lamina cribrosa or lamina cribrosa or

Lamina cribrosa = # # # or Lamina cribrosa = # # # or - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

R ECORDING OF OBSERVATIONS Cup and Disc margins: Distinct and clearly defined = __________ Indistinct and not clearly defined = _ _ _ _ _ Undermined / beanpotting =

  1. � ��� � ����������

  2. R ECORDING OF OBSERVATIONS � Cup and Disc margins: � Distinct and clearly defined = __________ � Indistinct and not clearly defined = _ _ _ _ _ � Undermined / beanpotting = ════════ Lamina cribrosa = # # # or ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ Lamina cribrosa = # # # or ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ � � Sloping margins = radial lines within cup � Crescents: � � Drawn on location and reflect size � Should “tag” crescent and comment on whether it is pigment, choroidal or scleral and colour if necessary �

  3. A BNORMALITIES AND VARIATIONS � Draw and “tag” all variations and abnormalities e.g. exudates or haemorrhages � Comment on colour � No bloodvessels to be drawn except if it is abnormal or a normal variation abnormal or a normal variation � Normal variations: � Cilioretinal artery � Circumlinear / circumlimbal vessel


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