karen and kevin capel

Karen and Kevin Capel (Parents and Research Funders) Christophers - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Karen and Kevin Capel (Parents and Research Funders) Christophers Smile European Parliament Workshop "Paediatric Regulation: are children still missing out on potentially life-saving treatments?" 16 th June 2015 Christopher

  1. Karen and Kevin Capel (Parents and Research Funders) Christopher’s Smile European Parliament Workshop "Paediatric Regulation: are children still missing out on potentially life-saving treatments?" 16 th June 2015

  2. Christopher • Diagnosed with medulloblastoma at 4 1 / 4 • Treated with chemotherapy/high dose chemotherapy with stem cell rescue • Immediate post therapy prognosis good • Relapse 4 months post therapy • Died 21 months after diagnosis

  3. Paediatric Oncology Current Treatments First line treatment options: surgery, and/or cytotoxic chemotherapy and/or radiotherapy • Surgery: Neurosurgery – high risk, amputated limbs do not grow back • Chemotherapy: vast majority is used ‘off label’ and often leaves a legacy of issues • Radiotherapy: devastates a developing brain

  4. Commonly used drugs to treat children with cancer: • include known carcinogens • are not approved for use on children and have an average age of 40-50 years

  5. Current Treatments – Legacy of Issues • Survival plateaued in last 10 years • Children still dying from decades old toxic treatments • Unacceptable side effects • Ongoing late effects • Cost burden of survival • 7 years since Christopher’s death, 8 years of the Paediatric Regulation – what has changed ?

  6. What parents want New safe and effective treatments - NOW

  7. New treatments for children - Challenges • Pharma focus their R&D on adult conditions • Too easy for Pharma to obtain a waiver for potential new life saving treatments for children • Years may pass between initial adult trial and agent availability for paediatric pre clinical testing

  8. Current Implementation of the Paediatric Regulation - Oncology • More waivers are issued for oncology drugs than any other clinical area despite cancer being the principal cause of death by disease in children in Europe • In the implementation of Article 43 for Oncology drugs, the EMA have drawn up an inventory which includes highly cytotoxic agents decades old and drugs for which the EMA have granted waivers

  9. Can anyone explain this? Contains the following drugs that ALL have a waiver Axitinib Crizotinib Bortezomib Ruxolinitib Cabazitaxel Sorafenib

  10. Paediatric Regulation Chapter 2 Article 11 1. Production of the information referred to in point (a) of Article 7(1) shall be waived for specific medicinal products or for classes of medicinal products, if there is evidence showing any of the following: (a) that the specific medicinal product or class of medicinal products is likely to be ineffective or unsafe in part or all of the paediatric population; (b) that the disease or condition for which the specific medicinal product or class is intended occurs only in adult populations; (c) that the specific medicinal product does not represent a significant therapeutic benefit over existing treatments for paediatric patients.

  11. What needs to change • The original objectives of the Paediatric Regulation need to be implemented for the area of oncology. • The current implementation of Article 11(b) for oncology drugs is failing children with cancer (MedDRA HLT vs PT)

  12. Genetic Characterisation by Next Generation Sequencing Tumour type RMS NB NB NB NB NB NB NB NB NB NB NB NB NB NB NB GM GM GM GM GM GM GM GM GM MB MB GM MB MB MB MB MB MB GM MB MB MB NB NB NB NB NB NB NB MB MB MB GM GM GM PNET NB NB NB NB NB MDX_001 MDX_002 MDX_003 MDX_004 MDX_005 MDX_006 MDX_007 MDX_008 MDX_009 MDX_010 MDX_011 MDX_012 MDX_013 MDX_013 MDX_015 MDX_016 MDX_017 MDX_018 MDX_019 MDX_020 MDX_021 MDX_022 MDX_023 MDX_024 MDX_025 MDX_026 MDX_027 MDX_028 MDX_029 MDX_030 MDX_031 MDX_032 MDX_033 MDX_034 MDX_035 MDX_036 MDX_037 MDX_038 MDX_039 MDX_040 MDX_041 MDX_042 MDX_043 MDX_044 MDX_045 MDX_046 MDX_047 MDX_048 MDX_049 MDX_050 MDX_051 MDX_052 MDX_053 MDX_054 MDX_055 MDX_056 MDX_057 GENE TRIAL ID* DRUG MYCN ** ** BRAF DABRAFENIB. Vemurafenib KRAS NCT02258607, NCT01933932 Trametinib, selumetinib NRAS NCT01693068, NCT02357732 ALK NCT01742286 LDK378 PIK3CA NCT02451956 AZD5363 PDGFRA Imatinib KIT Imatinib FGFR1 NCT01975701, NCT01795768 BGJ398; AZD4547*** FGFR2 NCT01975701, NCT01795768 BGJ398; AZD4547*** FGFR3 NCT01975701, NCT01732107 BGJ398, Dovitinib ERBB2 NCT02369484 AFATINIB EGFR AFATINIB PIK3R1 NCT02029001 Everolimus ACVR1 PTPRD PTPN11 TP53 NCT02448329 AZD1775 APC ATM NCT02316197, NCT02401347 MSC2490484A, PARP inhibitor BMN-673 PTEN NCT01458067 GSK2636771 NF1 Selumetinib CHEK2 NCT02401347 PARP Inhibitor BMN-673 SMARCA4 SMARCAB1 BCOR ARID1A ARID1B ATRX DDX3X IDH1 NCT02073994 AG-120 MLL2 HIST1H3C H3F3A SUFU NCT02002689 LDE225 PTCH1 NCT02002689 LDE225 CDK6 NCT02187783 LEE011 MEK1 selumetinib MEK2 selumetinib CTNNB1 AMER1 FBXW7 PHOX2B ZHX2 ODZ3 DICER1 WT1 TSC1 NCT02201212 Everolimus Predictive biomarker with drug approved in adult indications NB Neuroblastoma Predictive biomarker with drug approved in adult indications and Prognostic biomarker GM Glioma Predictive biomarker with multitrial open in adult indications MB Medulloblastoma Predictive biomarker with multitrial open in adult indications and Prognostic biomarker RMS Rhabomyosarcoma Prognostic biomarker Unknown Data supplied by

  13. Genetic Characterisation by Next Generation Sequencing From 57 patients 35 (~60%) could potentially be eligible for novel trials using target specific therapies, either as predictive biomarkers into clinical practice or prognostic biomarkers for treatment decision.

  14. Genetic mutations “talked about” in the media

  15. Paediatric Regulation Recital (13) (13) In order to ensure that research in the paediatric population is only conducted to meet their therapeutic needs, there is a need to establish procedures for the Agency to waive the requirement referred to in Recital (11) for specific products or for classes or part of classes of medicinal products, these waivers being then made public by the Agency. As knowledge of science and medicine evolves over time, provision should be made for the lists of waivers to be amended. However, if a waiver is revoked, that requirement should not apply for a given period in order to allow time for at least a paediatric investigation plan to be agreed and studies in the paediatric population to be initiated before an application for marketing authorisation is submitted.

  16. Actions – not just talk • What & Who – EC to instruct EMA Paediatric Committee to implement Article 11(b) to issue waivers based upon ‘Condition’ where ‘Condition’ is defined by a biological or genetic abnormality (change to MedDRA PT-level) – For oncology, EMA should review class list and remove all diseases where biological or genetic mutation occurs in the paediatric population. – MEPs to work with the Commission to ensure necessary changes are implemented with all speed. • When – Agree timescales at this meeting Children with cancer do not have time on their side

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