Joh ohns ns Hop opki kins s Ce Center er Fo For a Li Livable le Future Survey vey Analys ysis is July 2018
Methodology On behalf of the Johns Hopkins Center For a Livable Future, an academic center based at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, GQR conducted a nationwide live interview phone survey among 1005 National Registered Voters. Margin of error for this sample is +/- 3.1 percentage points at the 95 percent confidence level. Margin of error is higher among subgroups. Not all measures will add up to 100% as “don’t know” and refuse to answers are not included. The survey was conducted from June 5 to June 12, 2018. 2
Majority believe the government should be doing more to meet the needs of people, though a partisan split Now, I am going to read you a pair of statements. Please tell me which statement comes closer to your own view, even if neither is exactly right. Government should do more to solve problems Government is doing too many things better left to and help meet the needs of people. businesses and individuals. Do more - Strongly Do more - Somewhat Too many things - Strongly Too many things - Somewhat 87 80 65 60 55 60 41 36 40 28 57 41 20 11 33 24 21 21 13 5 0 Total Democrats Independents Republicans 3
Majorities prefer forward looking and sustainable ag practices Next you will hear some pairs of statements. For each pair, please tell me which statement is closer to your own view, even if it is not exactly right. The best way to ensure the availability of healthy food The agriculture industry has a responsibility to produce in the future is to develop agricultural and production food in a sustainable way that ensures America will be practices that conserve resources. able to produce healthy food for future generations. The best way to ensure the availability of healthy food The agriculture industry has a responsibility to produce in the future is to give the agriculture industry what it enough food to feed the American population now while needs to continue to produce more as the population keeping the cost of food down. grows. First Statement Strongly First Statement Somewhat Second Statement Strongly Second Statement Somewhat 80 67 54 60 41 40 27 20 32 23 18 10 0 Ag practices to Ag practices to Responsibility Responsibility conserve resources produce more to be sustainable to keep costs down 4
Government seen as doing poor job across the board on food and ag policy Next I will read you some information about areas of food policy in which the federal government may be involved in. Based on what you know, please tell me whether the government is doing an excellent, good, just fair, or poor job in that area. Poor Just Fair Excellent Good 20 50 48 Keeping food safe in the U.S. (SPLIT) Making sure the prices of important foods do not dramatically 58 21 37 change from month to month. Ensuring that food is produced in a sustainable way that ensures 61 26 34 the availability of food in the future 21 31 56 Supporting farmers in times of drought and low crop yield. (SPLIT) Making sure people in all neighborhoods have access to 68 39 28 healthy food 71 (SPLIT) Ensuring people with low or modest incomes have enough 38 27 money for basic food necessities. 26 21 63 (SPLIT ) Protecting farmers from big changes in crop prices. 5
Three quarters believe the government should be supporting ag producers, including small & mid-size (SPLIT) How involved do you think the federal government (SPLIT) How involved do you think the federal government should be in supporting small and mid-sized agricultural should be in supporting agricultural producers? producers? Very involved Somewhat involved Not involved at all A little involved 80 80 75 60 40 22 19 20 28 25 7 5 0 Involved Not Involved Involved Not Involved 6
Most want more support for small/mid-sized farms (SPLIT) From what you know, do you think the federal (SPLIT) From what you know, do you think the federal government should be providing more funding and support government should be giving more funding and support to small and mid-sized agricultural producers, less support to agricultural producers, less support to agricultural to small and mid-sized agricultural producers, or is it giving producers, or is it giving about the right amount of about the right amount of support to small and mid-sized support to agricultural producers? agricultural producers? 60 40 57 47 20 30 28 10 6 0 About the right About the right More support Less Support More support Less Support amount amount 7
More than half want to see more oversight on large scale industrial animal farms Now let me ask you a question about industrial animal farms, which include large-sized farms that produce large quantities of meat, poultry, eggs, and dairy products. From what you know, do you think that there should be more oversight of industrial animal farms, less oversight, or should the level of oversight stay the same as it is now? A lot more A little more 60 53 66 % of Democrats want to see more oversight 57 % of independents want to see more oversight 31 % of Republicans want to see more oversight 40 20 33 31 9 0 Less oversight More oversight Same level 8
Few registered voters are familiar with the U.S. Farm Bill First, how familiar are you with the U.S. Farm Bill: very familiar, somewhat familiar, a little familiar or have you never heard of the U.S. Farm Bill? Very familiar Somewhat familiar Not at all familiar A little familiar 79 80 60 40 20 45 20 2 0 Familiar Not Familiar 10
Most support an increase in funding for the Farm Bill The U.S. Farm Bill needs to be reauthorized this year. From what you know, do you generally think funding for the Farm Bill should be increased, decreased, or stay the same? Increased Stay the same Decreased 60 40 68 53 50 42 20 35 32 32 24 15 10 8 1 0 Total Democrats Independents Republicans 11
Increasing funding for the Farm Bill supported across the country The U.S. Farm Bill needs to be reauthorized this year. From what you know, do you generally think funding for the Farm Bill should be increased, decreased, or stay the same? Increased Stay the same Decreased 56 55 54 53 53 53 49 47 43 38 37 36 35 34 33 32 27 27 11 9 8 8 7 6 6 5 5 East West New Mid Deep Total Mountain Pacific Border North North England Atlantic South Central Central 12
Strong support for expanding assistance to new farmers, specialty crops, and conservation practices Now let me read you some specific proposals that may be considered as part of the reauthorization of funding for the Farm Bill. For each one, please tell me whether you favor or oppose this proposal. Oppose Support Net: Strongly Oppose Strongly Favor (NEW FARMS) Increase opportunities for beginning, socially disadvantaged, and +75 10 48 85 veteran farmers and ranchers to participate in crop insurance and conservation programs. (SPLIT)(INCREASE INSUR) Require farmers seeking crop insurance assistance to implement 11 61 84 +73 practices that protect our land, water and health such as improving water quality, reducing soil erosion and establishing vegetation buffers between farm land and waterways. 14 48 82 (SPLIT) (EXPAND INSUR) Expand the list of crops eligible for crop insurance to include +68 fruits, vegetables and nuts, as well as organic crops. (FOREIGN ASSISTANCE) Increase funding for food assistance support to nations 19 8 49 80 +61 experiencing natural disasters. (SNAP WORK) Require people who receive SNAP or Food Stamp Benefits meet 31 19 46 67 +36 minimum work requirements in order to receive their benefits. (INSUR LIMITS) Limit the total subsidies a farmer or agribusiness can receive from 38 15 15 47 +9 crop insurance programs to pay for insurance premiums to $50,000 per year. 13
Most do not support scaling back SNAP funding; more mixed on a SNAP cap Now let me read you some specific proposals that may be considered as part of the reauthorization of funding for the Farm Bill. For each one, please tell me whether you favor or oppose this proposal. Oppose Support Net: Strongly oppose Strongly favor (SPLIT)(SNAP CAP) Place a cap on SNAP or Food Stamp benefits for households of 6 +3 46 29 30 49 people or more. (EQIP CAFO) Prohibit funding for all new and expanding Concentrated Animal 46 27 28 49 +3 Feeding Operations, which are industrial farms that produce and often release large amounts of animal waste into public waterways. (SPLIT) (FOREIGN FARMS) Ban federal agriculture loans to foreign-owned farms on US 21 26 47 +2 45 land. (PREEMPTION) Stop state and local communities from being able to pass health or 52 -13 24 15 39 safety regulations on farming or agricultural operations that conflict with other federal or state laws. (CONSERVE FUNDING) Eliminate funding for conservation programs that help farmers -16 57 and agricultural operations maintain environmental quality of their land and protect 42 21 41 public health. (SPLIT) (SNAP CUTS) Reduce funding for the SNAP or Food Stamp program that provides food purchasing assistance for low-income families by more than 200 61 46 20 35 -26 billion dollars over 10 years. 14
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