land conservation

LAND CONSERVATION An Overview of 3 Plans Green Plan 2016-2020 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

LAND CONSERVATION An Overview of 3 Plans Green Plan 2016-2020 Green Plan Finalized in 2016, 158 pages Goal of Conserving 21% of Connecticuts land base as open space by 2023 ; about half the acquisitions by the State and half by its

  1. LAND CONSERVATION An Overview of 3 Plans

  2. Green Plan

  3. 2016-2020 Green Plan • Finalized in 2016, 158 pages • Goal of Conserving 21% of Connecticut’s land base as open space by 2023 ; about half the acquisitions by the State and half by its Partners • Narrowly Focused on the Benefits of Land Conservation

  4. GREAT LANGUAGE! “This investment will secure the future of Connecticut’s natural heritage, its rural landscape, its abundance of recreational resources, its high-quality waters, and its strong communities.” Build Public Support for Open Space Climate�change�resiliency Build Partnerships Improve Open Space Data Optimize State Acquisitions Strategies for Preserving in Perpetuity State Lands of High Conservation Value

  5. Page 1

  6. (Draft) Plan of Conservation & Development

  7. Plan of conservation & DEVELOPMENT • 42 pages • Organized around 6 Growth Management Principles • “Priority Funding Areas” are where funding goes (duh!) • Balanced? Anti-sprawl principles, but… • Comments Due October 16, 2017 (10 days from now)

  8. Organized around 6 “Growth Management Principles” 1. Redevelop & Revitalize Regional Centers 2. Expand Housing Opportunities 3. Concentrate Development Around Major Transportation Corridors Good Principles, but not directly related to Land Conservation

  9. GROWTH MANAGEMENT PRINCIPLE #4 Conserve and Restore the Natural Environment, Cultural and Historical Resources, and Traditional Rural Lands Yay! Finally something about Conservation! Recognizes natural land and role it plays in water resources. Calls for investment in preservation & maintenance of “Multi- functional land” Language should be stronger. “seek to avoid”, “minimize” leaves loopholes for unwise actions.

  10. GROWTH MANAGEMENT PRINCIPLE #4 (cont) 4.16 Protect the ecological, scenic and recreational values of lakes, rivers and streams by promoting compatible land uses and management practices in the vicinity of these resources; OK? Interpretation by a developer would be very different from a land trust.

  11. GROWTH MANAGEMENT PRINCIPLE #4 (cont) 4.17 Protect, maintain and restore the chemical, physical, and biological integrity of surface waters to ensure that existing and designated uses are maintained; Good, but what about ground water?

  12. GROWTH MANAGEMENT PRINCIPLE #5 Protect and Ensure the Integrity of Environmental Assets Critical to Public Health and Safety Yes, the recommendations are good in this principle; habitat preservation and conservation viewed as beneficial for human health.

  13. GROWTH MANAGEMENT PRINCIPLE #6 Promote Integrated Planning across all Levels of Government to Address Issues on a Statewide, Regional, and Local Basis Integrated Planning is good, but no mechanism for constant reminders about protecting land and water resources.

  14. Priority Funding Areas • Digital map • Based on census blocks • Development Funding goes to Priority Funding Areas • No funding for Conservation? • Standing Legislative Committee on Planning & Dev can make changes?

  15. Balanced Priority Funding Areas meet the criteria of both Priority Funding • Areas and Conservation Areas. State agencies that propose certain actions in these areas must provide balanced consideration of all factors in determining the extent to which it is consistent with the policies of the State C&D Plan. For example, a state-sponsored growth-related project (e.g., business expansion) proposed in a Balanced Priority Funding Area that is also characterized as a Drinking Water Supply Watershed would need to consider the integrity of the drinking water supply in determining the consistency of its proposed action. In such cases, the sponsoring state agency shall consult with the appropriate resource consultation agency or agencies (see below chart) to resolve any potential policy conflicts. This seems to suggest that a business expansion could be considered in a Drinking Water Supply Watershed? As long as the priorities are “balanced”?

  16. (Draft) Water Plan

  17. Draft Water Plan • First state water plan • 612 pages long • most comprehensive review of CT’s water resources to date • Goal: “Balance use of water to meet all needs”

  18. Land Conservation • Importance noted in Exec Summary and of many parts of text (e.g. Pg 2-1). • “Ultimately, water and land management policies are intrinsically linked in CT; some water management policies and programs affect land management, and some land management policies and programs affect water management.”

  19. Stay tuned…. Looking also where land conservation isn’t mentioned, but should. Example: Section 6.6 Funding Needs and Strategies Need for funds to achieve Green Plan goals isn’t mentioned.


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