ken m mcc ccarthy chief p public u utilities e

Ken M McC cCarthy Chief P Public U Utilities E Engineering - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Ken M McC cCarthy Chief P Public U Utilities E Engineering Specialist. 1. Dig S Safe I e Infor ormal H Hearing Of Officer cer a. Dig S Safe C Com ompla lain ints, Leg , Legis isla latio ion, N , NOPVs ect ect

  1. Ken M McC cCarthy – Chief P Public U Utilities E Engineering Specialist. 1. Dig S Safe I e Infor ormal H Hearing Of Officer cer a. Dig S Safe C Com ompla lain ints, Leg , Legis isla latio ion, N , NOPV’s ect ect… 2. Formal H l Hea earin ing O Offic ficer f for C Consumer c com omplain ints a. Shut of offs, p , payment p plans e etc.… c.… 3. Supervis ise W Water, E , Electric ical a l and G Gas Engin ineers

  2. We hired 1 Engineer and Promoted another • Lateef Olajide – Promoted to: Gas Safety Program Manager • Hakeem Ottun – Water and Gas Safety/Dig Safe Lateef has completed 12 of 19 the OKC Gas Safety School classes. Hakeem completed 1 and is signed up for 5 more in 2019.

  3. National Grid has 196 Regulator stations in Rhode Island. Starting October 4, 2018, our Gas Safety Program Manager and assistant will visit each and every one of these with a National Grid employee to inspect each Regulator station.

  4. Records We have had a very difficult time locating many records. We have taken steps to ensure this issue does not happen again. 1)Each inspection sheet will be scanned to our server and password protected

  5. 67 Miles of Main Replacement 2017

  6. Pipeline Materials Pipeline Materials Cast Iron Main Mileage: 690 (54 miles this year) • Cast Iron Main Mileage: 754 Protected bare steel mileage: 590 • Cathodically Protected Bare Steel Mileage: 590 Plastic Main/Service Mileage: 1,437 (15 miles this • Plastic Main Mileage: 1,417 year) • Other: 16 Ductile Iron Distribution Mileage: 3,242 Number of Services: 195,816

  7. Fines 2017 $273,500

  8. One Call Violation Civil Penalties $50,100

  9. Questions??


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