john munro st mary s university guest lecture history

JOHN MUNRO, ST. MARYS UNIVERSITY Guest Lecture, History 2014 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

THE CONFEDERACYS GREAT WAR JOHN MUNRO, ST. MARYS UNIVERSITY Guest Lecture, History 2014 Dalhousie University, 01 October 2015 The Confederacys Great War The United States in an Age of Empires 1. Diplomacy, Culture, and the Great War

  1. THE CONFEDERACY’S GREAT WAR JOHN MUNRO, ST. MARY’S UNIVERSITY Guest Lecture, History 2014 Dalhousie University, 01 October 2015

  2. The Confederacy’s Great War The United States in an Age of Empires 1. Diplomacy, Culture, and the Great War 2. Global 1919 and the United States 3.

  3. Part I: The United States in an Age of Empires US Civil War: 1861-1865

  4. - Cotton supply - National consolidation - Racial revolution “Over the Way,” Punch (November 1861)

  5. An Anticolonial Reconstruction? Reconstruction: 1865-1877 Blanche K. Bruce, Hiram R. Revels, Senator for Senator for Mississippi, Mississippi, 1875-1881 1870-1871

  6. Reconstruction Overthrown

  7. War of 1898 “Uncle Sam's New Class in the Art of Self - “The Filipino’s First Bath,” Judge (1899) Government,” Harper’s Weekly (1898)

  8. Cecil Rhodes as “The Rhodes Colossus” Uncle Sam as “Colossus of the Pacific”

  9. Part II: Diplomacy, Culture, and the Great War US soldiers arriving in France, 1917

  10. Woodrow Wilson: US President, 1913-1921

  11. Divided Opinion in the United States - Immigrants and descendants from both sides of conflict in US - Sinking of Lusitania , 1915

  12. “He Kept Us Out of War” - Election of 1916 - Germany resumes U-boat attacks, 1917 Wilson campaign truck, 1916

  13. Moving Toward War - Zimmerman Telegram, February 1917 - US Declares War, April 1917 1. Economics 2. Culture 3. Peace Wilson asking Congress for Declaration of War, 02 April 1917

  14. The Fourteen Points - “Peace without Victory” - Statement of President’s peace aims - US involvement in war plays important role in German defeat - German surrender encouraged by spirit of 14 Points

  15. George Creel -Committee on Public Information

  16. The Birth of a Nation , 1915

  17. Founding of the Second Ku Klux Klan, 1915

  18. Protests against Birth of a Nation , 1915

  19. Woodrow Wilson , History of the American People (1902)

  20. Intertitle from Birth of a Nation (1915)

  21. Part III: Global 1919 and the United States Vittorio Orlando, David Lloyd George, Georges Clemenceau, and Woodrow Wilson, Paris, 1919

  22. Selling the Treaty in the US Henry Cabot Lodge Wilson on US speaking tour, 1919 Woodrow with wife Edith Wilson, 1920

  23. The Colonies Look to Wilson Nguyen Tat Thanh in Paris, 1919

  24. Sa’d Zaghlul Wafd Party

  25. Lala Lajpat Rai Swadeshi movement

  26. W.E.B. Du Bois

  27. Blaise Diane Pan-African Congress, 1919 “The truth is, white men are merely juggling with words – or worse – when they declare that the withdrawal of Europeans from Africa will plunge that continent into chaos. What Europe, and indeed only a small group in Europe, wants in Africa is not a field for…civilization, but…exploitation.” W.E.B. Du Bois, “Reconstruction and Africa”

  28. Wilson’s Legacy


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