lbd performance report briefing agenda

LBD Performance Report Briefing Agenda HSSE Briefing 1. Recital - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

LBD Performance Report Briefing Agenda HSSE Briefing 1. Recital of Surah Al-Fatihah 2. Presentation: LBD Performance Report 3. Case Study: Submission of Report 4. Question and Answer Session 5. Introduction It is compulsory for all

  1. LBD Performance Report Briefing

  2. Agenda HSSE Briefing 1. Recital of Surah Al-Fatihah 2. Presentation: LBD Performance Report 3. Case Study: Submission of Report 4. Question and Answer Session 5.

  3. Introduction  It is compulsory for all entities involved/looking to be involved in Brunei Darussalam’s Energy sector as stipulated in LBD Directive 2  No submission means non-compliance to LBD Directive 2  3 times or cycles per year- 1 st Cycle (April), 2 nd Cycle (August) and 3 rd Cycle (December)

  4. To Maximize Economic Spin Off from Oil & Gas Activities By Maximizing Use of Local Workforce and Use of Local Goods and Services… Energy White Paper: Goal 3 KPI  KPI 8 Local Content Spending  KPI 9 Employment Opportunities & Local Employment  KPI 10 Local Companies Development

  5. Things to note for Cycle 2:  Please ensure timely submission as the system will be locked after each cycle. Ample reminders are given prior to each Cycle Report.  Cycle 2 Reporting takes place on 4 Aug 2015 to 31 Aug 2015.  Reporting period- 1 st January 2015 to date

  6. Definitions: Terminology Definitions Bumiputra (Individual) Brunei Citizens (Yellow IC) belonging to one of the indigenous groups of the Malay race i.e. Belait, Bisayah, Brunei, Dusun, Kedayan, Murut & Tutong . Bumiputra Company Fully owned by Bumiputra , actively managed by Owners/Proprietors and registered under the Companies Act (Cap 39). Exception for Basic Quadrant – minimum is to be registered under the Business Names Act (Cap 92)

  7. Definitions: Terminology Definitions Local (Ownership of Company Brunei Citizens holding a Brunei Context) Yellow Identity Card . Local (Employment Context) Brunei Citizens holding a Brunei Yellow Identity Card, as well as Permanent Residents .

  8. Definitions: Terminology Definitions Local Content Spend The sum of value added or created in the Bruneian economy through the use of local employment, goods and services. Employment Spend in Brunei Any costs of locally-based staff (local and non-local) including TAP, all subsistence costs and any other costs. For staff that are non-Bruneian Citizens, 50% of this cost is considered to be spent in Brunei. Goods and Services Spend in Brunei Spending on any services re/purchases of materials/equipment in Brunei, monies paid to Sub-Contractors or suppliers in Brunei.

  9. Bumiputra Company Bumiputra Bumiputra Brunei Citizen Bumiputra Brunei Citizen

  10. Local Company Local Brunei Citizen Local Brunei Citizen Local Brunei Citizen Bumiputra Brunei Citizen Local Brunei Citizen

  11. Bumiputra Brunei Local Brunei Citizen Citizen Joint Venture (JV) Foreign Foreign Company Person/International Person/International Company Company Bumiputra Brunei Local Brunei Citizen Citizen Permanent Resident of Brunei Permanent Resident of Brunei

  12. Permanent Resident Foreign of Brunei Person/International Company Foreign International Person/International Company Company Permanent Resident of Brunei

  13.  The LBD Cycle Report can be accessed through the EDPMO website,  Access the LBD section, and click ‘Read More’.

  14.  C lick ‘New Company Registration’.

  15.  For first time users, click the ‘Please register first!’ button.

  16. 1 2 1. Enter the Company Name as registered in ROC. 2. It is strongly recommended that a dedicated email address is used to avoid complications.

  17. ROC No. Name of Company

  18. ROBN Name of Company

  19. Name of Shareholder No. of Shares

  20. • All fields are mandatory. Press save button once 1 complete 1. The Type of company defined automatically based on the ownership details input 2 2. Companies operating in other sector should tick both. 3 3. Ownership details as per names in the share certificate or annual returns 4. When selecting more 4 than one sector, you must submit all reports pertaining to each sector

  21. • Check the Cycle period. For 1 Cycle 1 (Jan- Apr), Cycle 2 (Jan- Aug), Cycle 3 (Jan- Dec) 1 1. Number of recruitment since the beginning of the year 2. Detail breakdown of the workforce per category 2 1 2 3

  22. 1 1 1 2 1. If the job category is not available, please choose ‘Other’ . However try to ensure that the job category is aligned as per contract requirement. 2. The Qualification of the current holder  Currently in the process of streamlining the position.

  23. Drilling ing & Well l Services vices Netwo twork rk Review iew (From rom 345 to 81 Positi tion ons) s) MANAGEMENT SUPERVISORY SKILLED Accounts & Finance Manager Civil Engineer Assistant Barge Master Admin & HR Manager Driller Work k In Progres ress Barge Master Drilling Engineer Assistant Driller Assistant Rig Business Development Manager Electrical Engineer Manager CEO Field Service Engineer Marines ines Other er (Supplie lier, IT, , et etc) Chief Financial Controller HSSE Officer Banksman Camp Boss Directors Logistics Coordinator Crane Operator General Manager Maintenance Engineer HSSE Manager Derrickman Maintenance Constructio truction & Superintendent Electrician Oper erat ator ors Managing Director / Chairman / Main inten enanc ance President Mechanical Engineer Electronic Technician Offshore Installation Manager Operations Coordinator Equipment Operations Manager Operations Superintendent Operator QAQC Manager QAQC Engineer Floorman Rig Manager Sales Engineer Foreman Senior Crane Operator UNSKILLED LEGAL ADMIN Graduate Trainee Senior Derrickman Cleaner AND ACCOUNTS Junior Assistant Senior Electrician Cook Accountant Driller Senior Equipment Accounts Assistant Driver Mechanic Operator EICF Placement Admin Staff Mechanical Senior Floorman General Helper Administrator Technician Senior Mechanic HR Administrator Security Medic Senior Roustabout Steward Procurement Clerk Motorman Senior Scaffolder Procurement Officer Storekeeper Painter Senior Toolpusher Technical Assistant Radio Operator Senior Welder Rigger Toolpusher Roustabout Trainer Scaffolder Specialist Welder

  24.  All fields are numeric & no no decimal numbers are allowed. 1 Enter 0 if not applicable. 1. This data requested for this 2 section pertains to local staff. 2. Details breakdown for the recruitment made so far and since the beginning of the year 3. Breakdown number of 3 scholarship given to date and since the beginning of the year (if any)

  25. 1 2 1. Employment Spend in Brunei=100% local staff wages and benefits + 50% non local staff wages and benefits 2. Spend out of Brunei=50% non local staff wages and benefits.

  26. 1 2 1. The value of goods and services spending within the country 2. The value of goods and services spending outside the country.

  27. 1. Overseas Revenue- How much of the total company revenue coming from overseas 2. Company Revenue- Total gross income (NOT Profit) 3. Remember to press SUBMIT button if all data have been finalised in all Sections

  28. • The Data to be considered is for Cycle 2 (January to Aug 2015) . • Company revenue for the period is set at BND 10,000,000 and 100% derived from the Oil and Gas Sector in Brunei Darussalam . Approximately 4% of the Company revenue coming from Overseas. • All values should be in BND .

  29. Tenaga Shipping Sendirian Berhad ROC No. :RC/00002988 Managing Director Sub-contractor Nautical Management Personnel Services provides marine crew and Finance Director support staff. Operations Manager Corporate Manager Supervisory Technical HSSE Skilled Inspector Inspector Accounts HR LBD Executive Executive Executive Unskilled Drivers Legal, Admin & Accounts Tenaga Shipping Sdn. Bhd. is a Local company specialising in providing maritime logistics for the Oil and Gas industry. The company is 70% owned by Awang Budiman IC No. 00-012345 (Y) and 30% by Mr Lim IC No. 00-126789 (Y) , both serving as its Managing Director and Finance Director respectively. The company owns and operates one vessel, the Tenaga Suria. The company has sub- contracted Nautical Personnel Services Sdn. Bhd., a local manpower service provider to support its operations and crew the vessel . The company hopes to expand and has just recruited an HR Executive 2 months ago who is a Permanent Resident of Brunei. This also serves to increase its LBD Percentage for employment.

  30. Tenaga Shipping Sendirian Berhad Workforce Breakdown & Renumeration Position/Qualifications Local Non-Local Monthly Renumeration for Position Operations Manager 1 0 BND 5,000 (Post-Grad Degree) Corporate Manager 1 0 BND 5,000 (Degree) Technical Inspector 0 1 BND 2,500 (National Diploma) HSSE Inspector 1 0 BND 2,800 (HND) Accounts Executive 1 0 BND 1,800 (A Levels) HR Executive 1* 1 BND 1,800 (HND) LBD Executive 1 0 BND 1,800 (HND) Drivers 4 2 BND 1,000 (O-Levels) Total 10 4 BND 28,500


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