june 16 16 201 015 trcc vision mission purpose of the

June 16 16, 201 015 TRCC Vision/Mission Purpose of the Traffic - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

June 16 16, 201 015 TRCC Vision/Mission Purpose of the Traffic Records Coordinating Committee (TRCC) History Structure Function Roles and Activities of the TRCC Executive Council Future Meetings VIS VISIO ION Safe

  1. June 16 16, 201 015

  2.  TRCC Vision/Mission  Purpose of the Traffic Records Coordinating Committee (TRCC) ◦ History ◦ Structure ◦ Function  Roles and Activities of the TRCC Executive Council ◦ Future Meetings

  3. VIS VISIO ION Safe Maryland roads free of traffic injuries and fatalities. MIS ISSION Utilize quality management principles and emerging technologies to improve the quality, timeliness, and availability of traffic records data and systems that enable stakeholders and partners to identify and resolve traffic safety issues, advancing the Maryland traffic safety community to achieve zero traffic- related deaths.

  4. Purpose: e: Continually review and assess Maryland’s Traffic Safety Information System & its components.  Oversee development & update of strategic plan  Assess technologies & other advancements to improve the system  implement system improvements  Provide forum for the exchange of information

  5. Tr Traf affic Re Records St Strat ategic P Plan an 201 2016-202 2020 NHTSA T A Traffic R Records A s Asse sessm ssment Revis ised C d Chart rter Upda pdated C Chart rter a and d established d new g governa nanc nce s structur ture Tra raffic ic R Records ds A Assessment & 2010 2010– 2015 15 Tr Traf affic Re Records St Strat ategic P Plan an TRCC e establ blis ished in d in 2007 w wit ith a an MOU fro rom a wide ide v varie riety o of stakeholde ders Qualif ified f d for r NHTSA fund unding NHTSA T A Traffic R Records A s Asse sessm ssment

  6. Executive Council  Multi-disciplined Team  Executive Representation: 6 Systems  Provide Insight & Guidance  Provide increased Visibility and Transparency  Promote traffic records strategy

  7. Governor’s Roles & & Respons nsib ibilit ilitie ies Highway Safety Representative Executive Council Technical Council Sub-Committees, Task Forces, Ad- Hoc Groups

  8.  Fall ◦ Year in Review ◦ Traffic Records Strategic Plan ◦ Prioritization for Future Action  Sprin ring ◦ Policy ◦ Legislation ◦ Resources/budget

  9. Steering Committee Formed – • December Strategies for 6 systems • Prioritization Exercise by • Technical Council Prioritizing Strategies • Draft Compiled – June - Sept • Peer Review • Council Review Sept – Nov • Final Draft – Nov. 2 • Walk Through and Approval– • Nov. 19 Implement Plan •

  10. Cr Critical U Updates es  Timely Accessible Data  Carfax Etc…  MSP Delta Plus  Accessibility to partners  Systems support (financial resources)  Automated Crash Reporting System (ACRS)  Quality control  Data record collection  Data base  Accurate and Complete Information  Quality control

  11. Mar ark k your cal calen endar November 19 Nex Next meet eeting


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