Kotj�os E�t�a Vi�gi� Oli�e Oil P�ese�tatjo�
A�out Pegasus I�po�ts & E�po�ts Ltd Pegasus I�po�ts & E�po�ts Ltd �as fou�ded i� o�de� to p�o�ide its �usto�e�s �ith pu�e food p�odu�ts of the �est �ualit�. Ou� �o�pa��, �hose head�ua�te�s a�e i� the U�ited Ki�gdo�, �olla�o�ates �ith la�ge �o�pa�ies a�d p�odu�e�s ai�i�g at p�o�otj�g a�d t�adi�g its �o��oditjes th�oughout the �o�ld. Ou� �o�pa�� i�po�ts high �ualit� p�odu�ts f�o� G�ee�e. Cu��e�tl� �e ha�e a� a��itjous pla� to e�pa�d ou� se��i�es to all o�e� the UK a�d a��oad the EU a�d USA. Pegasus I�po�ts a�d E�po�ts Ltd t�ades u�de� the �egiste�ed �KOTINOS� ��a�d. Mo�eo�e� due to the high de�a�d a�d to difge�e�t e�t�a �i�gi� oli�e oil �ualitjes �e i�po�t othe� �o�e e�o�o�i� oli�e oil ��a�ds as �ell . Ou� �o�pa�� details a�e as follo�s: Co�pa�� �a�e: Pegasus I�po�ts & E�po�ts Ltd Add�ess: ��� Ba�lo� Moo� Road Cho�lto� - Cu� - Ha�d� Ma��heste�, G�eate� Ma��heste�, U�ited Ki�gdo� M�� �GH Tel: ��� ��� ���������� E�ail: i�fo@pegasusi�po�tse�po�ts.�o.uk Co�pa�� VAT Nu��e�: ��� ���� �� Registe�ed i� E�gla�d & Wales, Co�pa�� Nu��e�: ��������
A�out Kotj�os Kotj�os �as the p�ize fo� the �i��e� at the a��ie�t Ol��pi� Ga�es. It �as a ��a��h of the �ild oli�e t�ee that g�e� at Ol��pia, i�te�t�i�ed to fo�� a �i��le o� a ho�se - shoe. The ��a��hes of the sa��ed �ild oli�e t�ee �ea� the te�ple of Zeus �e�e �ut �� a �pais a�fjthalis� �a �o� �hose pa�e�ts �e�e �oth ali�e� �ith a pai� of golde� s�is- so�s. The� he took the� to the te�ple of He�a a�d pla�ed the� o� a gold - i�o�� ta�le. �A �ell - �ala��ed oli�e oil �ith fma- F�o� the�e, the Hella�odikai �the judges of �our of fruitj�ess, pleasa�t aro- �as of freshly �ut grass alo�g the Ol��pi� Ga�es� �ould take the�, �ake �ith a s�eet al�o�d fma�our a�d the ��eaths a�d ��o�� the �i��e�s of the �ildly pu�ge�t, peppery fj�ish.� Ga�es. This s���ol of �i�to�� a�d t�i�ute of the ol- i�e t�ee i�spi�ed us to ��eate �Kotj�os E�t�a Vi�gi� Oli�e Oil� a supe�io� �ualit� p�odu�t out of the �est �ualit� oli�es f�o� the sa�e a�d sa��ed o�igi� Ilis a�d Ol��pia. Kotj�os E�t�a Vi�gi� Oli�e oil is ideal fo� a health� Medite��a�ea� diet. It's ���% f�o� �KORONEIKI� �a�iet� a�d it has a thi�k sofu te�tu�e, u�i�ue taste, g�eat s�ell a�d lo� a�ids a�d �a�e �ut�ie�ts.
Ou� Oli�e Oil Ou� Oli�e oil is the p�odu�t of ha�d �o�k, te�h�i�al k�o�ho� a�d a lot of lo�e. It �o�es di�e�t f�o� ou� oli�e g�o�es i� G�ee�e as �ell as f�o� othe� lo�al oli�e oil p�odu�e�s that follo� the sa�e ag�i�ultu�al, ha��estj�g a�d oli�e e�t�a�tjo� p�i��iples a�d te�h- �i�ues. Kotj�os is a� e��eptjo�al �ualit� e�t�a �i�gi� oli�e oil, �old e�t�a�ted, �ith lo� a�ids a�d �o pestj�ides. We a�e al�a�s settj�g ou� sta�da�ds highe� tha� �hat is �eeded, just to p�odu�e a high �ualit� e�t�a �i�gi� oli�e oil. Ou� ai� is to p�odu�e a�d ofge� ou� �lie�ts o�e of the �est �ualit� of oli�e oil i� the �a�ket u�de� a st�o�g a�d �e�og�iza�le ��a�d �Kotj�os�. Ou� oli�e g�o�es a�e lo�ated i� Ilis p�efe�tu�e i� G�ee�e –the pla�e �he�e the A��ie�t Ol��pi� Ga�es �e�e held— a�d a�e �lose to �he�e �e e�t�a�t ou� oli�e oil. This allo�s us to ha��est the oli�es at the optj�al tj�e a�d to gua�a�tee that the� get p�o�essed the sa�e da� the� a�e pi�ked leadi�g to a high �ualit� of oli�e oil �ith lo� a�ids.
Ou� p�i��iples I� o�de� to �uild a st�o�g a�d �e�og�iza�le ��a�d �e a�e al�a�s t��i�g ou� �est to �e �espo�si�le to�a�ds ou� �lie�ts a�d ou� so�iet� �� follo�i�g the p�i��iples �elo�: �. Oli�e oil: p�o�ide the �est �ualit� of e�t�a �i�gi� oli�e oil o�l� �� p�odu�e�s that a�e usi�g e��i�o��e�tall� f�ie�dl� te�h�i�ues. �. Botuli�g �ate�ials: use o�l� the highest �ualit� of �otuli�g �ate�ials, �hi�h �ill p�ote�t the oli�e oil a�d �ill gi�e a se�se of lu�u�� to the �o�su�e�s. �. Desig�: desig� a u�i�ue �otule a�d la�eli�g that �efme�t the ideas of ha��o��, si�pli�it� a�d lu�u��. We also i��luded the "Gua�a�tee Tag" i� o�de� to gai� t�ust as �e a�e �o�fjde�t of ou� p�odu�t. �. Qualit� a�d safet� assu�a��e: We �ake su�e that all of ou� supplie�s a�d allia��e �o�pa�ies a�e li�e�sed a�d the� ope�ate �eetj�g all the EU legal �e�ui�e�e�ts as �ell as �ei�g �ualit� a�d safet� �e�tjfjed to deal �ith food. �. Fi�all�, �e a�e so�iall� �espo�si�le as �e �o - ope�ate �ith lo�al s�all �usi�esses gi�i�g the� the oppo�tu�it� to e�pa�d a�d i�p�o�e thei� se��i�es a�d �e �ualit� o�ie�tated as �e �a�t to �uild a st�o�g ��a�d i� the food se�to�. Wh� us Wh� us: �. We ofge� �o�petjtj�e p�i�es a�d high �ualit� p�odu�ts. �. We al�a�s p�o�ide all the �e�essa�� pape��o�k i� o�de� to p�o�e the authe�tj�it� a�d safet� of ou� p�odu�ts. �. We a�e a UK �ased �o�pa�� that �o�plies �ith the UK a�d EU �egulatjo�s. �. No �eed to sto�k �ig �ua�tjtjes. �. High p�ofessio�alis�, �elia�le a�d t�ust�o�th� . �. P�odu�ts u�de� the Kotj�os ��a�d a�e o�e of the �est �ou �ould fj�d i� the �a�ket. �. Ou� p�odu�ts �o�e di�e�t f�o� ou� oli�e g�o�es. �. We ha�e the �o�ta�ts to desig� a�d i�po�t high �ualit� �a� authe�tj� p�odu�ts di�e�t f�o� lo�al p�odu�e�s i� G�ee�e al�a�s at �o�petjtj�e p�i�es.
Ou� Botule No� - �efjlla�le stop- pe� �all Safet� - the �otule �a� �ot �e �efjlled Flo� �o�t�ol No� - to�i� la�el La�el’s �ate�i- als a�e �o� to�- i� Co�plies to Da�k a�tj�ue g�ee� food sta�da�ds s��e� �otule P�ote�ts oli�e oil f�o� the light Co�plies to food sta�da�ds ����l & ����l
Ou� �usi�ess pa�t�e�s Ou� �o�pa�� �o - ope�ates o�l� �ith �usi�esses that a�e full� li�e�sed a�d �o�pl� to the EU a�d UK health a�d safet� �egulatjo�s. I� o�de� to e�su�e the high �ualit� of thei� se��i�es �e �o�sta�tl� �isit thei� p�e�ises a�d �e a�e kee� i� aski�g ou� �usto�e�s fo� feed�a�k. Mo�e a�al�tj�all� ou� �usi�ess pa�t�e�s full� �o�pl� �ith the follo�i�g �ualit� �e�tjfj�ates: Oli�e oil �ill ISO ����� AGROCERT P.D.O. FDA Pa�ki�g fa�to�� ISO ����� Botule Fa�to�� ISO ���� La�el p�i�tj�g fa�to�� ISO ���� Che�i�al & Mi��o�iologi�al La�o�ato�� ISO ����� ISO ���� ELOT EN ISO/IEC ����� EOF �Natjo�al D�ugs Age���� FEDIOL FIL - IDF IOOC Che�i�al & Mi��o�iologi�al La�o�ato�� � ELOT ΕΝ ISO/IEC ����� Re�og�ized �� the Russia� Fede�atjo� a�d the Russia� Mi�ist�� HDE T�ade Se��i�es G��H �HTS� F�eight –sto�age a�d dist�i�utjo� �o�pa�� Me��e� of FIATA Me��e� B�itjsh I�te��atjo�al F�eight As- so�iatjo� �BIFA�. Me��e� of the Coope�atj�e Logistj�s Net- �o�k *All �usi�ess is �a��ied out u�de� BIFA �o�ditjo�s.
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