larry holder school of eecs washington state university

Larry Holder School of EECS Washington State University Artificial - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Larry Holder School of EECS Washington State University Artificial Intelligence 1 } Classic AI challenge Easy to represent Difficult to solve } Perfect information (e.g., Chess, Checkers) Fully observable and deterministic }

  1. Larry Holder School of EECS Washington State University Artificial Intelligence 1

  2. } Classic AI challenge ◦ Easy to represent ◦ Difficult to solve } Perfect information (e.g., Chess, Checkers) ◦ Fully observable and deterministic } Imperfect information (e.g., Poker) } Chance (e.g., Backgammon) Artificial Intelligence 2

  3. } State space has about 3 9 = 19,683 nodes } Average branching factor about 2 } Average game length about 8 } Search tree has about 2 8 = 256 nodes Artificial Intelligence 3

  4. } MAX wants to maximize its outcome } MIN wants to minimize its outcome } Search tree refers to the search for a player’s next move } Terminal node } Utility Artificial Intelligence 4

  5. } State space about 10 40 nodes } Average branching factor about 35 } Average game length about 100 (50 moves per player) } Search tree has about 35 100 = 10 154 nodes Garry Kasparov vs. IBM’s Deep Blue (1997) Artificial Intelligence 5

  6. Artificial Intelligence 6

  7. } Minimax value ◦ Best player can achieve assuming all players play optimally ì Utility ( s ) if TerminalTe st ( s ) ï = = Minimax(s) max Minimax ( Result ( s , a )) if Player(s) MAX í Î a Actions(s) ï = min Minimax ( Result ( s , a )) if Player(s) MIN î Î a Actions(s) } Minimax decision ◦ Action that leads to minimax value Artificial Intelligence 7

  8. function M INIMAX -D ECISION ( state ) returns an action return arg max a Î ACTIONS( state ) M IN -V ALUE (R ESULT ( state,a )) function M AX -V ALUE ( state ) returns a utility value if T ERMINAL -T EST (state ) then return U TILITY (state ) v ← -∞ for each a in A CTIONS ( state ) do v ← M AX ( v , M IN -V ALUE (R ESULT (state,a ))) return v function M IN -V ALUE ( state ) returns a utility value if T ERMINAL -T EST (state ) then return U TILITY (state ) v ← ∞ for each a in A CTIONS ( state ) do v ← M IN ( v , M AX -V ALUE (R ESULT (state,a ))) return v Artificial Intelligence 8

  9. } science-game-trees.html Artificial Intelligence 9

  10. } Essentially depth-first search of game tree } Time complexity: O(b m ) ◦ m = maximum tree depth ◦ b = legal moves at each state } Space complexity ◦ Generates all actions: O(bm) ◦ Generates one action: O(m) } Practical? Artificial Intelligence 10

  11. Artificial Intelligence 11

  12. } Prune parts of the search tree that MAX and MIN would never choose } a = value of best choice for MAX so far (highest value) } b = value of best choice for MIN so far (lowest value) } Keep track of alpha a and If m > n, Player will beta b during search never move to n. Artificial Intelligence 12

  13. function A LPHA -B ETA -S EARCH ( state ) returns an action v ← M AX -V ALUE ( state, -∞, +∞) return the action in A CTIONS ( state ) with value v function M AX -V ALUE ( state, α, β ) returns a utility value if T ERMINAL -T EST (state ) then return U TILITY (state ) v ← -∞ for each a in A CTIONS ( state ) do v ← M AX ( v , M IN -V ALUE (R ESULT (state,a ), α, β )) if v ≥ β then return v α ← M AX ( α, v) function M IN -V ALUE ( state, α, β ) returns a utility value return v if T ERMINAL -T EST (state ) then return U TILITY (state ) v ← +∞ for each a in A CTIONS ( state ) do v ← M IN ( v , M AX -V ALUE (R ESULT (state,a ), α, β )) if v ≤ α then return v β ← M IN ( β, v) return v Artificial Intelligence 13

  14. } science-game-trees.html Artificial Intelligence 14

  15. } A LPHA -B ETA -S EARCH still O(b m ) worst case } If order moves by value, then could prune maximally (always choose best move next) ◦ Achieve O(b m/2 ) time ◦ Branching factor b 1/2 ◦ Chess: 35 à 6 ◦ But not practical } Choosing moves randomly ◦ Achieve O(b 3m/4 ) average case } Choosing moves based on impact ◦ E.g., chess: captures, threats, forward, backward ◦ Closer to O(b m/2 ) Artificial Intelligence 15

  16. } Minimax and Alpha-Beta search to terminal nodes } Impractical for most games due to time limits } Employ cutoff test to treat nodes as terminal nodes } Heuristic evaluation function at these nodes to estimate utility } d = depth = H - Minimax( s,d ) ì Eval ( s ) if CutoffTest ( s , d ) ï + = max H - Minimax ( Result ( s , a ), d 1 ) if Player(s) MAX í Î a Actions(s) ï + = min H - Minimax ( Result ( s , a ), d 1 ) if Player(s) MIN î Î a Actions(s) Artificial Intelligence 16

  17. } Cutoff test ◦ Depth-limit, iterative deepening until time’s up } Heuristic evaluation function E VAL (s) ◦ Weighted combination of features n å = Eval ( s ) w f ( s ) i i = i 1 – E.g., chess – f 1 (s) = #pawns, w 1 = 1 – f 4 (s) = #bishops, w 4 = 3 ◦ Learn weights ◦ Learn features Artificial Intelligence 17

  18. } State space about 10 170 nodes } Average branching factor about 250 } Average game length about 200 (100 moves per player) } Search tree has about 250 200 = 10 480 nodes Lee Sodol vs. Google DeepMind’s AlphaGo (2016) Artificial Intelligence 18

  19. } Element of chance (e.g., dice roll) } Include chance nodes in game tree ◦ Branch to possible outcomes with their probabilities Artificial Intelligence 19

  20. } Can’t compute minimax values } Can compute expected minimax values = ExpectiMin imax( s ) ì Utility ( s ) if TerminalTe st ( s ) ï = max ExpectiMin imax ( Result ( s , a )) if Player(s) MAX ï Î a Actions(s) í = min ExpectiMin imax ( Result ( s , a )) if Player(s) MIN ï Î a Actions(s) å ï = P ( r ) ExpectiMin imax ( Result ( s , r )) if Player(s) CHANCE î r ◦ r represents possible chance event (e.g., dice roll) ◦ Result(s,r) = state s with a particular outcome r Artificial Intelligence 20

  21. } Chance nodes increase branching factor } Search time complexity O(b m n m ) ◦ Where n is the number of chance outcomes ◦ E.g., backgammon: n = 21, b ≈ 20 (can be large) ◦ Can only search a few moves ahead } Estimate ExpectiMinimax values Artificial Intelligence 21

  22. } Can reason about all possible states of unknown information } If P(s) represents probability of each unknown state s, then best move is: å arg max P ( s ) Minimax ( Result ( s , a )) a s } If |s| too large, take a random sample ◦ Monte Carlo method Artificial Intelligence 22

  23. } Checkers (solved, perfect play) ◦ Chinook ( ◦ Open/close database plus brute-force search } Chess ◦ Komodo ( – proprietary ◦ Stockfish ( – open source } Go ◦ AlphaGo ( ◦ Zen ( } Backgammon ◦ Extreme Gammon ( ◦ GNU Backgammon ( ◦ Neural network based evaluation function } Poker ◦ DeepStack ( ◦ Pluribus ( to-beat-pros-in-6-player-poker) Artificial Intelligence 23

  24. } First-person shooter (FPS) games ◦ DeepMind’s “For-The-Win” (FTW) Quake III agent ◦ science Artificial Intelligence 24

  25. } Real-Time Strategy (RTS) games ◦ DeepMind’s AlphaStar masters StarCraft Artificial Intelligence 25

  26. } Role-playing games (RPG/MMORPG) } Neuro MMO ◦ Artificial Intelligence 26

  27. } Adversarial search and games } Minimax search } Alpha-beta pruning } Real-time issues } Stochastic and partially observable games } State of the art … Are there any games that humans can still beat computers? Artificial Intelligence 27


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