Leading the Game Ann Casstevens, GGOB Coach Michele Bridges, GGOB Trainer Krisi Schell, EVP of HR The Great Game of Business The Great Game of Business SRC Holdings Corporation Tulsa, Oklahoma Springfield, MO Springfield, MO
Getting to Know You Years playing the Game? What company are you with and what role do you play?
Peo eople: ple: The he Criti Critica cal l Num Numbe ber We project that by 2020, the companies with the best people will dominate their markets.
Conquering the Crit Conquering the Critical ical Number Number Facing your biggest weakness and turning it into strength 2020 Retention Focus 80% 78% 77% 70% National Manufacturing 2020 Opening Current Goal Average (*pre-covid) 12 month rolling retention rate
Who You Are
SRC Holdings Search for Leadership Training
Leading the Game What levels of the organization do you currently invest in leadership training?
Leading the Game What type of training are you currently investing in?
Leading the Game What type of training do you want, but you can’t find?
SR SRC C Leader Leadership Academy ship Academy Leading the Game GGOB Principle Start with the Right Leadership
SR SRC C Leader Leadership Academy ship Academy Manager vs Leader
SRC SR C Leader Leadership Academy ship Academy Man Manage ger Leader Leader • Does things right • Does the right thing • Imitates • Innovates • Implements changes • Initiates change • Focuses on the present • Focus to the future And to be a successful leader at SRC (or in any Great Game of Business Company) you need these characteristics… • • Humility Courage • • Vulnerability Servant Leadership
Leader Leadership vs. ship vs. Mana Management gement
The Higher Laws he Higher Laws of of Busines Business 1. You get what you give It’s easy to stop one guy, but it’s pretty hard to stop 100. 2. 3. What goes around comes around 4. You do what you gotta do 5. You gotta wanna 6. You can sometimes fool the fans, but you can never fool the players 7. When you raise the bottom, the top rises 8. When people set their own targets, they usually hit them. 9. If nobody pays attention, people stop caring 10. As they say in Missouri: Sh&* rolls downhill. By which we mean change begins at the top. The Ultimate Higher Law: When you appeal to the highest level of thinking, you get the highest level of performance
What specifics are you looking for in a leadership training program? Add your comments in the chat.
SR SRC C Super Supervisor A visor Academy cademy Program Overview – 104 hours of training over 9 months
2019 SRC & GGOB Pilot Programs • Great Game of Business Executive Summit – over 50 Leaders participated in two sessions • SRC Supervisor Leadership Academy – 40 Supervisors in 2 Cohorts (responsible for leading over 800 associates) • GGOB of Business Overview 2020 & 2021 SRC & GGOB Pilot Programs • GGOB Internal Coach Certifications - 18 SRC Executives • GGOB Leadership Program Start with the Right Leadership Expanded • SRC Supervisor Leadership Academy 2.0
10 S 10 Steps teps of of Implementa Implementation tion Get in the Game Training Using 70:20:10 Methodology LEARN IT - DO IT
10 Steps 10 Steps of of Impl Implementa ementation tion With Focus on Leadership Skills • • Creating High Performance Teams Conflict Resolution • • Communication Emotional Intelligence • • Presentation Skills Recruiting & Retaining for Fit
Great Game leaders are prepared to learn , teach , share and be involved . Great Game leadership begins with a sincere belief in people and fostering mutual respect and trust. Great Game leaders share these core beliefs:
Vulnerability Humility Servant Leadership Courage Evaluate Yourself
The he Pillar Pillars of s of Leader Leadership ship
Ho How w is is th the pr e prog ogram am he helping lping to toda day? y? “Things are for sure different at SRC HD West and East. But we are doing our best to stay positive and keep things as normal as possible. Something I learned in the Supervisors Academy that is helping me is the Four Pillars of Leadership. Strategic Thinking – With the COVID-19 going around we have all had to focus on strategic thinking to reach our goal of keeping the business running as normal as possible, but also coming up with creative ways to do that while keeping everyone safe here at work as well as at home. We have had to do things and develop processes for things that we have never done before. Sometimes when developing new processes for things that you have never done before there is a lot of uncertainty. But as a leader, you sometimes have to go with your gut and make the best decision you can with facts you have and adapt as things change. Relationship Building – During times like this you must rely on current and past relationships as well as develop new relationships to get things done. Change Embracer – Since the outbreak of COVID- 19, everyone’s world has changed. Schools are closed, businesses are closed, and d ay to day routines have changed. But it is how you react to these changes that will show your leadership. This can be difficult to manage when you are working with so many different types of personalities in the workplace. Some people are hesitant to change, and others embrace change. We have been Huddling daily to keep the communication chains open so that everyone is informed of any changes and it gives the team time to discuss how we as a team can move forward with the changes. Talent Development – Things have been a little slower here the last couple of weeks. So this week I rolled out some changes to our Huddles and Scoreboards. We have always had OWNERS of line items on our Scoreboard. Now every OWNER has a CO-OWNER. The goal of this is to have the OWNER train the CO-OWNER on how to OWN the number. This includes how to track and report the number, but also how they can impact the number. The goal is to rotate line items every couple of weeks until everyone in the department can OWN each line item if needed. In a way, they are now using the 4 Pillars of Leadership. They must use Strategic thinking to change and/forecast their new line item. They are building better relationships with their teammates. They are Change Embracers by stepping out of their comfort zone and learning new stuff. They are Developing Talent by training team mates on financial literacy, Huddles, and Scoreboards. I have attached some pictures of the scoreboards we developed as well as a picture of some business cards I had made up for tracking our critical number. Some may have cancelled Huddles because of the new social distancing restrictions. In our department we cancelled our weekly department Huddle for one week and started meeting daily just to discuss COVID-19 changes. Now we are meeting weekly for the department Huddle and daily to discuss any COVID-19 changes. The team appreciates getting updated financial and COVID- 19 information, and the Huddles are the best tools for doing that.” Project Genesis -2019 Graduate, SRC Leading Edge Supervisor Academy
SRC Leading Edge Supervisor Academy 2020 Graduates
Ho How w is is th the pr e prog ogram am he helping lping to toda day? y? “Things are going…we are staying tough. Trying to balance COVID, workload, work slowdowns, employee safety and my own safety has proven to be tiresome and stressful. The good news is, SRC has taught me that I can and have the support to make it through this. I’ve been with the company for 10 years, so I have been through a lot of trainings and I, for the most part, understand the game. The Supervisor course was a rejuvenation for me! It lit that fire and is helping me push through this. I know that SRC has my back and that is a very strong motivational tool. I’ve also used this to keep the team moving forward. Knowing that we work for a company that will do whatever it can to keep us employed, that’s a strong message. I’ve used tools like “what is your why” to help people through these questionable times. I also took away several ways that you can treat employees like people from the class that I am utilizing on the floor. I’ve had very good conversations about employee health and safety, job security, how fortunate we are to work for a company that has not closed – is essential, but also the importance of continuing to work on efficiencies and execution because there is still a job that needs done. I learned a lot from the class, that is certainly helping me through all that is going on. Knowing I work for a great company and knowing there are so many people working to help me and my team is helping me as well. Sorry, long winded ha- ha, I’ve been thinking about it the past couple of days.” Graduate Class of February 2020 (Group2)
Leading the Game 2020 & 2021 SRC & GGOB Pilot Programs • GGOB Internal Coach Certifications - 18 SRC Executives • GGOB Leadership Program Start with the Right Leadership Expanded • SRC Supervisor Leadership Academy 2.0
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