inflow − v slack ◮ Supply and Demand is met u u | v slack | ≤ ǫ v ∈ Boundaries 3

  10. Problem Uncertainties and Difficulties E.g. Make sure there are well defined pressure limits ◮ Organising priorities. for all bits of the network, and that your solution ◮ Supply and Demand is met respects them: ◮ Control Decisions are safe LB(pressure v ) ≤ pressure v ≤ UB(pressure v ) Potentially less well defined requests. E.g. Avoid stressing the network 3

  11. Problem Uncertainties and Difficulties E.g. Make sure that your active point inside of a ◮ Organising priorities. compressor polytope moves as little as possible ◮ Supply and Demand is met ◮ Control Decisions are safe ◮ Control Decisions are stable 3

  12. Problem Uncertainties and Difficulties E.g. Make sure that your active point inside of a ◮ Organising priorities. compressor polytope moves as little as possible ◮ Supply and Demand is met ◮ Control Decisions are safe ◮ Control Decisions are stable 3

  13. Problem Uncertainties and Difficulties E.g. Make sure that your active point inside of a ◮ Organising priorities. compressor polytope moves as little as possible ◮ Supply and Demand is met ◮ Control Decisions are safe ◮ Control Decisions are stable 3

  14. Problem Uncertainties and Difficulties E.g. Make sure that your active point inside of a ◮ Organising priorities. compressor polytope moves as little as possible ◮ Supply and Demand is met ◮ Control Decisions are safe ◮ Control Decisions are stable 3

  15. Problem Uncertainties and Difficulties E.g. Make sure that your active point inside of a ◮ Organising priorities. compressor polytope moves as little as possible ◮ Supply and Demand is met ◮ Control Decisions are safe ◮ Control Decisions are stable 3

  16. Problem Uncertainties and Difficulties E.g. Make sure that your active point inside of a ◮ Organising priorities. compressor polytope moves as little as possible ◮ Supply and Demand is met ◮ Control Decisions are safe ◮ Control Decisions are stable 3

  17. Problem Uncertainties and Difficulties ◮ Organising priorities. min x , y Ax + By ◮ Supply and Demand is met ◮ Control Decisions are safe ◮ Control Decisions are stable vs. ◮ Weighted Objective vs Multi Level min x Ax s.t min y By 3

  18. Problem Uncertainties and Difficulties ◮ Organising priorities. ◮ Solution must be output in reasonable time ◮ Model will be used in reality. ◮ Output in time is necessary https://xkcd.com/612/ 3

  19. Problem Uncertainties and Difficulties ◮ Organising priorities. ◮ What assumptions do I make? E.g. Ignore temperature ◮ Solution must be output in reasonable time ◮ Which discretisation technique do I use? ◮ Model exactness ◮ Do I leave as is, convexify, or linearise my end ◮ Pipe discretisation result? ◮ See Kai Hoppmann’s talk on more information on pipe equations. (We linearise) 3

  20. Problem Uncertainties and Difficulties Compressor stations increase gas-pressure in the ◮ Organising priorities. forward direction. We must choose which ◮ Solution must be output in reasonable time configuration of machines to use inside of the ◮ Model exactness compressor station, and the operating point inside ◮ Pipe discretisation of the configuration’s associated polytope. ◮ Compressor polytope Idea: Disjunctive Formulation Use case: Efficiently model each compressor configuration polytope s.t we retrieve the active configuration, and the active operating point inside of the polytope. 3

  21. Problem Uncertainties and Difficulties m c ∈ { 0 , 1 } ∀ c ∈ C : Active configuration ◮ Organising priorities. pl c ∈ R + ∀ c ∈ C : LHS pressure ◮ Solution must be output in reasonable time pr c ∈ R + ∀ c ∈ C : RHS pressure ◮ Model exactness q c ∈ R + ∀ c ∈ C : Flow ◮ Pipe discretisation ◮ Compressor polytope � � m c = 1 pl = pl c c c � � pr = pr c q = q c c c LB (pl c ) m c ≤ pl c ≤ UB (pl c ) m c LB (pr c ) m c ≤ pr c ≤ UB (pr c ) m c LB ( q c ) m c ≤ q c ≤ UB ( q c ) m c w · pl c + x · pr c + y · q c + z · m c ≤ 0 ∀ c ∈ C ∀ ( w , x , y , z ) ∈ HPlanes(c) 3

  22. Problem Uncertainties and Difficulties ◮ Organising priorities. ◮ Solution must be output in reasonable time ◮ Model exactness ◮ Pipe discretisation ◮ Compressor polytope 3

  23. Operation Modes (Example Constraint Set) Operation Modes: ◮ Determines modes and configurations (binary decisions) for all valves and compressors M ( o , a ) := x where x is the mode / configuration of arc a in operation mode o ∀ o ∈ O with x ∈ { open , closed } if a ∈ Valves x ∈ { bypass , closed , cfgs } if a ∈ Compressors 4

  24. Operation Modes (Example Constraint Set) Operation Modes: ◮ Determines modes and configurations (binary decisions) for all valves and compressors ◮ Limits these mode combinations to a set of size | O | 2 | valves | · � | O | (2 + | cfgs a | ) << a ∈ compressors 4

  25. Operation Modes (Example Constraint Set) Operation Modes: ◮ Determines modes and configurations (binary decisions) for all valves and compressors ◮ Limits these mode combinations to a set of size | O | ◮ Determines the polytope choice for each compressor (Not the active point within) m c 1 = 0 m c 2 = 1 m c 3 = 0 pl c 1 = pl c 3 = pr c 1 = pr c 3 = q c 1 = q c 3 = 0 w · pl c 2 + x · pr c 2 + y · q c 2 + z ≤ 0 ∀ ( w , x , y , z ) ∈ HPlanes( c 2 ) 4

  26. Operation Modes (Example Constraint Set) Operation Modes: ◮ Determines modes and configurations (binary decisions) for all valves and compressors ◮ Limits these mode combinations to a set of size | O | ◮ Determines the polytope choice for each compressor (Not the active point within) ◮ Has an allowed set of flow directions with each choice. For example, the four choices shown never allowed east to north flow. 4

  27. Model Driven Rolling Horizon Approach ◮ Single large MIP is too unreliable. Solve times can take days to even find a primal solution. t = 0 t = 1 t = 2 5

  28. Model Driven Rolling Horizon Approach ◮ Single large MIP is too unreliable. Solve times can take days to even find a primal solution. ◮ Idea: Break up by timesteps. Create greedy heuristic for determining best binary decisions t = 0 t = 1 t = 2 5

  29. Model Driven Rolling Horizon Approach ◮ Single large MIP is too unreliable. Solve times can take days to even find a primal solution. ◮ Idea: Break up by timesteps. Create greedy heuristic for determining best binary decisions ◮ Introduce a penalty for changing operation modes (set of binary control decisions) t = 0 t = 1 t = 2 5

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