julie briggs executive director provide businesses with

Julie Briggs Executive Director Provide businesses with education, - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Julie Briggs Executive Director Provide businesses with education, awareness and resources to promote the successful hiring of people with disabilities. The Siou oux F Falls B Busines ess R Res esou ource N e Netw etwor ork

  1. Julie Briggs Executive Director

  2.  Provide businesses with education, awareness and resources to promote the successful hiring of people with disabilities.

  3.  The Siou oux F Falls B Busines ess R Res esou ource N e Netw etwor ork (SFBRN) is a nonprofit corporation promoting the hiring of people with disabilities  SFBRN N works to enhance and improve the employment climate in the Sioux Falls area by promoting the advantages of hiring persons with disabilities, by educating employers and the public, and by fostering an environment that will assist businesses in improving production and efficiency  SFBRN N was designed to: ◦ Pro rovid ide e edu ducatio ional o l oppo pport rtunit ities regarding the employment of persons with disabilities ◦ Cr Create a a greater aw awar areness of the benefits of hiring persons with disabilities within the community ◦ Act as a a re resourc rce for both prospective employees and employers regarding employment opportunities and worksite modifications

  4.  Meet monthly with approximately 6 individual businesses  Attend monthly SE SHRM meetings  Present information to community groups and organizations  Act as liaison between employers and employees  Assist area schools  Attend bi-monthly provider meetings

  5.  Partner with other businesses and organizations to sponsor, or participate in, events and projects ◦ Disability Mentoring Day ◦ Disability Friendly Sticker Program ◦ Transition Week – Rehabilitation Center for the Blind ◦ NDEAM event ◦ STWTETW ◦ Education Presentations

  6.  Gather information regarding employer needs ◦ 2013 Survey  Promote the organization through the media  Participate in awareness activities  Promote the organization through social media  Promote the organization through BRN website (http://www.sfbrn.org)

  7.  Participant as a member of boards and committees ◦ Disability Awareness Commission ◦ Alliance for Full Participation ◦ Parent Connection Transition Committee ◦ NDEAM Review Committee ◦ Sioux Falls School District Interagency Council ◦ Service to the Blind and Visually Impaired Board of Directors ◦ Project SEARCH Business Advisory Council ◦ ADA Celebration Committee ◦ Sioux Falls School District Special Education Advisory Board and Interagency Council ◦ State ADA Network ◦ Sanford Down Syndrome Clinic

  8.  Provide education and information regarding accommodations  Provide education and information regarding the benefits of hiring individuals with disabilities  Provide interview skill training  Provide on-site consultation to businesses and organizations

  9.  NDEAM: 48 of the 70 attendees were employers  SHRM: member and presenter  Sanford Health Partnership: sponsor of the NDEAM conference; invited speaker at HR department meetings  Disability Mentoring Day: 2 of the 8 participants were placed in jobs  Website: 70% increase in traffic  Collaboration: businesses and agencies  State Plan: met and exceeded goals and expectations

  10.  Meets monthly  Has established committees ◦ Executive/Finance Committee ◦ Marketing and Media ◦ Program/Events/Education

  11.  Dawn B n Backer er, Ma Mana nager of of the the SD Reha ehabilita tati tion C Center enter f for or th the e Blind (S d (SDR DRC) C)  Julie B Ben enz, As Assistant V Vice P e Pres esiden ent of of Orth tho/Neu euro/Reh ehab, Av Aver era McKennan  Pat t Lund nd, D Director of of Hum uman R Res esources a at t Grand F Falls C Casino Resor ort, L , LLC  Col olleen en Mor Moran, As Assista tant C City ty Attor Attorney/ AD ADA A Coor oordinato tor/Human Rel elations Ma Mana nager er f for or the the City ty of of Siou oux F Falls.  Scott ott N Nel elson, C Co-Owner er a and CEO o of EtechGlob obal, L , LLC.  Ter erry R Rist, S Seni enior C Com ommercial C Cred edit Ana Analyst, t, H Hom ome F e Fed eder eral B Bank nk  Cind ndy S Stew tewart, D Distr trict S Sup uper ervisor of of DRS  Dawn B n Bly U Uthe, the, H HR Rec ecruiting Ma Mana nager – Ca Capi pital O One  Joy C Christensen, O , Owner er o of Cyber er C Climb  Dan n Good oodwin, ret etired ed E Executive D e Director of of East D Dakota ota Educational C Coop ooper erative a and nd con onsultant t  Jennif ifer E r Eric rickson, c co-ow owner C Camille’ e’s S Sidew ewalk C Cafe e

  12.  Contact Information: ◦ Julie Briggs ◦ Sioux Falls Business Resource Network ◦ 2900 W. 11 th Street, Suite 101 ◦ Sioux Falls, SD 57104 ◦ jbriggs@sfbrn.org ◦ 367-5260


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