labs 4 apis api i lab 1

Labs #4 APIs API I Lab #1 Previously, rendering of Guestbook done - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Labs #4 APIs API I Lab #1 Previously, rendering of Guestbook done in Flask with Jinja templates returning HTML Recall, client-side rendering approaches Front-end UI code completely on browser (e.g. client-side rendering) Back-end

  1. Cloud ud Translat anslate e via a Pyth thon on  Install Cloud Translate package pip3 install --upgrade google-cloud-translate --user  Go to Translate cloud-client code cd ~/python-docs-samples/translate/cloud-client  Examine code Portland State University CS 430P/530 Internet, Web & Cloud Systems

  2.  Run on the text string and show output python3 translate-text en ' 你有沒有帶外套 ' Portland State University CS 430P/530 Internet, Web & Cloud Systems

  3. Cloud ud Natural tural Lang nguage uage via Python thon  Install Cloud Natural Language package pip3 install --upgrade google-cloud-language --user  Go to Natural Language cloud-client code cd ~/python-docs-samples/language/cloud-client/v1 Portland State University CS 430P/530 Internet, Web & Cloud Systems

  4.  Examine code for entity analysis Portland State University CS 430P/530 Internet, Web & Cloud Systems

  5.  Examine code for sentiment analysis Portland State University CS 430P/530 Internet, Web & Cloud Systems

  6.  Run the entities-text function in and show output python entities-text  Edit the string used in sentiment_text() and run the script using the following strings and show how the sentiment score varies each time python sentiment-text text = 'homework is awful!' text = 'homework is awesome?' text = 'homework is awesome.' text = 'homework is awesome!' Portland State University CS 430P/530 Internet, Web & Cloud Systems

  7. Integration egration  See if words in a recording describe an object in an image  Previous calls modified to return results as text (vs. print)  Audio transcription to translation to NLP to obtain entities  Image analysis to obtain labels  Comparison to determine match In foreign language Portland State University CS 430P/530 Internet, Web & Cloud Systems

  8. Setup etup  Clone the repository git clone  In the repository, edit to use older translate version  Replace from import translate  With from import translate_v2 as translate Portland State University CS 430P/530 Internet, Web & Cloud Systems

  9.  tr-TR speech samples:  de-DE speech samples:  gs://ml-api-codelab/tr-ball.wav  gs://ml-api-codelab/de-ball.wav  gs://ml-api-codelab/de-bike.wav  gs://ml-api-codelab/tr-bike.wav  gs://ml-api-codelab/de-jacket.wav  gs://ml-api-codelab/tr-jacket.wav  gs://ml-api-codelab/tr-ostrich.wav  gs://ml-api-codelab/de-ostrich.wav Portland State University CS 430P/530 Internet, Web & Cloud Systems

  10. Integration egration  See code for mods to transcribe_gcs() (Speech), translate_text() (Translate), entities_text() (Natural Language) and detect_labels_uri() (Vision) Portland State University CS 430P/530 Internet, Web & Cloud Systems

  11. ML APIs Is Lab #1  Run at least 3 pairs other than the one given in the walk-through python3 tr-TR gs://ml-api-codelab/tr-ball.wav gs://ml- api-codelab/football.jpg  Integrating Machine Learning APIs (25 min)  Portland State University CS 430P/530 Internet, Web & Cloud Systems

  12. ML APIs Is Lab #2  Using the (rest of the) Vision API with Python (8 min)  Optical Character Recognition (OCR) (text detection)  Landmark detection  Sentiment analysis (face detection) Portland State University CS 430P/530 Internet, Web & Cloud Systems

  13. Setup etup  Skip Steps 2, 3, and 4. (Re-use setup from ML API Lab #1)  Copy image files into your own bucket gsutil cp gs://cloud-vision-codelab/otter_crossing.jpg gs://$DEVSHELL_PROJECT_ID gsutil cp gs://cloud-vision-codelab/eiffel_tower.jpg gs://$DEVSHELL_PROJECT_ID gsutil cp gs://cloud-vision-codelab/face_surprise.jpg gs://$DEVSHELL_PROJECT_ID gsutil cp gs://cloud-vision-codelab/face_no_surprise.png gs://$DEVSHELL_PROJECT_ID  For the rest of the examples, my project ID is used in the gs:// URIs, use yours instead $ echo $DEVSHELL_PROJECT_ID cs410c-wuchang-201515 Portland State University CS 430P/530 Internet, Web & Cloud Systems

  14.  Make bucket publicly readable via console UI by giving allUsers the Storage Object Viewer role  Portland State University CS 430P/530 Internet, Web & Cloud Systems

  15. Launch unch interactiv eractive e ipython for lab wuchang@cloudshell:~ (cs430-wuchang-201515)$ ipython … … … In [1]:  Show full image of the Otter Crossing sign via your bucket  Then use Vision's text_detection() to perform an OCR operation on a picture of the sign (substitute your bucket name in the gs:// URL) from import vision from import types client = vision.ImageAnnotatorClient() image = vision.types.Image() image.source.image_uri = 'gs://cs430-wuchang-201515/otter_crossing.jpg' resp = client.text_detection(image=image) print('\n'.join([d.description for d in resp.text_annotations])) Portland State University CS 430P/530 Internet, Web & Cloud Systems

  16.  Show full Eiffel Tower image in your bucket  Then use Vision's landmark_detection() to identify it of famous places (substitute your bucket name in the gs:// URL) from import vision from import types client = vision.ImageAnnotatorClient() image = vision.types.Image() image.source.image_uri = 'gs://cs430-wuchang-201515/eiffel_tower.jpg' resp = client.landmark_detection(image=image) print(resp.landmark_annotations) Portland State University CS 430P/530 Internet, Web & Cloud Systems

  17.  Show the two face images in your bucket  Then use Vision's face_detection() to annotate images (substitute your bucket name in the gs:// URL)  See the likelihood of the faces showing surprise from import vision from import types client = vision.ImageAnnotatorClient() image = vision.types.Image() likelihood_name = ('UNKNOWN', 'VERY_UNLIKELY', 'UNLIKELY', 'POSSIBLE', 'LIKELY', 'VERY_LIKELY') for pic in ('face_surprise.jpg', 'face_no_surprise.png'): image.source.image_uri = 'gs://cs430-wuchang-201515/'+pic resp = client.face_detection(image=image) faces = resp.face_annotations for face in faces: print(pic + ': surprise: {}'.format(likelihood_name[face.surprise_likelihood])) Portland State University CS 430P/530 Internet, Web & Cloud Systems

  18. ML APIs Is Lab #2  Using the Vision API with Python (8 min)  python Portland State University CS 430P/530 Internet, Web & Cloud Systems

  19. ML APIs Is Lab #3  Video Intelligence API (20 min)  Ensure API is enabled in the API Library Portland State University CS 430P/530 Internet, Web & Cloud Systems

  20. Setup etup cred eden entials tials in Cloud ud Shell ell  In Cloud Shell, create a service account named videolab gcloud iam service-accounts create videolab --display-name "Video Lab"  Create a policy that specifies a role of project viewer and attach it to the service account created in the previous step gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding ${DEVSHELL_PROJECT_ID} -- member=serviceAccount:videolab@${DEVSHELL_PROJECT_ID}.iam.gserviceaccou --role roles/viewer  Create and download a service account key in JSON for applications to use in order to take on roles associated with service accounts gcloud iam service-accounts keys create /home/${USER}/videolab.json -- iam-account videolab@${DEVSHELL_PROJECT_ID}  Set local environment variable that points to file in previous step  Python script will access credentials via this environment variable and file export GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS="/home/${USER}/videolab.json" Portland State University CS 430P/530 Internet, Web & Cloud Systems

  21. Cloud ud Video eo Intelligence elligence  Video labeling code cd ~/python-docs-samples/video/cloud-client/labels  Labeling function analyze_labels()  Create client and set features to extract  Call annotate_video with storage location of video  Get result of annotation (allow 90 seconds) # python gs://cloud-ml-sandbox/video/chicago.mp4 import argparse from import videointelligence def analyze_labels(path): video_client = videointelligence.VideoIntelligenceServiceClient() features = [videointelligence.enums.Feature.LABEL_DETECTION] operation = video_client.annotate_video(path, features=features) print('\nProcessing video for label annotations:') result = operation.result(timeout=90) print('\nFinished processing.') Portland State University CS 430P/530 Internet, Web & Cloud Systems

  22.  analyze_labels()  Go through labels returned in JSON  Cycle through labels and print each entity in video and each entity's category  For each entity, output times in video and confidence in detection # first result is retrieved because a single video was processed segment_labels = result.annotation_results[0].segment_label_annotations for i, segment_label in enumerate(segment_labels): print('Video label description: {} '.format(segment_label.entity.description)) for category_entity in segment_label.category_entities: print('\tLabel category description: {} '.format( category_entity.description)) for i, segment in enumerate(segment_label.segments): start_time = (segment.segment.start_time_offset.seconds + segment.segment.start_time_offset.nanos / 1e9) end_time = (segment.segment.end_time_offset.seconds + segment.segment.end_time_offset.nanos / 1e9) positions = ' {} s to {} s'.format(start_time, end_time) confidence = segment.confidence print('\tSegment {} : {} '.format(i, positions)) print('\tConfidence: {} '.format(confidence)) print('\n') Portland State University CS 430P/530 Internet, Web & Cloud Systems

  23.  Setup environment and install packages to run code virtualenv -p python3 env source env/bin/activate pip install -r requirements.txt  Copy the video to a storage bucket  Video from  Also at curl | gsutil -h "Content-Type:video/mp4" cp - gs://<BUCKET_NAME>/SportsBloopers2016.mp4 Portland State University CS 430P/530 Internet, Web & Cloud Systems

  24.  Run the code to perform the analysis $ python gs://cs410c-wuchang-201515/SportsBloopers2016.mp4 Processing video for label annotations: Finished processing. Video label description: hockey Label category description: sports Segment 0: 0.0s to 178.9788s Confidence: 0.837484955788 Video label description: sports Segment 0: 0.0s to 178.9788s Confidence: 0.927089214325 Portland State University CS 430P/530 Internet, Web & Cloud Systems

  25.  Watch video and answer the following questions  Which sports did the API properly identify?  Which sports did the API fail to identify?  Upload a short (< 2 min) video of your own to a Cloud Storage bucket and run the label script on it  You can find one on YouTube then use this site to pull it out as an mp4 that can be uploaded to your bucket   Ensure the file in the bucket is publicly readable as before via command-line or web UI  See ML APIs Lab #2   Note: if you get a permissions error, you may need to restart Cloud Shell  Answer the following questions  Show an example of a properly identified entity in your video  Show an example of a missed or misclassified entity in your video Portland State University CS 430P/530 Internet, Web & Cloud Systems

  26. Op Opti tional onal (FY FYI)  If you wish to explore more (for example, as a final project), see for examples for detecting explicit content in video and labeling shots within a video  shots breaks clips into parts based on camera shots  explicit_content detects adult material $ cd ~/python-docs-samples/video/cloud-client/analyze # python labels gs://cloud-ml-sandbox/video/chicago.mp4 # python labels_file resources/cat.mp4 # python shots gs://demomaker/gbikes_dinosaur.mp4 # python explicit_content gs://demomaker/gbikes_dinosaur.mp4 Portland State University CS 430P/530 Internet, Web & Cloud Systems

  27. ML APIs Is Lab #3  Clean-up rm /home/${USER}/videolab.json gcloud iam service-accounts delete videolab@${DEVSHELL_PROJECT_ID} gcloud projects remove-iam-policy-binding ${DEVSHELL_PROJECT_ID} -- member=serviceAccount:videolab@${DEVSHELL_PROJECT_ID}.iam.gserv --role=roles/viewer  Video Intelligence API (20 min) Portland State University CS 430P/530 Internet, Web & Cloud Systems

  28. ML APIs Is Lab #4  Deploying a Python Flask Web Application to App Engine (24 min)  Note that the codelab link has you deploy using the flexible environment which is not needed, and is more expensive  We will modify app.yaml to run on standard  Skip steps 2, 3, and 5  Do Step 4 In Cloud Shell cd python-docs-samples/codelabs/flex_and_vision Portland State University CS 430P/530 Internet, Web & Cloud Systems

  29.  Enable APIs (already done most likely) gcloud services enable gcloud services enable gcloud services enable  Create service account for the lab gcloud iam service-accounts create flexvisionlab --display- name "Flex Vision Lab"  Create a policy and attach it to service account to allow access to view and store objects in buckets from application gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding ${DEVSHELL_PROJECT_ID} -- member serviceAccount:flexvisionlab@${DEVSHELL_PROJECT_ID}.iam.gserviceacco --role roles/storage.admin Portland State University CS 430P/530 Internet, Web & Cloud Systems

  30.  Create a policy and attach it to service account to allow access to Cloud Datastore from application gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding ${DEVSHELL_PROJECT_ID} -- member serviceAccount:flexvisionlab@${DEVSHELL_PROJECT_ID}.iam.gserviceacco --role roles/datastore.user  In IAM, view the roles that have been attached to this service account in the web UI to ensure the roles have been enabled before issuing a key  Create a JSON key file used by application to authenticate itself as the service account gcloud iam service-accounts keys create /home/${USER}/flexvisionlab.json --iam-account flexvisionlab@${DEVSHELL_PROJECT_ID}  Set your GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS environment variable to point application to the key export GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS="/home/${USER}/flexvisionlab.json" Portland State University CS 430P/530 Internet, Web & Cloud Systems

  31.  Set the location of the Cloud Storage bucket for the app's images via an environment variable  If you have deleted your gs://${DEVSHELL_PROJECT_ID} bucket, create it again gsutil mb gs://${DEVSHELL_PROJECT_ID}  Then set the environment variable to point to it export CLOUD_STORAGE_BUCKET=${DEVSHELL_PROJECT_ID} Portland State University CS 430P/530 Internet, Web & Cloud Systems

  32.  Create python3 environment to test locally virtualenv -p python3 env source env/bin/activate pip install -r requirements.txt  Run the app on the dev server  Note: If you get an error, exit the application and wait for IAM credentials to fully propagate python Portland State University CS 430P/530 Internet, Web & Cloud Systems

  33.  Test the app via the web preview or clicking on the link returned by python (  Upload a photo to detect joy in faces Portland State University CS 430P/530 Internet, Web & Cloud Systems

  34. Code e for def efault ault rout ute @app.route('/') def homepage(): # Create a Cloud Datastore client. datastore_client = datastore.Client() # Use the Cloud Datastore client to fetch # information from Datastore about each photo query = datastore_client.query(kind='Faces') image_entities = list(query.fetch()) # Pass image_entities to Jinja2 template to render return render_template('homepage.html', image_entities=image_entities) Portland State University CS 430P/530 Internet, Web & Cloud Systems

  35. upload_photo()  Code for uploading new images from import datastore from import storage from import vision CLOUD_STORAGE_BUCKET = os.environ.get('CLOUD_STORAGE_BUCKET') @app.route('/upload_photo', methods=['GET', 'POST']) def upload_photo(): photo = request.files['file'] # File from form submission storage_client = storage.Client() # Create storage client. # Get bucket bucket = storage_client.get_bucket(CLOUD_STORAGE_BUCKET) # Create blob to store uploaded content then upload content to it blob = bucket.blob(photo.filename) blob.upload_from_string(, content_type=photo.content_type) # Make blob publicly available blob.make_public() Portland State University CS 430P/530 Internet, Web & Cloud Systems

  36.  Code for getting face annotations from Vision API # Create a Cloud Vision client. vision_client = vision.ImageAnnotatorClient() # Use the Cloud Vision client to detect a face for our image. source_uri = 'gs://{}/{}'.format(CLOUD_STORAGE_BUCKET, image = vision.types.Image( source=vision.types.ImageSource(gcs_image_uri=source_uri)) faces = vision_client.face_detection(image).face_annotations # If face detected, store likelihood that the face # displays 'joy' based on Vision's annotations if len(faces) > 0: face = faces[0] # Convert the likelihood string. likelihoods = [ 'Unknown', 'Very Unlikely', 'Unlikely', 'Possible', 'Likely', 'Very Likely'] face_joy = likelihoods[face.joy_likelihood] else: face_joy = 'Unknown' Portland State University CS 430P/530 Internet, Web & Cloud Systems

  37.  Code to insert entry into Datastore (including a link to the file in cloud storage) datastore_client = datastore.Client() # Create datastore client. current_datetime = # Fetch current date / time. kind = 'Faces' # Set kind for new entity. name = # Set name/ID for new entity. # Create the Cloud Datastore key for the new entity. key = datastore_client.key(kind, name) # Construct the new entity using the key as a dictionary # including "face_joy" label from Cloud Vision face detection entity = datastore.Entity(key) entity['blob_name'] = entity['image_public_url'] = blob.public_url entity['timestamp'] = current_datetime entity['joy'] = face_joy # Save the new entity to Datastore. datastore_client.put(entity) return redirect('/') Portland State University CS 430P/530 Internet, Web & Cloud Systems

  38. App pp En Engi gine ne conf nfig iguration uration  Modify app.yaml (use standard environment with 1 f1-micro , configure storage bucket) #runtime: python #env: flex runtime : python37 env : standard entrypoint : gunicorn -b :$PORT main:app runtime_config: python_version : 3 env_variables: CLOUD_STORAGE_BUCKET : <YOUR_STORAGE_BUCKET > # CLOUD_STORAGE_BUCKET: cs410c-wuchang-201515 manual_scaling: instances : 1 resources: cpu : 1 memory_gb : 0.5 disk_size_gb : 10 Portland State University CS 430P/530 Internet, Web & Cloud Systems

  39. De Deplo ploy y app pp  Deactivate development environment deactivate  Deploy gcloud app deploy  Note the custom container built and pushed into to support the flexible environment's deployment onto App Engine  Show application running at  https://<PROJECT_ID> Portland State University CS 430P/530 Internet, Web & Cloud Systems

  40. ML APIs Is Lab #4  Cleanup rm /home/${USER}/flexvisionlab.json gcloud projects remove-iam-policy-binding ${DEVSHELL_PROJECT_ID} -- member=serviceAccount:flexvisionlab@${DEVSHELL_PROJECT_ID}.iam. --role=roles/storage.admin gcloud projects remove-iam-policy-binding ${DEVSHELL_PROJECT_ID} -- member=serviceAccount:flexvisionlab@${DEVSHELL_PROJECT_ID}.iam. --role=roles/datastore.user gcloud iam service-accounts delete flexvisionlab@${DEVSHELL_PROJECT_ID}  Deploying a Python Flask Web Application to App Engine (24 min)  engine Portland State University CS 430P/530 Internet, Web & Cloud Systems

  41. Aut utoML ML Lab #1  Upload a dataset of labeled cloud images to Cloud Storage and use AutoML to create a custom model to recognize clouds  Data encoded as a CSV file that contains labels and paths to individual files in the bucket  Goto APIs & Services → Library, search for AutoML and enable the API Portland State University CS 430P/530 Internet, Web & Cloud Systems

  42.  Visit the AutoMLVision console and allow access  Specify your Project ID (cs410c-wuchang-201515), then click "Set Up Now"  Go to Cloud Storage → Browser and ensure the bucket gs://${DEVSHELL_PROJECT_ID}-vcm has been created  Launch Cloud Shell and copy the training set from Google's public storage bucket into yours export BUCKET=${DEVSHELL_PROJECT_ID}-vcm gsutil -m cp -r gs://automl-codelab-clouds/* gs://${BUCKET} Portland State University CS 430P/530 Internet, Web & Cloud Systems

  43.  Refresh bucket to see 3 directories of cloud images of different types  Copy dataset CSV file  Each row in CSV contains URL of image and associated label  Change bucket location to point to your bucket above before copying it to your bucket gsutil cp gs://automl-codelab-metadata/data.csv . sed -i -e "s/placeholder/${BUCKET}/g" ./data.csv gsutil cp ./data.csv gs://${BUCKET} Portland State University CS 430P/530 Internet, Web & Cloud Systems

  44.  Show CSV file in bucket, then open CSV file and show the format of the dataset Portland State University CS 430P/530 Internet, Web & Cloud Systems

  45.  Go back to AutoMLVision console  Create new dataset and specify the CSV file, select Multi-Label classification, then "Create Dataset"  Wait for images to be imported Portland State University CS 430P/530 Internet, Web & Cloud Systems

  46.  Scroll through images to ensure they imported properly  Click on Train, then "Start Training"  AutoML will create a custom model  Go get some coffee  Takes a while to complete  Show the full evaluation of model including the confusion matrix Portland State University CS 430P/530 Internet, Web & Cloud Systems

  47.  Visit the cloud image gallery at UCAR   Download one image for each type trained and one image that is not any of the three  Click on "Predict" and upload the 4 images  Show the results of prediction Portland State University CS 430P/530 Internet, Web & Cloud Systems

  48. Aut utoML ML Lab #1  vision-intro Portland State University CS 430P/530 Internet, Web & Cloud Systems

  49. Firebase Labs

  50. Fi Firebase ebase Lab b #1  Firebase Web Codelab (39 min)  Create project in the Google Firebase Console (different from the Google Cloud Console)  Call it firebaselab-<OdinID> Portland State University CS 430P/530 Internet, Web & Cloud Systems

  51. Reg egist ster er app pp  Click on </> to register a new web app Portland State University CS 430P/530 Internet, Web & Cloud Systems

  52.  Register app, but skip the next steps for including Firebase in your app and continue to console  We will do this in Cloud Shell Portland State University CS 430P/530 Internet, Web & Cloud Systems

  53. En Enab able le us use e of Go Google gle aut uthentication entication  From console, Develop=>Authentication->Sign-In Method  Enable Google account logins for your web app and call it FriendlyChat Portland State University CS 430P/530 Internet, Web & Cloud Systems

  54. En Enab able le rea eal-time time dat atabas abase  From console, Develop=>Database  Scroll down to Cloud Firestore database  Then, Create database  Enable "Start in test mode…" Portland State University CS 430P/530 Internet, Web & Cloud Systems

  55. En Enab able le us use e of Cloud ud Storage age  Note: Bucket is initially wide-open  Develop=>Storage=>Get Started=>Next  Set the storage region to the default Portland State University CS 430P/530 Internet, Web & Cloud Systems

  56. Setup etup code  Goto to find the project created ( firebaselab-<OdinID> )  Visit Compute Engine and enable billing on project Portland State University CS 430P/530 Internet, Web & Cloud Systems

  57. Setup etup code  Launch Cloud Shell  Clone repository git clone  Use npm to install the Firebase CLI.  In Cloud Shell cd friendlychat-web/web-start/public npm -g install firebase-tools  To verify that the CLI has been installed correctly, run firebase --version Portland State University CS 430P/530 Internet, Web & Cloud Systems

  58. Install stall th the e Fi Firebase ebase CLI  Authorize the Firebase CLI to deploy app by running firebase login --no-localhost  Visit URL given and login to your account  Note that you may need to cut-and-paste the entire URL given in the console  Allow access Portland State University CS 430P/530 Internet, Web & Cloud Systems

  59.  Get authorization code and paste it in to complete login Portland State University CS 430P/530 Internet, Web & Cloud Systems

  60. Setup etup Fi Firebase ebase for app pp  Make sure you are in the web-start directory then set up Firebase to use your project firebase use --add  Use arrow keys to select your Project ID and follow the instructions given. Portland State University CS 430P/530 Internet, Web & Cloud Systems

  61. Ex Exami mine ne Fi Firebase ebase code de in web eb app pp  Use Cloud Shell's code editor to view index.html  Note that the developer has only added the Firebase components that are used for the app to the page for efficiency edit index.html  Note the inclusion of init.js that is created via the firebase use command and contains the project's Firebase credentials Portland State University CS 430P/530 Internet, Web & Cloud Systems

  62. Run un th the e app pp from m Cloud ud Shell ell  Use Firebase hosting emulator to deliver app locally firebase serve --only hosting Portland State University CS 430P/530 Internet, Web & Cloud Systems

  63. View w run unning ning tes est t app pplication lication  Click on link or go to Web Preview, change port to 5000, and preview  App not fully functional yet Portland State University CS 430P/530 Internet, Web & Cloud Systems

  64. View w your ur credenti edentials als  From web app  View source then,  Click on init.js link  See project credentials  Go back to Cloud Shell and "Control-C" to terminate the server Portland State University CS 430P/530 Internet, Web & Cloud Systems

  65. Part Par t 1: Add d Fi Fireba rebase se Aut uthenti enticat cation ion  In scripts/main.js , modify the signIn function to configure authentication using Google as the identity (OAuth) provider // Signs-in Friendly Chat. function signIn() { // Sign in Firebase w/ popup auth and Google as the identity provider. var provider = new firebase.auth.GoogleAuthProvider(); firebase.auth().signInWithPopup(provider); }  Similarly, set the signOut function just below // Signs-out of Friendly Chat. function signOut() { // Sign out of Firebase. firebase.auth().signOut(); } Portland State University CS 430P/530 Internet, Web & Cloud Systems

  66.  Register a callback function ( authStateObserver ) in initFirebaseAuth that updates the UI whenever the authentication state of a user changes  Function will update the profile photo and name of the (now) authenticated user using data from the OAuth provider (Google) // Initiate firebase auth. function initFirebaseAuth() { // Listen to auth state changes. firebase.auth().onAuthStateChanged(authStateObserver); } Portland State University CS 430P/530 Internet, Web & Cloud Systems

  67.  Implement calls from authStateObserver for getting the profile picture and name from OAuth provider // Returns the signed-in user's profile Pic URL. function getProfilePicUrl() { return firebase.auth().currentUser.photoURL || '/images/profile_placeholder.png'; } // Returns the signed-in user's display name. function getUserName() { return firebase.auth().currentUser.displayName; }  Implement check for login // Returns true if a user is signed-in. function isUserSignedIn() { return !!firebase.auth().currentUser; } Portland State University CS 430P/530 Internet, Web & Cloud Systems

  68.  If you want to test with the development server (i.e. via firebase serve ), you will need to authorize its appspot domain it is served from  Firebase=>Authentication=>Sign-in Method=>Authorized Domains  Note that the domain used on a firebase deploy is enabled by default ( $ ) firebase serve domain firebase deploy domain Portland State University CS 430P/530 Internet, Web & Cloud Systems

  69.  Ensure that third-party cookies are enabled on your browser  In Chrome=>Settings=>Advanced=>Privacy and Security=>Site Settings=>Cookies and site data=>Block Third Party Cookies (disable setting) Portland State University CS 430P/530 Internet, Web & Cloud Systems

  70. Tes est t Sign gning ing-In In to th the e App  Update app firebase serve --only hosting  Click on link or go to Web Preview and change to 5000  Sign-In with Google  Show that the Google profile pic and name of the user is displayed Portland State University CS 430P/530 Internet, Web & Cloud Systems

  71. Par Part t 2: Impl plem emen ent t me mess ssage ge se sending ding  Update saveMessage to use add() to store messages into real-time database upon "Send" being clicked // Saves a new message to your Cloud Firestore database. function saveMessage(messageText) { // Add a new message entry to the database. return firebase.firestore().collection('messages').add({ name: getUserName(), text: messageText, profilePicUrl: getProfilePicUrl(), timestamp: firebase.firestore.FieldValue.serverTimestamp() }).catch(function(error) { console.error('Error writing new message to database', error); }); } Portland State University CS 430P/530 Internet, Web & Cloud Systems

  72. Par Part t 2: Impl plem emen ent t me mess ssage ge rec eceiving eiving  Modify loadMessages function in main.js  Synchronize messages on the app across clients  Add listeners that trigger when changes are made to data  Listeners update UI element for showing messages.  Only display the last 12 messages of the chat for fast load  (See next slide) Portland State University CS 430P/530 Internet, Web & Cloud Systems

  73. // Loads chat messages history and listens for upcoming ones. function loadMessages() { // Create query to load last 12 messages and listen for new ones. var query = firebase.firestore() .collection('messages') .orderBy('timestamp', 'desc') .limit(12); // Start listening to the query. query.onSnapshot(function(snapshot) { snapshot.docChanges().forEach(function(change) { if (change.type === 'removed') { deleteMessage(; } else { var message =; displayMessage(, message.timestamp,, message.text, message.profilePicUrl, message.imageUrl); } }); }); } Portland State University CS 430P/530 Internet, Web & Cloud Systems

  74. Tes est  Update your app firebase serve  Sign-in to Google  Click on Message box, type a message and click Send  Message will be inserted into real-time database  UI will automatically update with message and the account profile picture Portland State University CS 430P/530 Internet, Web & Cloud Systems

  75.  Show the message in the database  Note  One can mock up an iOS or Android client version to interoperate (see the two other codelabs)   Portland State University CS 430P/530 Internet, Web & Cloud Systems

  76. Tes est t rea eal-time time data atabase base up updat ates es  Go back to Firebase Database web UI to view messages in database  We will manually add a message and it will update the UI in real- time automatically  Click "Add document" Portland State University CS 430P/530 Internet, Web & Cloud Systems

  77.  Click on "Auto ID" for Document ID, then enter the fields for the document  name (string)  Wu  profilePicURL (string)  /AAuE7mAaCBS0jz6HPgy_NW_UAlaoETpPoNZHTo2McVTAQQ  text (string)  Pretend the instructor added a message  timestamp (timestamp)  Set to today's date and time Portland State University CS 430P/530 Internet, Web & Cloud Systems

  78. Portland State University CS 430P/530 Internet, Web & Cloud Systems

  79. Par Part t 4: Impl plem emen ent t ima mage ge se sending ding  Update saveImageMessage to store images into real-time database  Initially create message with loading icon  Take file parameter and store in Firebase storage  Get URL for the file in Firebase storage  Update message in step 1 with URL to show image on UI Portland State University CS 430P/530 Internet, Web & Cloud Systems

  80. // Saves a new message containing an image in Firebase. // This first saves the image in Firebase storage. function saveImageMessage(file) { // 1 - We add a message with a loading icon that will get updated with the shared image. firebase.firestore().collection('messages').add({ name: getUserName(), imageUrl: LOADING_IMAGE_URL, profilePicUrl: getProfilePicUrl(), timestamp: firebase.firestore.FieldValue.serverTimestamp() }).then(function(messageRef) { // 2 - Upload the image to Cloud Storage. var filePath = firebase.auth().currentUser.uid + '/' + + '/' +; return { // 3 - Generate a public URL for the file. return fileSnapshot.ref.getDownloadURL().then((url) => { // 4 - Update the chat message placeholder with the image's URL. return messageRef.update({ imageUrl: url, storageUri: fileSnapshot.metadata.fullPath }); }); }); }).catch(function(error) { console.error('There was an error uploading a file to Cloud Storage:', error); }); } Portland State University CS 430P/530 Internet, Web & Cloud Systems

  81. UI UI Portland State University CS 430P/530 Internet, Web & Cloud Systems


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