keeping the mad river

Keeping the Mad River Valley Vibrant (A Working Document) - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Keeping the Mad River Valley Vibrant (A Working Document) 11/15/18 2 The Mad River Valley 11/15/18 3 11/15/18 4 11/15/18 5 Community Vision A Welcoming Community Healthy Sustainable

  1. Keeping the Mad River Valley Vibrant ¡ ¡ (A Working Document)

  2. 11/15/18 ¡ 2 ¡

  3. The Mad River Valley 11/15/18 ¡ 3 ¡

  4. 11/15/18 ¡ 4 ¡

  5. 11/15/18 ¡ 5 ¡

  6. ¡ Community Vision A Welcoming Community Healthy Sustainable Environment for Future Generations Diverse Economy Enhance Year-round Recreation Maintain Historic Settlements 11/15/18 ¡ 6 ¡

  7. Build on the Momentum Make a Reality 11/15/18 ¡ 7 ¡

  8. Great Assets 11/15/18 ¡ 8 ¡

  9. Challenges 11/15/18 ¡ 9 ¡

  10. Resources 11/15/18 ¡ 10 ¡

  11. Aging Population 11/15/18 ¡ 11 ¡

  12. Shortage of affordable workforce housing 11/15/18 ¡ 12 ¡

  13. Limited ¡ employment ¡opportuni8es, ¡ ¡ yet ¡not ¡enough ¡service-­‑industry ¡employees ¡ 11/15/18 ¡ 13 ¡

  14. Jan ¡ Feb ¡ Mar ¡ Apr ¡ May ¡ Jun ¡ Jul ¡ Aug ¡ Sep ¡ Oct ¡ Nov ¡ Dec ¡ Local ¡businesses ¡struggling ¡with ¡seasonal ¡ visita8on ¡swings ¡ 11/15/18 ¡ 14 ¡

  15. Shrinking school population 11/15/18 15

  16. Climate change impacts 11/15/18 16

  17. Inadequate public transportation 11/15/18 ¡ 17 ¡

  18. MRV nonprofit groups and towns are trying to address these issues but are faced with many hurdles. 11/15/18 ¡ 18 ¡

  19. Outside funding shrinking or disappearing ¡ 11/15/18 ¡ 19 ¡

  20. We are suggesting a solution 11/15/18 ¡ 20 ¡

  21. The Mad River Valley FLO For Local Opportunities ¡ 11/15/18 ¡ 21 ¡

  22. Economic Vitality Committee 8 months of research and study Study after study has been done, it is time to come together and take the 1 st step 11/15/18 ¡ 22 ¡

  23. The MRV FLO Our goal Reinvest in the MRV so it remains attractive for future generations who will continue to enrich the community and sustain its quality of life Our strategy Provide a more seasonably balanced customer base to stabilize our local economy. 11/15/18 ¡ 23 ¡

  24. 11/15/18 ¡ 24 ¡

  25. The BIG Questions How do we achieve the Goal via the Strategy? Who manages the effort? 11/15/18 ¡ 25 ¡

  26. FLO Fund Investments 11/15/18 ¡ 26 ¡

  27. Community Projects 11/15/18 ¡ 27 ¡

  28. Destination Marketing $8.5 ¡ million ¡ ¡ 11/15/18 ¡ 28 ¡

  29. Recreation • Fund a staff position to assist the MRVRD board in implementing MRVRD Strategic Plan 11/15/18 ¡ 29 ¡

  30. Economic Development 11/15/18 ¡ 30 ¡

  31. Where can the $ come from? 11/15/18 ¡ 31 ¡

  32. 1% Local Option Tax (LOT) 1% on Retail, Rooms, Meals & Alcohol 11/15/18 ¡ 32 ¡

  33. Local Money Managed Locally Spent Locally 11/15/18 ¡ 33 ¡

  34. ¡ Why Valley-wide Initiative? Valley investing in the Valley Leverage existing resources 11/15/18 ¡ 34 ¡

  35. How much $ will be raised? 11/15/18 ¡ 35 ¡

  36. $1,000,000 ¡ $700,000 Stays Local $300,000 Goes to State 11/15/18 ¡ 36 ¡

  37. $7,000,000 + In 10 years 11/15/18 ¡ 37 ¡

  38. Who pays the 1%? 11/15/18 ¡ 38 ¡

  39. Distribu(on ¡of ¡who ¡pays ¡the ¡tax ¡ 12% ¡ 12% ¡ 21% ¡ 55% ¡ Residents ¡ Visitors ¡ Part-­‑Time ¡Residents ¡ Ski ¡passes ¡etc. ¡ 11/15/18 ¡ 39 ¡

  40. Residents pay only12% of total collected LOT $2 per month per person (includes all residents, adults and children) 11/15/18 ¡ 40 ¡

  41. 11/15/18 ¡ 41 ¡

  42. Not subject to LOT • Clothing • Over the counter drugs • Medical equipment, services and RX • Food, food products and Beverages • Gas • Non-commercial heating fuel • Rent • Mortgage payments • Services* 11/15/18 ¡ 42 ¡

  43. 11/15/18 ¡ 43 ¡

  44. We believe the FLO will Provide a reliable long-term source of funds Sustain the future of the Valley’s resources Support economic vitality Enrich the quality of life for all its residents . 11/15/18 ¡ 44 ¡

  45. Our Suggestion on How to Manage the MRV FLO 11/15/18 ¡ 45 ¡

  46. How FLO Works Establishes a new subcommittee of the MRVPD (the FLO Commission) to manage the FLO Fund. Transparent and accountable group representing the broad interests of Valley residents, towns, and businesses. 11/15/18 ¡ 46 ¡

  47. We suggest a FLO Commission • 7 Commissioners— • One appointed by each selectboard • One elected by each town’s voters • A Chair appointed by the MRVPD. • Oversee all of the 1% option tax receipts /distribution • Develop and promote a grant program • Operate transparently as a subcommittee of the MRVPD 11/15/18 ¡ 47 ¡

  48. Vermont rules require that the MRVPD adopt a charter Voters in all three towns will be asked to approve this new MRVPD charter and authorize a regional 1% Local Option Tax The vote will be by Australian ballot in all three towns 11/15/18 ¡ 48 ¡

  49. Reserve Fund Nimble $ source Unexpected opportunities Rainy day fund Requires 2/3 majority, all towns in affirmative, to spend reserve fund $ 11/15/18 ¡ 49 ¡

  50. Administration Bookkeeping Grant administration Audit Maintain transparency and accountability 11/15/18 ¡ 50 ¡

  51. Possible Criteria for Grants Is compatible with MRV FLO Strategy Improve physical safety and/or quality of life Broad-based support, private, public and community Weighted point scoring to ensure $ invested wisely Have funding sources – self-generated or organizational 11/15/18 ¡ 51 ¡

  52. Potential Ways to Track Impact Trail Counts Participation in programs Trends in MRV elementary school enrollment Mid-week and non-peak occupancy # of events held in MRV with attendance by event Tax revenues by sector 11/15/18 52

  53. Thank You for Your Time We ask for your Input & Support for moving the MRV FLO forward GO WITH THE FLO 11/15/18 ¡ 53 ¡

  54. Welcome your comments, inputs and questions GO WITH THE FLO 11/15/18 ¡ 54 ¡


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