leading the way boston university entry level otd

Leading the Way: Boston University Entry-level OTD Capstone - PDF document


  1. Leading the Way: Boston University Entry-level OTD Capstone Presentations COLLEGE OF HEALTH & REHABILITATION SCIENCES: SARGENT COLLEGE DEPARTMENT OF OCCUPATIONAL THERAPY INVITES YOU TO ATTEND OUR 2020 CAPSTONE PRESENTATIONS Date: August 21, 2020 Time: 9:00am-5:00pm Eastern Standard Time Location: Virtual via Zoom

  2. Boston University College of Health & Rehabilitation Sciences: Sargent College Department of Occupational Therapy College of Health & Rehabilitation Sciences: Sargent College Department of Occupational Therapy invites you to attend Leading the Way: Boston University Entry-level OTD Capstone Presentations Date : August 21, 2020 Time : 9:00am-5:00pm Eastern Standard Time Location : Virtual via Zoom (please scroll to the last page for Zoom directions) Sessions are in 20-minute time blocks: 10-minute presentations, 5 minutes for questions, and 5 minutes of transition time Morning Session Zoom Room 1 Zoom Room 2 Time Host: Anne Escher Host: Jen Kaldenberg Timekeeper: Karen Jacobs Timekeeper: TBA Zoom link Zoom link Meeting ID: 956 3053 7319 Meeting ID: 646 450 5345 Password: 208522 Password: BUOTD 9:00 - 9:15 AM Dagny Barclay Tamara Barboza Title: The Power to Choose: Title: Prepare: Expanding Creating a Group Treatment Occupational Therapy's Role in Protocol to Address Substance Use Disaster Preparedness and Risk Disorder in a Correctional Facility Reduction Academic Mentor: Anne Escher Academic Mentor: Jennifer Kaldenberg 9:20 - 9:35 AM Sarah Fisenne Jamie Tam Title: A Novel Group Intervention Title: Feasibility of Using the UPSA Addressing Emotional Regulation & to Assess Functional Skills of Social Skills for Youth Residing in a Group Living Environment (GLE) Group Home who have Residents on the Psychosis Experienced ACEs Spectrum Academic Mentor: Anne Escher Academic Mentor: Ellen Cohn 1 Boston University Entry-level OTD Capstone Presentations (August 21, 2020)

  3. Boston University College of Health & Rehabilitation Sciences: Sargent College Department of Occupational Therapy 9:40 - 9:55 AM Kim Greenberg Mary McLean Title: Measuring Community Title: Characteristics of Diploma- Reintegration After Spinal Cord Track Youth Preparing to Injury Graduate: Parent & Youth Ratings Academic Mentor: Anne Escher Academic Mentor: Gael Orsmond 10:00 - 10:15 AM Ben William Melanie Miller-Himmel Title: Using Zoom to Support Title: Transfer of Responsibility: Meaningful Social Participation for Examining trends in independence Adults with Intellectual and in diploma-track youth with ASD Develpomental Disabilities without ID Academic Mentor: Anne Escher Academic Mentor: Wendy Coster 10:20 - 10:35 AM Laura Rodriguez Gina Barrett Title: Understanding the Impact of Title: Community Connection: an Inpatient Pediatric Hospital Stay Improving Accessibility and on Typical Child Roles Utilization of Community Based Resources for Stroke Survivors Academic Mentor: Anne Escher Academic Mentor: Jennifer Kaldenberg 10:40 - 10:55 AM Kristina Hancock Abdiel Bourne Title: Occupational Therapy Title: Fall Prevention Intervention Outcomes that Matter: Parents' and Program Implementation Goals for Their Children with Recommendations for an Inpatient Sensory Processing Challenges Mental Health Setting Academic Mentor: Ellen Cohn Academic Mentor: Jennifer Kaldenberg 11:00 - 11:15 AM Anne McCotter Lisa Ryoo Title: Feasibility of an Educational Title: Bridging the Knowledge Gap: Intervention for Direct Support Visual Impairment Continuing Professionals to Improve Self Education for Occupational Determination in Lesiure Therapy Practitioners Participation for Adolescents with ASD Academic Mentor: Jennifer Kaldenberg Academic Mentor: Ellen Cohn 2 Boston University Entry-level OTD Capstone Presentations (August 21, 2020)

  4. Boston University College of Health & Rehabilitation Sciences: Sargent College Department of Occupational Therapy 11:20 - 11:35 AM Gabrielle Menendez Arti Gandhi Title: Supporting Participation in Title: Physical and Social Healthcare: Patient and Caregiver Anhedonia Across Major Perspectives of an Occupational Depressive Disorder and Therapy Patient Navigator (OTPN) Schizophrenia: A Meta-Analytic for People with ASD/IDD Review Academic Mentor: Ellen Cohn Academic Mentor: Daniel Fulford 11:40 - 11:55 AM Savannah Rodriguez Gina Yoon Title: A Feasability Study of an Title: Occupational Therapy in Educational Intervention for Direct Primary Care: Establishing a Role Care Support Professionals to for Occupational Therapy in Promote Self-Determination For Diabetes Self-Management at Transition Age Youth With IDD Cedars-Sinai Academic Mentor: Ellen Cohn Academic Mentor: Jennifer Kaldenberg 12:00 – 1:00PM: Break Continued on next page 3 Boston University Entry-level OTD Capstone Presentations (August 21, 2020)

  5. Boston University College of Health & Rehabilitation Sciences: Sargent College Department of Occupational Therapy Leading the Way: Boston University Entry-level OTD Capstone Presentations continued Afternoon Session Zoom Room 1 Zoom Room 2 Time Host: Simone Gill Host: Robin Newman Timekeeper: Leanne Yinusa- Timekeeper: Jen Kaldenberg Nyahkoon Zoom link Zoom link Meeting ID: 213 754 6320 Meeting ID: 370 887 8717 Password: BUOTD2020 Password: BUOTD 1:00-1:15PM Cole Koerber Marissa Buckminster Title: Impact of Occupation-Based Title: Presenteeism as Applied to Interventions on Hospitalized Cancer Caregivers: A Concept Children's Anxiety: A Systematic Analysis Review Academic Mentor: Robin Newman Academic Mentor: Simone Gill 1:20-1:35PM Reed Kotz Maggie Carter Title: Systematic Review of Title: Facilitating Engagement in School-Based Trauma-Informed Virtual Social Participation for Interventions and the Role of a Individuals with Intellectual and School-Based Occupational Developmental Disabilities Therapist Academic Mentor: Robin Newman Academic Mentor: Simone Gill 1:40-1:55PM Hayley McConnell Jillian Fernandez Title: Outcome Measures for Title: Combating Cancer-related Assistive Technology Use among Fatigue (CRF): Creation of a Self- Individuals with Neurological Management Education Program Conditions Academic Mentor: Robin Newman Academic Mentor: Simone Gill 4 Boston University Entry-level OTD Capstone Presentations (August 21, 2020)

  6. Boston University College of Health & Rehabilitation Sciences: Sargent College Department of Occupational Therapy 2:00-2:15PM Brad Urban Sharon Kurian Title: Learning Together: Title: A Meaning-Making, Appraisal of Developmental Occupation-Based Approach to Education and Delivery Guide for Promote Occupational Engagement Parents with a History of Opioid and Quality of Life in Adults Living Use with Life-Threatening Illness Academic Mentor: Leanne Academic Mentor: Robin Newman Yinusa-Nyahkoon 2:20-2:35PM Melissa Braun Andrea Rybicki Title: Empower Parents to Title: “You Have The Power”: Improve Child Development: An Empowering Older Adults to Engage Online Education Resource for in Fall Prevention Behaviors through Parents with a History of Opioid Video Based Education Use Academic Mentor: Robin Newman Academic Mentor: Leanne Yinusa-Nyahkoon 2:40-2:55PM Mikayla Conway Cara Kubinak Title: Neurodevelopmental Title: Creating Continuing Education Treatment for Children with Courses to Optimize Home Safety Hemiplegic Cerebral Palsy: and Independence Among Older Clinical Guidelines for Adults with Low Vision Occupational Therapists Academic Mentor: Sue Berger Academic Mentor: Leanne Yinusa-Nyahkoon 2:55-3:15PM Break Time Closing Remarks Zoom link Meeting ID: 955 5958 4789 Password: 780098 3:15-4:00PM Keynote Speaker: Ellen S. Cohn, ScD, OT, OTR, FAOTA “Occupational Therapy That Matters” 4:00-4:10PM Presentation of Awards AOTA Alumni Award Sargent Graduate Leadership Award Florence Hunter Award 4:10-5:00PM Lead the Way Celebration 5 Boston University Entry-level OTD Capstone Presentations (August 21, 2020)

  7. Boston University College of Health & Rehabilitation Sciences: Sargent College Department of Occupational Therapy If the Zoom links in the schedule are not working, please use the links below: MORNING SESSION: 1. Zoom Room 1: https://bostonu.zoom.us/j/95630537319?pwd=Mi8yS3B6bS96VXRVTmtqS3F6NFJK dz09 2. Zoom Room 2: https://bostonu.zoom.us/j/6464505345?pwd=Smp6czVRQ1gxMUFUbWxVellZQzVS UT09 AFTERNOON SESSION: 1. Zoom Room 1: https://bostonu.zoom.us/j/3708878717?pwd=Z2VzbEMyWlBpZHhWcmg1OWUxZXF Odz09 2. Zoom Room 2: https://bostonu.zoom.us/j/2137546320?pwd=ZjdocW1CaE1sTGh4UTkveGFlRnJrdz 09 CLOSING REMARKS: https://bostonu.zoom.us/j/95559584789?pwd=ZFFYSTlDSW1oQ2hTUEZvckxKOEo5Zz09 6 Boston University Entry-level OTD Capstone Presentations (August 21, 2020)


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