large scale complex network analysis using large scale

Large Scale Complex Network Analysis using Large Scale Complex - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Large Scale Complex Network Analysis using Large Scale Complex Network Analysis using the Hybrid Combination of a the Hybrid Combination of a MapReduce Cluster and MapReduce Cluster and a Highly Multithreaded System a Highly Multithreaded

  1. Large Scale Complex Network Analysis using Large Scale Complex Network Analysis using the Hybrid Combination of a the Hybrid Combination of a MapReduce Cluster and MapReduce Cluster and a Highly Multithreaded System a Highly Multithreaded System Seunghwa Kang David A. Bader 1

  2. A Challenge Problem a b=0.1 • Extracting a subgraph from a larger a=0.55 graph. c d - The input graph: An R-MAT* graph (undirected, unweighted) with approx. c=0.1 d=0.25 4.29 billion vertices and 275 billion edges (7.4 TB in text format). - Extract subnetworks that cover 10%, 5%, and 2% of the vertices. • Finding a single-pair shortest path (for up to 30 pairs). * D. Chakrabarti, Y. Zhan, and C. Faloutsos, “R-MAT: A recursive model for Source: Seokhee Hong graph mining,” SIAM Int’l Conf. on Data Mining (SDM), 2004. 2

  3. Presentation Outline • Justify the challenge problem. • Solve the problem using three different systems: A MapReduce cluster, a highly multithreaded system, and the hybrid system. • Show the effectiveness of the hybrid system by - Algorithm level analyses - System level analyses - Experimental results 3

  4. Highlights A MapReduce cluster A highly A hybrid system multithreaded of the two system W MapReduce (n) ≈ θ (T * (n)) Theory Graph extraction: Work optimal Effective if W MapReduce (n) > θ (T * (n)) level |T hmt - T MapReduce | analysis Shortest path: > n / BW inter System Bisection bandwidth and Limited aggregate BW inter is level disk I/O overhead computing power, important. analysis disk capacity, and I/O bandwidth Experi- Five orders of magnitude Incapable of storing Efficient in ments slower than the highly the input graph solving the multithreaded system in challenge finding a shortest path problem. 4

  5. Various Complex Networks • Friendship network • Citation network • Web-link graph Source: • Collaboration network Source: Source: 5

  6. Extracting a graph representation from raw data “Explore over 5,226,317 papers, 90,930 were added last week.” � Need to filter large volumes of raw data (papers) to extract a graph. Source: 6

  7. Analyzing an extracted graph Even with the optimal partitioning, a large fraction of the links crosses partition boundaries. 7

  8. A Hybrid System to Address the Distinct Computational Challenges A highly 1. graph extraction multithreaded 2. graph system analysis A MapReduce cluster queries 8

  9. The MapReduce Programming Model map sort reduce • Scans the entire input data in the map map sort reduce phase. map sort reduce • # MapReduce map sort reduce iterations = the Input Intermediate Output Sorted depth of a directed data data data intermediate data acyclic graph (DAG) Depth 1 A[0] A[1] A[2] A[3] A[4] A[5] A[6] A[7] for MapReduce computation 2 A’[0] A’[1] A’[2] A’[3] A’[4] 3 A’’[0] A’’[1] A’’[2] A’’[3] A’’[4] 9

  10. Evaluating the efficiency of • W MapReduce = Σ i = 1 to k ( O( n i •(1 + f i •( 1+ r i ) ) + MapReduce Algorithms p r •Sort( n i f i / p r ) ) - k: # MapReduce iterations. - n i : the input data size for the ith iteration. - f i : map output size / map input size - r i : reduce output size / reduce input size. - p r : # reducers - k = 1 and f i << 1 � W MapReduce (n) ≈ θ (T * (n)), T * (n): the time • Extracting a subgraph complexity of the best sequential algorithm - k = ┌ d/2 ┐ , f i ≈ 1 � W MapReduce (n) > θ (T*(n)) • Finding a single-pair shortest path 10

  11. A single-pair shortest path Source: 11

  12. Bisection Bandwidth Requirements for a MapReduce Cluster • The shuffle phase, which requires inter-node communication, can be overlapped with the map phase. • If T map > T shuffle , T shuffle does not affect the overall execution time. - T map scales trivially. - To scale T shuffle linearly, bisection bandwidth also needs to scale in proportion to a number of nodes. Yet, the cost to linearly scale bisection bandwidth increases super- linearly. - If f ≈ 1, it increases the overall execution time. - If f << 1, the sub-linear scaling of T shuffle does not increase the overall execution time. 12

  13. Disk I/O overhead • Disk I/O overhead is unavoidable if the size of data overflows the main memory capacity. • Raw data can be very large. - The Facebook network: 400 million users × 130 friends • Extracted graphs are much smaller. per user � less than 256 GB using the sparse representation. 1 2 7 6 2 1 3 4 5 7 3 2 6 3 4 4 2 1 5 2 7 7 6 3 2 5 7 1 2 5 13

  14. A Highly Multithreaded System w/ the Shared Memory Programming Model Sun Fire T2000 (Niagara) • Provide a random access mechanism. • In SMPs, non-contiguous accesses are expensive.* Source: Sun Microsystems Cray XMT • Multithreading tolerates memory access latency.+ • There is a work optimal parallel algorithm to find a single-pair shortest path. Source: Cray * D. R. Helman and J. Ja’Ja’, “Prefix computations on symmetric multiprocessors,” J. of parallel and distributed computing, 61(2), 2001. + D. A. Bader, V. Kanade, and K. Madduri, “SWARM: A parallel programming framework for multi-core processors,” Workshop on Multithreaded Architectures and Applications, 2007. 14

  15. A single-pair shortest path Source: 15

  16. Low Latency High Bisection Bandwidth Interconnection Network • Latency increases as the size of a system increases. - A larger number of threads and additional parallelism are required as latency increases. • Network cost to linearly scale bisection bandwidth increases super-linearly. - But not too expensive for a small number of nodes. • These limit the size of a system. - Reveal limitations in extracting a subgraph from a very large graph. 16

  17. The Time Complexity of an • T hybrid = Σ i = 1 to k min( T i, MapReduce + Δ , T i, hmt + Δ ) Algorithm on the Hybrid System - k: # steps - T i, MapReduce and T i, hmt : time complexities of the i th step on a - Δ : n i / BW inter ×δ ( i – 1, i ), MapReduce cluster and a highly multithreaded system, respectively. - n i : the input data size for the i th step. - δ ( i – 1, i ): 0 if selected platforms for the i - 1 th and i th - BW inter : the bandwidth between a MapReduce cluster and a highly multithreaded system. steps are same. 1, otherwise. 17

  18. Test Platforms • A MapReduce cluster - 4 nodes Source: - 4 dual core 2.4 GHz Opteron processors and 8 GB main memory Sun Fire T2000 (Niagara) per node. - 96 disks (1 TB per disk). • A highly multithreaded system - A single socket UltraSparc T2 1.2 GHz processor (8 core, 64 threads). - 32 GB main memory. Source: Sun Microsystems - 2 disks (145 GB per disk) • A hybrid system of the two 18

  19. A subgraph that covers 10% of the input graph 140 MapReduce cluster MapReduce Hybrid 120 Hybrid system Execution time (hours) Subgraph 24 24 100 extraction 80 Memory - 0.83 60 loading 40 Finding a 103 0.000 shortest path 73 20 (for 30 pairs) 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 Num. pairs Once the subgraph is loaded into the memory, the hybrid system analyzes the subgraph five orders of magnitude faster than the MapReduce cluster (103 hours vs 2.6 seconds). 19

  20. Subgraphs that cover 5% (left) and 2% (right) of the input graph 100 100 MapReduce cluster MapReduce cluster Hybrid system Hybrid system Execution time (hours) Execution time (hours) 80 80 60 60 40 40 20 20 0 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 Num. pairs Num. pairs MapReduce Hybrid MapReduce Hybrid Subgraph 22 22 Subgraph 21 21 extraction extraction Memory - 0.42 Memory - 0.038 loading loading Finding a 61 0.00047 Finding a 5.2 0.00019 shortest path shortest path (for 30 pairs) (for 30 pairs) 20

  21. Conclusions • Performance and programmability are highly correlated with the match between a workload’s computational requirements and a programming model and an architecture. • Our hybrid system is effective in addressing the distinct computational challenges in large scale complex network analysis. 21

  22. Acknowledgment of Support 22


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