joint iou epic 3 planning workshop

Joint IOU EPIC 3 Planning Workshop Third Triennial Investment Plan - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Ele lectric tric Pr Progr gram am In Inves estme tment nt Cha harge ge Joint IOU EPIC 3 Planning Workshop Third Triennial Investment Plan Cycle Pacific Energy Center San Francisco, CA March 9, 2017 PG&E, SCE, SDG&E, CEC

  1. Ele lectric tric Pr Progr gram am In Inves estme tment nt Cha harge ge Joint IOU EPIC 3 Planning Workshop Third Triennial Investment Plan Cycle Pacific Energy Center San Francisco, CA March 9, 2017 PG&E, SCE, SDG&E, CEC

  2. Agenda enda Topic Speaker Time Durati ation on Welcome & Safety Julie Cerio, PG&E 9:00 -9:10 10 min. CPUC Introduction to EPIC Maria Sotero, CPUC 9:10 – 9:20 10 min. CEC Introduction to EPIC 3 Planning Fernando Pina, CEC 9:20 -9:30 10 min. Process EPIC Program Overview Aaron Renfro, SCE 9:30 – 9:45 15 min. Break 9:45 – 10:00 15 min. PG&E EPIC 3 Proposed Investment Plan Julie Cerio, PG&E 10:00 – 10:30 30 min. Overview SCE EPIC 3 Proposed Investment Plan Ryan Blaney, SCE 10:30 – 11:00 30 min. Overview SDG&E EPIC 3 Proposed Investment Plan Frank Goodman, SDG&E 11:00 – 11:30 30 min. Overview Open Q&A All 11:30 – 12:00 30 min. Meeting Adjourns Julie Cerio, PG&E 12:00 2

  3. Me Meet etin ing g Pu Purpos pose Review draft IOU investment plans for proposed EPIC 3 projects to be filed to the CPUC in the Third Triennial EPIC Investment Plan Application by May 1, 2017 Gain informal, oral public stakeholder comments to be considered in the EPIC 3 Applications during meeting Contribute to ongoing coordination and understanding among administrators, stakeholders, interested parties, and the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC), while also raising awareness and visibility of EPIC investments and promoting EPIC program transparency 4

  4. CPUC INTRODUCTION Presented sented by Maria Sotero, Lead Analyst California Public Utilities Commission 5

  5. CEC EPIC 3 INVESTMENT PLAN PROCESS Prese sented nted by by Fernando Pina, Manager California Energy Commission, Energy Research and Development Division 6

  6. C A L I F O R N I A E N E R G Y C O M M I S S I O N California Energy Commission Research & Development EPIC Program Overview Fernando Pina March 9, 2017

  7. C A L I F O R N I A E N E R G Y C O M M I S S I O N CEC Administered EPIC Funding Approximately $120 M/year • Applied Research – Energy Efficiency – Clean Generation – Smart Grid – Cost Share for Federal Awards • Technology Demonstration and Deployment – Energy Efficiency and Demand Response – Clean Energy Generation and Deployment – Integration of EE, DR, DG and Smart Grid – Cost Share for Federal Awards • Market Facilitation – Entrepreneurial support and assistance More info at: – Innovative local strategies index.html – Streamlined customer adoption 8

  8. C A L I F O R N I A E N E R G Y C O M M I S S I O N Development of Energy Commission EPIC 2018-2020 Investment Plan Workshops • Distributed Energy Resources – March 13 th California Energy Commission • Joint EPIC Workshop – March 14 th California Energy Commission • Climate Change – March 16 th California Energy Commission • Targeted R&D for Disadvantaged Communities – March 20 th and March 27 th Clovis Veterans Memorial District (20 th ); Lynwood Bateman Hall (27 th )

  9. C A L I F O R N I A E N E R G Y C O M M I S S I O N EPIC Resources Filing Comments for EPIC 2018-2020 Investment Plan: 17-EPIC-01 EPIC Innovation Showcase: Listserve Sign-up ( to receive program updates via email ): EPIC Funding Opportunities: 10

  10. EPIC PROGRAM & POLICY OVERVIEW Presented sented by Aaron Renfro, Regulatory Affairs Southern California Edison 11

  11. A Survey of California’s Energy Goals ENVIR IRON ONMEN MENTAL AL Greenhouse se Califo ifornia ia Executive ve Greenhouse se Gas Gas Mandat ate Order B-16 16-2012 Once-throu ough h Mandate (80% below (1990 Levels) (Infrastructure / Vehicles) Cooli ling Mandat ate 1990 Levels) ZNE Goal CUSTOMER OMER & ZNE Goal (Commer mmercia ial) l) PEV (New homes) CYBER ERSE SECUR CURIT ITY Submeterin ing Pilot NERC CIP V .5 2010 10 2015 015 2016 6 2017 17 2020 20 2021 21 2024 24 2025 5 2030 0 2050 50 1,325 MW 1,325 MW (Proc ocured) ENERGY GY STORAGE GE (Operati ation onal) al) Self-Ge Generat eration ion Incentive ve Program am CA SB 350 (50% % RPS) PU Code 769 Addition onal al (Distribution 3,000 MW of CHP Resources Plans) Governor’s DG Goal CA Solar ar Initiat iativ ive of 12,000 MW (1,940 MW Installed) Califo ifornia ia Executive ve Order S-14 14-08 (33% RPS) RENEWABL ABLE E & ALTERNA RNATI TIVE VE ENERG RGY SB 350 - 50% RPS 12

  12. Elec ectric tric Sy Syst stem ems s Fac ace e Fu Fundamental damental Ch Changes anges Reduce ced d stabil bilit ity due Grid stabil ilit ity y thru to change nge in generati ation on mix rotati ational nal inertia Stochasti chastic Dispatch atchable able generat ation on generat ation on DRIVERS IVERS ING ENT MERGING • Poli licie cies CURRENT Trans nsac active ive Pass ssiv ive/pr /pred edictab ictable le • T echnol nologi ogies es loads loads EMER • Custo stomer ers • Competi mpetition tion Human an-in in-the-lo loop op Faster ster syste tem dynam amic ics grid management agement by orders s of m magnit nitud ude Flexibl ible and resili lient ent Rigid and centraliz alized ed distribut ibuted ed systems ems system em control ol 13

  13. Th The E e Ele lectr tric ic Pr Progr gram am In Inves estme tment nt Cha harge ge  $162M/y 2M/yr in ratepa tepayer yer funding ing (2 (2013 13-2020) 2020) Fundi Fu ding ng & &  CEC admi ministers nisters 80 80% of th the auth thori orized zed Alloc ocatio tion budget; t; IOUs adminis minister ter 20%  Applied lied Resear arch: ch: $55M/y M/yr (C (CEC C only) y) App pproved ed  Technolo hnology gy Demo monstratio nstration n & & Deplo ployment yment Inves estmen tment − CEC $45M, , PG&E $15M, , SCE $13M 13M, SDG DG&E $3M (/yr) r) Areas  Market rket Facilitation: cilitation: $15M/yr M/yr (C (CEC C only) y)  Distribu stributio tion Elec ectric ricit ity y  Grid id Ops / Mkt. t. Desig sign  Demand mand-Side Side Syst stem em  Gener eratio ation Mgmt mt Value ue Chain in  Transmiss nsmissio ion 14

  14. Sele lect t EPIC IC Requ quir ireme ments nts EPIC IC Annua nual l Report t & P Proje oject Final al Reports – The EPIC Administrators’ annual report must • include a final report on every project completed during the previous year, including a comprehensive description of the project, present detailed findings and results, a summary of all data collected and how the data may be accessed (D.13-11-025, OP 14) Project ject Specif ific ic Approv oval als – EPIC Administrators may only fund projects or initiatives that have • been approved by the Commission (D.15-04-020, COL 11) IOU Administrators must file a Tier 3 Advice Letter to make material scope changes or add new – projects (D.15-09-005, OP 1) ms – EPIC Administrators shall hold workshops twice a year, both during Works rkshops ops & S Sympos posiu iums • the development of each investment plan and during its execution, to contribute to ongoing coordination and understanding among administrators, stakeholders, interested parties, and the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC), while also raising awareness and visibility of EPIC investments and promoting EPIC program transparency (D. 12-05-037) Intell llec ectua tual l Prope operty ty – Except when valid reasons exist for confidentiality, the EPIC Administrators • must make available upon request all data, findings, results, computer models and other products developed, consistent with the treatment of intellectual property requirements (D.13- 11-025, OP 13) IOU Administrators must file a Tier 3 Advice Letter to request a project-specific intellectual – property waiver (D.15-04-020, OP 18) 15


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