
/k References 2/43 1. Codes, arrangements and matroids by Relinde - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Arrangements, matroids and codes first lecture Ruud Pellikaan joint work with Relinde Jurrius ACAGM summer school Leuven Belgium, 18 July 2011 /k References 2/43 1. Codes, arrangements and matroids by Relinde Jurrius and Ruud Pellikaan,

  1. Arrangements, matroids and codes first lecture Ruud Pellikaan joint work with Relinde Jurrius ACAGM summer school Leuven Belgium, 18 July 2011 /k

  2. References 2/43 1. Codes, arrangements and matroids by Relinde Jurrius and Ruud Pellikaan, in Series on Coding Theory and Cryptology vol. 8 Algebraic geometry modelling in information theory E. Martinez-Moro Ed., World Scientific 2011 http://www.win.tue.nl/ ∼ ruudp/paper/57.pdf 2. Error-correcting codes and cryptology by R. Pellikaan, X.-W. Wu and S. Bulygin Book in preparation, February 2011 To be published by Cambridge University Press http://www.win.tue.nl/ ∼ ruudp/courses/2WC11/2WC11-book.pdf /k

  3. Introduction 3/43 ✬✩ ✬✩ ✬✩ A ✫✪ ✫✪ ✫✪ M C ◮ C = error-correcting codes (extended) weight enumerator polynomial W C ( X , Y ) , W C ( X , Y , T ) ◮ M = matroids generalization of linear algebra and graph theory (di)chromatic polynomial and Tutte polynomial t M ( X , Y ) ◮ A = arrangements of hyperplanes topology, combinatorics characteristic polynomial χ( T ) , coboundary polynomial χ( S , T ) /k

  4. Content 5 lectures 4/43 1. Error-correcting codes Weight enumerator 2. q -ary symmetric channel and the probability of undetected error Arrangements and projective systems 3. Extended weight enumerator Graph theory and colorings 4. Matroids Tutte-Whitney polynomial 5. Geometric lattices Characteristic polynomial /k

  5. Content first lecture 5/43 1. Error-correcting codes: Shannon, Hamming distance 2. Linear codes: Generator and parity check matrix, inner product and dual code Hamming and simplex codes 3. Singleton bound and MDS codes: Vandermonde matrices and generalized Reed-Solomon codes 4. Weight enumerator: MacWilliams identity and examples 5. Exercises /k

  6. 6/43 Error-correcting codes /k

  7. Shannon’s block diagram 7/43 message message 001... 011... sender receiver ✲ ✲ ✲ ✲ source target encoding decoding ✻ noise Shannon’s block diagram of a communication system /k

  8. Hamming code 8/43 4 message bits: ( m 1 , m 2 , m 3 , m 4 ) 3 redundant bits: ( r 1 , r 2 , r 3 ) Rule: number of ones in every circle is even ✬✩ ✬✩ ✬✩ r 3 ✫✪ m 2 m 1 m 4 ✫✪ ✫✪ r 1 r 2 m 3 Venn diagram of the Hamming code /k

  9. Block codes 9/43 The message words have a fixed length of k symbols the encoded words have a fixed length of n symbols both from the same alphabet Q Add redundant symbols to the message in a clever way An error-correcting code C of length n over Q is a non-empty subset of Q n The elements of C are called codewords If C contains M codewords, then M is called the size n − log q ( M ) is called the redundancy R = log q ( M )/ n is the information rate /k

  10. Block codes 9/43 The message words have a fixed length of k symbols the encoded words have a fixed length of n symbols both from the same alphabet Q Add redundant symbols to the message in a clever way An error-correcting code C of length n over Q is a non-empty subset of Q n The elements of C are called codewords If C contains M codewords, then M is called the size n − log q ( M ) is called the redundancy R = log q ( M )/ n is the information rate /k

  11. Block codes 9/43 The message words have a fixed length of k symbols the encoded words have a fixed length of n symbols both from the same alphabet Q Add redundant symbols to the message in a clever way An error-correcting code C of length n over Q is a non-empty subset of Q n The elements of C are called codewords If C contains M codewords, then M is called the size n − log q ( M ) is called the redundancy R = log q ( M )/ n is the information rate /k

  12. Hamming distance 10/43 The Hamming distance d ( x , y ) on Q n is defined by d ( x , y ) = |{ i : x i �= y i }| It is a metric: 1. d ( x , y ) ≥ 0 and equality hods if and only if x = y 2. d ( x , y ) = d ( y , x ) (symmetry) 3. d ( x , z ) ≤ d ( x , y ) + d ( y , z ) (triangle inequality) y ❍❍❍❍❍ ❍ ❨ ❍ � ✒ � ❍ d ( y , z ) � ❍ � ❍ � d ( x , y ) ❍ ❥ ❍ � ✿ z ✘ ✘ ✘✘✘✘✘✘✘✘✘✘✘ ✘ ✘ � ✘ � ✘ ✘ ✘ � ✘ � ✘ ✘ ✘ ✾ ✘ � � ✠ d ( x , z ) x /k

  13. Hamming distance 10/43 The Hamming distance d ( x , y ) on Q n is defined by d ( x , y ) = |{ i : x i �= y i }| It is a metric: 1. d ( x , y ) ≥ 0 and equality hods if and only if x = y 2. d ( x , y ) = d ( y , x ) (symmetry) 3. d ( x , z ) ≤ d ( x , y ) + d ( y , z ) (triangle inequality) y ❍❍❍❍❍ ❍ ❨ ❍ � ✒ � ❍ d ( y , z ) � ❍ � ❍ � d ( x , y ) ❍ ❥ ❍ � ✿ z ✘ ✘ ✘✘✘✘✘✘✘✘✘✘✘ ✘ ✘ � ✘ � ✘ ✘ ✘ � ✘ � ✘ ✘ ✘ ✾ ✘ � � ✠ d ( x , z ) x /k

  14. Minimum distance 11/43 The minimum (Hamming) distance of a code C is defined as d = d ( C ) = min { d ( x , y ) : x , y ∈ C , x �= y } The main problem of error-correcting codes from Hamming’s point of view is: to construct for a given length and number of codewords a code with the largest possible minimum distance and to find efficient encoding and decoding algorithms /k

  15. Minimum distance 11/43 The minimum (Hamming) distance of a code C is defined as d = d ( C ) = min { d ( x , y ) : x , y ∈ C , x �= y } The main problem of error-correcting codes from Hamming’s point of view is: to construct for a given length and number of codewords a code with the largest possible minimum distance and to find efficient encoding and decoding algorithms /k

  16. Examples 12/43 The triple repetition binary code has length 3 and 2 codewords its information rate is 1 / 3 its minimum distance is 3. The binary Hamming code has length 7 and 2 4 codewords therefore its rate is 4 / 7 its minimum distance is 3 /k

  17. 13/43 Linear codes /k

  18. Linear codes 14/43 If the alphabet Q is the finite field F q with q elements then Q n is a vector space Therefore it is natural to look at codes in Q n that are linear subspaces A linear code C is a linear subspace of F n q Its dimension is denoted by k = k ( C ) and its minimum distance by d = d ( C ) Then [ n , k , d ] q or [ n , k , d ] denote the parameters of the code Size: M = q k Information rate: R = k / n Redundancy: n − k /k

  19. Support and minimal weight 15/43 The support of x in F n q is defined by supp ( x ) = { j : x j �= 0 } The weight of x is defined by wt ( x ) = | supp ( x ) | that is the number of nonzero entries of x Let C be an F q -linear code, then d ( C ) = min { wt ( c ) : 0 �= c ∈ C } /k

  20. Support and minimal weight 15/43 The support of x in F n q is defined by supp ( x ) = { j : x j �= 0 } The weight of x is defined by wt ( x ) = | supp ( x ) | that is the number of nonzero entries of x Let C be an F q -linear code, then d ( C ) = min { wt ( c ) : 0 �= c ∈ C } /k

  21. Generator and parity check matrix 16/43 C an F q -linear code of dimension k A k × n matrix G with entries in F q is called generator matrix of C if C = { x G | x ∈ F k q } A ( n − k ) × n matrix H with entries in F q is called a parity check matrix of C if q | c H T = 0 } C = { c ∈ F n /k

  22. Generator and parity check matrix 16/43 C an F q -linear code of dimension k A k × n matrix G with entries in F q is called generator matrix of C if C = { x G | x ∈ F k q } A ( n − k ) × n matrix H with entries in F q is called a parity check matrix of C if q | c H T = 0 } C = { c ∈ F n /k

  23. Example 17/43 The binary Hamming code with parameters [ 7 , 4 , 3 ] has generator matrix G :  1 0 0 0 0 1 1  0 1 0 0 1 0 1   G =   0 0 1 0 1 1 0   0 0 0 1 1 1 1 and parity check matrix H :  0 1 1 1 1 0 0  H = 1 0 1 1 0 1 0   1 1 0 1 0 0 1 /k

  24. Example 17/43 The binary Hamming code with parameters [ 7 , 4 , 3 ] has generator matrix G :  1 0 0 0 0 1 1  0 1 0 0 1 0 1   G =   0 0 1 0 1 1 0   0 0 0 1 1 1 1 and parity check matrix H :  0 1 1 1 1 0 0  H = 1 0 1 1 0 1 0   1 1 0 1 0 0 1 /k

  25. Proposition 18/43 Suppose C is a [ n , k ] code Let I k be the k × k identity matrix Let P be a k × ( n − k ) matrix Then ( I k | P ) is a generator matrix of C if and only if ( − P T | I n − k ) is a parity check matrix of C /k

  26. Proposition 18/43 Suppose C is a [ n , k ] code Let I k be the k × k identity matrix Let P be a k × ( n − k ) matrix Then ( I k | P ) is a generator matrix of C if and only if ( − P T | I n − k ) is a parity check matrix of C /k

  27. Inner product and dual code 19/43 The inner product on F n q is defined by x · y = x 1 y 1 + · · · + x n y n This inner product is bilinear, symmetric and nondegenerate but the notion of positive definite makes no sense over a finite field For an [ n , k ] code C we define the dual or orthogonal code C ⊥ as C ⊥ = { x ∈ F n q : c · x = 0 for all c ∈ C } . /k

  28. Inner product and dual code 19/43 The inner product on F n q is defined by x · y = x 1 y 1 + · · · + x n y n This inner product is bilinear, symmetric and nondegenerate but the notion of positive definite makes no sense over a finite field For an [ n , k ] code C we define the dual or orthogonal code C ⊥ as C ⊥ = { x ∈ F n q : c · x = 0 for all c ∈ C } . /k
