lazy abstraction with interpolants

Lazy Abstraction with Interpolants Ken McMillan (CAV06) Based on - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Lazy Abstraction with Interpolants Ken McMillan (CAV06) Based on presentation by Yakir Vizel Automatic verification, June 26, 2017 Lecture 12 Previous work develops lazy abstraction for hardware Models describe hardware

  1. Lazy Abstraction with Interpolants Ken McMillan (CAV’06) Based on presentation by Yakir Vizel Automatic verification, June 26, 2017 Lecture 12

  2. • Previous work develops lazy abstraction for hardware – Models describe hardware – Visible-variables abstraction • This work presents lazy abstraction for software – Models describe software – Kind-of predicate abstraction

  3. Modeling Programs • Programs are represented as a Control Flow Graph (CFG) • Sets of states are represented by formulas of the First Order Logic (FOL) over program variables, denoted L(S) • A transition formula is a formula in L(S U S’) – Example: x’ = x + 1 •  (n) is  at time n – variables in  are primed n times

  4. Modeling Programs • A program is a tuple (  , Δ , l i ,l f ) where –  is a finite set of program locations – Δ is a set of actions – l i is the initial location – l f is the error location (l i , l f are both in  ) • An action is a triple (l,T,m) where l,m are respectively the entry and exit locations of the action and T is a transition formula

  5. Modeling Programs • A path π of a program is a sequence of transitions of the form (l 0 ,T 0 ,l 1 ), (l 1 ,T 1 ,l 2 ), …,(l n-1 ,T n-1 ,l n ) • π is an error path if l 0 =l i and l n =l f • The unfolding U( π ) of path π is the sequence of formulas: T 0 (0) ,T 1 (1) ,…,T n-1 (n-1) (i) is shifted i time units into the future T i • A path π is feasible when  U( π ) is consistent

  6. Example do{ L=0 lock(); [L!=0] old = new; L=1; old=new if(*){ unlock(); new++; L=0; [new!=old] new++ } } while (new != old); [new==old] control-flow graph program fragment lock: set L; unlock: reset L; Initially L=0 Specification: L is always 0 on entry to lock

  7. Example do{ L=0 lock(); [L!=0] old = new; L=1; old=new if(*){ unlock(); new++; L=0; [new!=old] new++ } } while (new != old); [new==old] control-flow graph program fragment Λ U( π ) = (L=0) Λ (L’=1 Λ old’=new) Λ True Λ (new = old’) Λ U( π ) = (L=0) Λ ( L’=1 Λ old’=new) Λ (L’’=0 Λ new’ = new + 1) Λ (new’ != old’ ) Λ (L’’ != 0)

  8. Program Models • A program is safe if every error path of the program is in feasible • An inductive invariant of a program is a map F:   L(S) such that: – F(l i ) = TRUE – For every action (l,T,m) in Δ , F(l)  T implies F(m) ’ • A safety invariant of a program is an inductive invariant such that F(l f ) = FALSE • Note: Existence of a safety invariant for a program implies that the program is safe

  9. Program Unwinding • An unwinding of a program A = (  , Δ , l i , l f ) is a quadruple (V,E,M v ,M e ), where – (V,E) is a directed tree rooted at ε , – M v : V   is the vertex map, and – M e : E  Δ is the edge map such that: – M v ( ε ) = l i – For every non-leaf vertex v in V, for every action (M v (v),T,m) in Δ , there exists an edge (v,w) in E such that M v (w) = m and M e (v,w) = T

  10. Program Unwinding • For two vertices v and w of a tree, w < v denotes that w is a proper ancestor of v

  11. Unwinding the CFG • An unwinding is a tree with an embedding in the CFG M v M e 0 L=0 L=0 [L!=0] [L!=0] 2 1 L=1; old=new L=1; old=new 3 L=0; L=0; new++ [new!=old] new++ 4 8 [new==old]

  12. Expansion • Every non-leaf vertex of the unwinding must be fully expanded... If this is not a leaf... M v 0 M e L=0 L=0 ...and this exists... ...then this exists. 1 ...but we allow unexpanded leaves (i.e., we are building a finite prefix of the infinite unwinding)

  13. Program Unwinding • A labeled unwinding of a program A=(  , Δ ,l i ,l f ) is (U, ψ ,C) where – U = (V,E,M v ,M e ) is an unwinding of A – Ψ :V  L(S) is called the vertex labeling , and – C is a relation in V x V, called the covering relation • A vertex v is covered iff there exists (w,x) in C such that w ≤ v.

  14. Program Unwinding • Unwinding is safe iff for all vertices v in V, M v (v)=l f implies Ψ (v) ≡ FALSE • Unwinding is complete iff every leaf v in V is covered

  15. Labeled unwinding T 0 • A labeled unwinding is equipped L=0 F with: [L!=0] L=0 2 1 – a labeling function  : V  L (S) L=1; (T here is True) old=new 3 T – a covering relation C in V x V L=0; new++ ... L=0 4 [new!=old] [new==old] F [L!=0] L=0 T 5 6 7 ... These two nodes are covered . (have a ancestor at the tail of a covering arc)

  16. Labeled Program Unwinding • A labeled unwinding (U, ψ ,C) of a program A = (  , Δ , l i ,l f ) where U = (V,E,M v ,M e ), is well- labeled iff: – Ψ ( ε ) ≡ TRUE, and – For every edge (v,w) in E, Ψ (v)  M e (v,w) implies Ψ (w)’ , and – For all (v,w) in C, Ψ (v)  Ψ (w), and w is not covered

  17. Labeled Program Unwinding Main Theorem: If there exists a safe, complete, well-labeled unwinding of program A, then A is safe Recall: A program is safe if every error path of the program is in feasible

  18. Well-Labeled Unwinding • An unwinding is well-labeled when –  (  ) = True – every edge is a valid Hoare triple – if (x,y) in C then y is not covered T 0 L=0 F [L!=0] L=0 2 1 L=1; old=new 3 T L=0; new++ L=0 4 [new!=old] [new==old] F [L!=0] L=0 T 5 6 7

  19. Safe and Complete safe if every error vertex is labeled False complete if every non-terminal leaf is covered T 0 L=0 F [L!=0] L=0 2 1 L=1; old=new 3 T old=new L=0; new++ T old=new L=0 4 8 [new!=old] [new==old] [new!=old] T F F L=0 T [L!=0] [L!=0] T 5 9 6 7 9 10 T F ... ... Theorem: A CFG with a safe complete unwinding is safe.

  20. Why a Covered Vertex Cannot Cover? • y covers x, w covers v  y is covered (v ≤ y) – Ψ (x)  Ψ (y) • Every state reachable from x is reachable from y. – Ψ (v)  Ψ (w) • Every state reachable from v is reachable w v from w. p p • Any state reachable from y should be y x z reachable from w through its p T T descendent z. • NOT every state reachable from x is also reachable from z. • z is the only vertex that is not covered.

  21. Interpolants for Sequences • To handle program paths, a generalization of interpolant is needed • Given a sequence of formulas Γ = A 1 ,A 2 ,…,A n , we say that Ā 0 , Ā 1 ,…, Ā n is an interpolant for Γ when: – Ā 0 = TRUE and Ā n = FALSE, – For all 1 ≤ i ≤ n, Ā i-1  A i implies Ā i , and – For all 1 ≤ i ≤ n, Ā i is in L(A 1 ,…,A i ) ∩ L(A i+1 ,…,A n ) • If Γ is quantifier-free we can derive a quantifier- free interpolant for Γ (from the refutation of Γ )

  22. Interpolants for Sequences • An intuition… ... A 1 A 2 A 3 A k True False ...     Ā 1 Ā 2 Ā 3 Ā k-1 • So this is a structured refutation of A 1 ,…,A k

  23. Interpolants as Floyd-Hoare proofs True x 1 = y 0 x=y; 1. Each formula implies the next  x 1 =y 0 2. Each is over common symbols of y 1 =y 0 +1 y++; prefix and suffix  y 1 >x 1 3. Begins with true, ends with false x 1  y 1 [x=y]  False Path refinement procedure proof structured SSA Path Prover proof sequence Refinement Interpolation

  24. Lazy PA with Interpolants • Procedure Expand (v in V) if v is uncovered leaf then for all actions (M v (v),T,m) in Δ add a new vertex w to V and a new edge (v,w) to E; M v (w) = m and ψ (w) = True ; M e (v,w) = T;

  25. Lazy PA with Interpolants • Procedure Refine (v in V) if M v (v) = l f and ψ (v) != FALSE then let π = (v 0 ,T 0 ,v 1 )…(v n-1 ,T n-1 ,v n ) be the unique path from ε to v. if U( π ) has an interpolant A’ 0 ,…,A’ n then for i=0…n: let Φ = A’ i \* remove primes (-i) if ψ (v i ) does not imply Φ then remove all pairs (  ,v i ) from C set ψ (v i ) = ψ (v i )  Φ

  26. The Example do{ L=0 [L!=0] lock(); old = new; L=1; old=new if(*){ unlock(); new++; L=0; [new!=old] new++ } } while (new != old); [new==old] control-flow graph program fragment • Property: lock() is not called if the lock is already being held

  27. Unwinding the CFG T 0 L=0 L=0 [L!=0] F T L=0 T [L!=0] 2 1 L=1; old=new Label error state with false, by L=0; refining labels on path [new!=old] new++ [new==old] control-flow graph

  28. Unwinding the CFG T 0 L=0 L=0 [L!=0] F [L!=0] L=0 2 1 L=1; old=new L=1; old=new 3 T old=new L=0; L=0; new++ [new!=old] new++ T L=0 4 [new!=old] [new==old] F T [L!=0] T L=0 5 6 control-flow graph Covering: state 5 is subsumed by state 1.

  29. Unwinding the CFG T 0 L=0 L=0 [L!=0] F [L!=0] L=0 2 1 L=1; old=new L=1; old=new 3 old=new old=new L=0; L=0; new++ [new!=old] new++ T old=new L=0 4 8 [new!=old] [new==old] [new!=old] [new==old] T F F [L!=0] L=0 T [L!=0] T 5 10 6 7 9 11 T F control-flow graph Another cover. Unwinding is now complete.

  30. Covering Step • If  (x)   (y)... – add covering arc (x, y) to C – remove all (z, w) in C for w descendant of y x=y x ≤ y X We restrict covers to be descending in a suitable total order on vertices. This prevents covering from diverging.


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