kazan federal university

KAZAN FEDERAL UNIVERSITY Rector of Kazan Federal University, - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

KAZAN FEDERAL UNIVERSITY Rector of Kazan Federal University, Professor Ilshat Gafurov KAZAN FEDERAL UNIVERSITY on the map of Russia Kazan University is one of the oldest Russian universities. Alexander I signed the Decree of its establishment

  1. KAZAN FEDERAL UNIVERSITY Rector of Kazan Federal University, Professor Ilshat Gafurov

  2. KAZAN FEDERAL UNIVERSITY on the map of Russia Kazan University is one of the oldest Russian universities. Alexander I signed the Decree of its establishment and the Charter on November 5 , 1804 . 200 км . Today Kazan University is one of the leading Russian universities. The status of a federal 240 км . university awarded to KFU in 2010 is of special importance. 2

  3. STRUCTURE OF THE UNIVERSITY NETWORK IN RUSSIA (BY TYPE OF STATE SUPPORT) Leading national universities 2 10 Federal universities 29 National Research Universities Universities implementing the 55 programmes of strategic development 514 Other state and municipal universities THERE ARE ALSO 820 PRIVATE UNIVERSITIES IN RUSSIA 3

  4. KAZAN FEDERAL UNIVERSITY TODAY 2 106 international students from More than 44 000 students 90 countries 8 double diploma programmes 486 academic programmes 9 academic programmes in English QS World University Rankings More than 3 000 faculty members 551-600 190 cooperation agreements with QS Stars partners from 54 countries 4

  5. KAZAN FEDERAL UNIVERSITY INSTITUTES and FACULTIES NATURAL SCIENCES PHYSICS AND MATHEMATICS  N.I. Lobachevsky Institute of Mathematics and Institute of Fundamental Medicine and  Mechanics Biology Institute of Physics   Institute of Ecology and Nature Management  Institute of Computer Mathematics and Information Institute of Geology and Petroleum  Technologies Technologies  Higher School of Information Technologies and  Alexander Butlerov Chemical Institute Information Systems  Institute of Physical Education, Sport and  Engineering Institute Restorative Medicine 5

  6. KAZAN FEDERAL UNIVERSITY HUMANITIES AND SOCIAL SCIENCES  Institute of International Relations, History and Oriental Studies Faculty of Law   Institute of Philology and Intercultural Communication  Institute of Social Sciences, Philosophy and Mass Communications Institute of Psychology and Education  Institute of Management, Economics and Finance   Higher School of Public and Municipal Administration  Institute of the Comparative Studies of Modernity REGIONAL BRANCHES  Institute of Languages  Higher School of Naberezhnye Chelny  Business Administration Yelabuga  6 6

  7. KFU’S PRIORITY AREAS Biomedicine and Pharmaceutics Oil extraction, Refining and Petrochemistry Infocommunications and Aerospace Technologies Advanced Materials Social and Humanitarian Studies 7

  8. BIOMEDICINE AND PHARMACEUTICS CENTRES OF EXCELLENCE Genomics, Proteomics and Biotechnology Neurobiology Prof. M.Yusupov Prof. R. Khazipov University of Strasbourg (France) University of the Mediterranean (France) h-index=24 h-index=35 Pharmaceutics Regenerative and Translational Medicine Prof. R. Pestell, Prof . Y.Hayashizaki Thomas Jefferson University (USA) RIKEN (Japan) h-index=71 h-index= 90 8

  9. BIOMEDICINE AND PHARMACEUTICS LABORATORIES ACADEMIC CENTRES 20 OpenLabs Centre of Simulation Medicine • 64 invited leading Russian and foreign scientists Dentistry Simulation Class • Including: Neurobiology • Prof. R. Khazipov , INSERM, France • Bionanotechnologies Prof . Yu. Lvov, Lousiana Tech University, USA KEY PARTNERS • Gene and Cell Technologies • Okinawa Institute of Science and Technologies Prof. А. Valente, University of Coimbra, Portugal (Japan) • RIKEN (Japan) Markers of Pathogenesis • • Fox Chase Cancer Centre (USA) Prof. К. Preissner, University of Giessen, Germany • Whittemore Peterson Institute (USA) • Aix-Marseille University (France) International research projects: 12 • Institute of Structural Biology in Grenoble (France) (5 of them in collaboration with Japanese partners) • Institute of Materials for Electronics and Magnetism (Italy) • University of Texas (USA) 9

  10. OIL EXTRACTION, REFINING, PETROCHEMISTRY CENTRES OF EXCELLENCE Oil and gas reservoirs modelling (Schlumberger) Prof. D. Law h-index=10 Underground refining of high-viscosity oil and natural bitumen University of Rostock (Germany) Prof. S. Verevkin h-index=34 Petrochemistry and Catalysis Institute of Chemistry of Organometallic Compounds (Italy) Prof. Giuliano Giambastiani h-index=23 10

  11. OIL EXTRACTION, REFINING, PETROCHEMISTRY ACADEMIC CENTRES 3D Geocentre • Soil Mechanics • LABORATORIES and PROJECTS 4 OpenLabs 16 invited leading foreign scientists KEY PARTNERS Including: • Ruhr University (Germany) • Stratigraphy of oil and gas basins Freiberg University of Mining and Technology • Prof. J. Schneider, Freiberg University of Mining and Technology, (Germany) Germany • University of Pretoria (South Africa) • University of Calgary (Canada) • Paleoclimatology, paleoecology, paleomagnetism • Schlumberger. Prof. L. Nevalainen, University of Helsinki, Finland In-situ combustion • Prof. S. Verevkin, University of Rostock, Germany International Research Projects: 9 11

  12. INFOCOMMUNICATIONS and AEROSPACE TECHNOLOGIES CENTRES OF EXCELLENCE Visualisation, interface, digital media, gaming Autonomous Systems and Intellectual industry Technologies University of Girona (Spain) Czech Technical University in Prague (Czech Prof. A. Artusi Republic) h-index=7 Prof. J. Matas h-index=30 Centre of Near Space Research and Aerospace Centre for Astrophysics and Cosmology Technologies Institute of Theoretical Physics of the Russian Stanford University (USA) Academy of Sciences (Russia) Prof. А. Kosovichev Prof. А. Starobinsky h-index=40 h-index=61 Max Planck Institute for Astrophysics (Germany) Prof. R. Sunyaev h-index=62

  13. INFOCOMMUNICATIONS and AEROSPACE TECHNOLOGIES 24 ACADEMIC CENTRES LABORATORIES • AUTODESK, Cisco, Samsung Android Lab, 16 OpenLabs Microsoft Centres, etc. 15 invited leading Russian and foreign scientists Research Academic Centre « Cloud Technologies • and Information Systems » ( Fujitsu/ICL) Including : Computational methods and Computer Modelling • Prof. M. Jiri, Czech Technical University, Czech Republic • Near space research Prof. W. Hawking, University of Eastern Ontario, Canada Quantitative Linguistics • Prof. S. Wichmann, Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary ОСНОВНЫЕ ПАРТНЕРЫ Anthropology, Germany • University of Helsinki (Finland) • Czech Technical University (Czech • Theoretical Cosmology Republic) Prof. D. Matsumoto, Tohoku University, Japan Stanford University (USA) • Fujitsu • International Research Projects : 6 • Samsung (1 – with Japanese partners) • Cisco • Microsoft 13

  14. ADVANCED MATERIALS CENTRES OF EXCELLENCE Centre of Quantum Technologies Prof. K. Kono h-index=19 RIKEN (Japan) 3 join KFU & RIKEN labs International Centre of Magnetic Resonance Prof. Yu. Bunkov h-index=20 Neel Institute (France) 14

  15. ADVANCED MATERIALS 9 ACADEMIC CENTRES Including: Mechanics • LABORATORIES Optics • 9 OpenLabs • Nuclear Physics 22 invited leading Russian and foreign scientists • Thermodynamics and Molecular Physics Including: Chemoinformatics and Molecular Modelling • Prof. A. Varnek, University of Strasbourg, France KEY PARTNERS RIKEN (Japan) • • Quantum liquids and Quantum gases Hokkaido University (Japan) Prof. К. Kono, RIKEN, Japan • Osaka University (Japan) • Magnetic superfluidity and non-linear magnetic resonance • University of Innsbruck (Austria) • • University of Augsburg (Germany) Prof. Yu. Bunkov, Neel Institute, France • North Carolina University (USA) Technical University Ilmenau (Germany) Biofunctional Chemistry • • Comenius University (Slovakia) Prof. К. Т anaka, RIKEN, Japan • International Research Projects: 2 15

  16. HUMANITIES AND SOCIAL STUDIES CENTRES OF EXCELLENCE Archeometry Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology (Japan) University of Tubingen (Germany) Creation of databases and interactive maps of Muslim communities Catholic University of Leuven (Belgium) LABORATORIES and PROJECTS 4 OpenLabs Islamic Studies 19 invited leading Russian and foreign scientists Research of Islamic factor in global politics and Including: economics Archeotechnologies and Archeologic material • science Prof. P. Degryse, Catholic University of Leuven (Belgium) Paleoanthropology and Paleogenetics • Prof. J. Krause, University of Tubingen(Germany) International research projects: 8 16

  17. SOCIAL SCIENCES AND HUMANITIES CENTRE OF EXCELLENCE IN ISLAMIC STUDIES DESCRIPTION FACTS AND FIGURES PROJECTS A database of Muslim communities was Research of Islamic factor in global politics 1 created and is constantly updated and economics, use of ISLAMIC WORLD POTENTIAL in modern geopolitical situation, development of methodical  Evaluation of social risks by coordinating recommendations on state policy in its activity with leading analytical centres religious relationships Interactive maps of Muslim 2 communities were created  Application of GIS-technologies for map Development of multi-confessional preparation environment  The Muslim communities are identified in the Republic of Tatarstan, Volga Federal Region, Russian Federation, CIS countries Regularly issuing research and 3 analytical papers  Research results  Information and reference materials  « Kazan Islamic Studies » journal Creation of databases and interactive maps of Muslim communities 17


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