20 2020 20 2021 2021 wh what at is is d dua ual cr l

20 2020 20-2021 2021 Wh What at is is D Dua ual Cr l Credi - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Joh ohns nson on Du Dual al Cr Credit dit 20 2020 20-2021 2021 Wh What at is is D Dua ual Cr l Credi dit t Ex Exac actl tly? y? The Dual al Cre redit Pro rogra ram m at at J Johns nson on al allows ws a a

  1. Joh ohns nson on Du Dual al Cr Credit dit 20 2020 20-2021 2021

  2. Wh What at is is D Dua ual Cr l Credi dit t Ex Exac actl tly? y?  The Dual al Cre redit Pro rogra ram m at at J Johns nson on al allows ws a a student ent to e o enro roll ll at at San an Antonio onio Col ollege ege (SAC) ) to ear arn college ge level l cre redit while e at at the sam ame time e fulfill illin ing g high schoo ool ac acad ademic emic re require rements ments.  Dual al Cre redit clas asses es at at J Joh ohnson nson ar are fu e full ye year ar cours rses. . Students ents can an tak ake an any dual al cre redit clas ass at at Joh ohnson son that at they ey qu qual alify y for or. .

  3. Wh Why Do I wa I want nt to to be in D e in Dua ual l Cr Cred edit it? ◇ The e Dual al Credit edit cour urses es will ll apply ly to most Assoc socia iate te Degre grees es at San n Antonio onio Colle llege ge and may tran ansfe sfer to other er colle leges ges or univer iversi sities. ties. As with th all tran ansf sferrin erring g cour urses es, it is up to the accept pting ing colle llege ge or unive iversity rsity to hono nor dual al credit edit cour urse se work. rk. ◇ Review view the FAQ Q section tion in the handbook ndbook for r more re speci cific ic details ils.

  4. Wh Why Do y Do I wa want nt to be i e in D n Dua ual l Cre redit dit?  Ear arns s yo you col ollege ege credit  Sav aves your pa r pare rents $$$ $$$  Chal alleng enging ing cours rse work rk prepares prepares you you fo for r the he rigo rigor r of of col ollege ege wor ork!! !!  Looks gre reat at on tra ranscrip ript t when n ap appl plyi ying ng to c o col ollege. ege. (If If yo you mak ake e good gra rades! s!!)

  5. A co common on qu ques estio tion n asked is, “What is the “ dif differen erence ce betw tween een AP and Dual Credit?”

  6. Th The An e Answ swer: er: AP Classes Dual Credit Classes ◇ Once you u pass ss the Dual al Credit t ◇ AP c class asses s require class ss, , you u will have ve a college ge taking ng the AP ex exam in transc nscri ript pt with grades des to provi vide de May; most coll lleges and to the universi sity ty that at you attend universiti ities s award coll llege credit if you ◇ Most st colleges ges will accept t the score a 3 3 o or better on college ge trans nscrip ript, but the college eges s the AP ex exam decide what t credit t that at you u will earn (For or example ple, Biology ogy AP may be awarde rded d a scienc nce e elective ve ◇ AP ex exam(s) s) costs s money credit t inste stead ad of biology ogy credit) t) ◇ AP c class sses s are open ◇ Dual al Credit t costs sts nothing hing except pt enrollm lment the testi ting ng fee of the TSI exam ◇ Dual al Credit t class sses s require e stude dent nts to apply y and qualify y

  7. For or mo most t Jo Johnson hnson Dua ual l Cr Credit dit clas asses ses, the he AP student udents s ar are lear arning ning the he sam ame ma material erial as as the he Dual Dual Cr Credit dit student udents!! s!!

  8. Cons nsidera deration tions s Be Befo fore re Ta Taki king ng Multipl ultiple e DC DC Cla lasse sses ◇ Some coll lleges s may limit how many dual l credit class asses s a a student can enter with as a f freshman an appli lican cant ◇ How dual l credit grades and credits s are posted d is based on the way the colleg llege/unive iversi sity y choo oose ses s to interpret the coll llege transcr cript ipt ◇ Just because se you can take dual l credit t classe asses s may not mean you need t to take them all … it it really ly should ould be a a thoughtfu ful l decision on. Conside der picking ng class asses s that at could ld apply ly to your major or. ◇ AP s scores s are un universal sal and tend to be a accept pted d everywhere … taki aking the AP ex exam is a gr great back up to a dual a l credit class ass

  9. Cu Current nt Jo Johns nson on Ac Acad ademi mic Du Dual al Cr Credi dit Cla t Class sses ◇ AP AP B Biology (8 (8 ho hours s of of co college ge cr credi dit – 4 per se seme mest ster) r) ◇ Colle lege ge Al Algebra ra (4 (4 hou ours s of of co college ege cr credi dit t – 4 for or the year) ◇ AP AP En English IV o V or AP AP En English IV V GT (6 hours of co colleg ege e cr credi dit t – 3 p per seme mester) r) ◇ AP AP U US H History (6 hours of co colleg ege e cr credi dit t – 3 p per seme mester) r)

  10. Cu Current nt Jo Johns nson on Ac Acad ademi mic Dual Du al Cr Credi dit Cla t Class sses ◇ AP AP S Spanish Languag age e (6 (6 hou ours s of of co colleg ege e cr credi dit t – 3 p per se seme mest ster) r) ◇ Ar Art Ap Appreci ciati tion on (3 (3 ho hours s of of co colleg ege e cr credi dit t – 3 f for or the year) r) ◇ Ac Acco counting (3 h hours of co colleg ege e cr credi dit t – 3 f for the year) r) ◇ Business Managem emen ent (3 h hours of co colleg ege e cr credi dit t – 3 f for the year) r)

  11. Co Coll llege ge Co Cour urse se N Numb umbers ◇ AP AP Bi Biol olog ogy (Biology 1406/1 6/1407) 407) ◇ Col olle lege ge Al Algebra ra (Math 1414) ◇ AP AP En English sh IV o V or AP AP En English sh IV V GT (English 1301/1 /1302) 302) ◇ AP AP U US H History y (Am America can History y 1301/1 /1302) 302)

  12. Co Coll llege ge Co Cour urse se N Numb umbers ◇ AP AP Sp Spanish sh Languag age (Spanish 2311/2 /231 312) 2) ◇ Ar Art Ap Appreci ciati tion on (Ar Art 1301) ◇ Ac Acco counting (Ac Acco counting 2330) ◇ Business Managem emen ent (PBAD AD 2339)

  13. Ho How a are Du Dual al Cr Credi dit t Cl Class asses s Ra Ranke nked? d? ◇ All of the Dual al Credit t class sses es that t are AP receive ve the 1.29 multi tipli plier r for AP AP Biology ogy AP US Hi Histo tory y AP Engl glish sh IV AP Spani anish sh Languag nguage ◇ Any Dual al Credit t class sses es that at are not AP receive e the 1.15 multi tipli plier r like a Pre-AP AP class ss College ge Alge gebr bra Art Appre preciati ation on Accoun unting ting Busine ness ss Manage nageme ment nt

  14. App pply lyin ing fo g for Du Dual al Cr Credi dit is t is a P a Proc ocess t ss that at ta take kes Tim s Time an and E d Effor ort Firs First: Second: Sec Complete a Co a Third Th rd: Co Complete onl online co college Submit all Su all yo your Test Pre Te Prepara ration app application Dual Cred Du Credit and the an then ta take thr through Fo Form rms the the TSI TSI tes test App pplyTexas

  15. Dual al Cr Credit dit St Steps ps  Step 1 – Ap ApplyTexas xas applica cati tion on  Step 2 – Banner r ID#  Step 3 – Go FAA AARR and d the PAA AA  Step 4 – Testing  Step 5 – Du Dual Credit for orms ms  Step 6 – Ve Verify Sch chedu dule

  16. Ho How D Do I o I Qua Quali lify? y? You ou must t have e speci cific ic scores ores on the SAT, T, PSAT, AT, ACT, or the TSI test (most st studen udents ts use e the TSI test to qual alify) ify) Te Test Mat ath Rea eading 53 530 480 48 SAT SA 510 51 460 46 PS PSAT Composite Co 19+ 19+ 19+ 19+ ACT 23 23 Essay/W /Writing 35 350 351 35 TSI TSI 4/340+ 4/3 Scor ores es can an var ary ba y based ed on on the e cou ours rse

  17. Som ometh thin ing to C g to Con onsi side der If you don’t earn qualifying scores s the fi first time me you u test, t, you u might t conside ider r wa waitin ing un until l next year ar to tak ake e a D a Dua ual l Credit t cla lass. s. The test t is a ve very strong g indica icator tor of w f whethe her r a st stud udent nt is prepared to be suc uccess ssful ful with h the coll llege ge le leve vel l material ial that t will ll be presente nted in the cla lass.

  18. Jo Johnso nson T n TSI Te I Test st Dat Dates  We will have three ee initial test da dates at Jo Johnso son: SATU TURDA RDAY Y Februa ruary ry 1, 2020 at 9:00 00 a.m. SATU TURD RDAY Y March h 21, 2020 at 9:00 00 a.m. SATU TURDA RDAY Y April il 18, 2020 at 9:00 00 a.m. Retestin ting will be offered red at Johnso nson n on TUEDAY AY May 19, 2020 after school ool and WEDNESDA ESDAY Y May 20, 2020 after school ool *Students ents can retest t on any date, , once e they have an initial tial TSI test score re.

  19. Test st Scor ores  Pleas ase e electron ronica icall lly submit mit the Test Scor ore e For orm to o iden entify ify what at typ ype of e of test you ar are using g to qual alify  TSI I Scor ores es will l be se e sent to SA o SAC for or yo you by Johns nson on (stude dent nts will re receive e a a har ard copy o of their r TSI score res that at they ey nee eed to kee o keep fo p for t r thei eir r re recor ords)  PSAT/ T/SAT SAT/AC /ACT T Score res – Johns nson on will l submit mit an an of official al tra ransc scrip ript t with h those score res to SAC

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