jobeval project presenta1on web strategy

JobEval Project Presenta1on WebStrategy Benot Vasseur (Groupe - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

JobEval Project Presenta1on WebStrategy Benot Vasseur (Groupe Durable) Florent Pajot, Gaetan Girin, Nol Courtemanche, Tutors: Chris,ne Evain, Vincent Tourre I. Project Presenta1on a. Business model b. Method and organiza1on c.

  1. JobEval Project Presenta1on Web‐Strategy Benoît Vasseur (Groupe Durable) Florent Pajot, Gaetan Girin, Noël Courtemanche, Tutors: Chris,ne Evain, Vincent Tourre

  2. I. Project Presenta1on a. Business model b. Method and organiza1on c. Specifica1ons d. Database II. Technical aspects a. The visitor part b. The member part c. Admin part d. Mathema1cal model III. Marke1ng aspects a. SEO b. Design c. Site promo1on

  3. Project Presentation

  4. Business model :  You fill a form for free!  You get an evaluation of your potential value  You compare with your current revenue  You can get in touch with recruitment agencies

  5. Business model : Different model than existing evaluation sites :  No advertisement not to bother visitors  Not selling the result of the evaluation  Sell contacts’ sheets to recruitment agencies

  6. Competitors’ Business models :

  7. Main parts of the project related to the client’s requirements : • A dynamic website using PHP, Zend Framework and MySQL • A first form to be able to do a sourcing • A mathematical model to create a real simulation of a salary • A good design for the website  About one meeting per week with the client

  8. Chronology of the technical development Presentation of the project Febrary March April Design trials Trials on Zend Second meeting with Research on the tutors algorithm Launch of the First meeting First sourcing Development of project with tutors form different functions Issues : accessibility, legal issues, storing data, DNS…

  9. And the marketing part February March April All along the project Issues : • Sourcing • SEO • Partners • Advertising • …

  10. Specifications

  11. Methodology • Define the scenarios • ways of using the website • Define the site’s structure • links between pages, navigation • Define the general layout • Navigation • Organization of content

  12. Example: general structure

  13. Example: simulation form

  14. Example: simulation form

  15. Example: simulation form

  16. Example: simulation form

  17. Example: simulation form

  18. The database

  19. Developement

  20. The visitor part Specific issues of the part dedicated to visitors of the website :  Building the forms • Simulation form • Subscription form  Validators  Dynamic form  MVC structure of the forms

  21. The member part

  22. Pages: • Login form • Personal zone – Personal home page – Testimonies • Contact form

  23. Login form • Specific style • If not a registered yet: • redirection to Subscription form • Validators • Flash messengers

  24. Personal zone • Personal home page: menu  sections – Personal home page – Simulations – Profile – Recruitment – Testimonies • Testimonies: – Two entries – Validators / flash messengers – Adapted size

  25. Contact form • Access: everyone (guests, members, admin) • What’s the message about? +text • Validators / flash messengers • Sends a message to the admin – Displayed in admin part

  26. Specific issues of the part dedicated to administrators of the website  Restricted access  Tool to manage the website  Statistics • Lists • Management of testimonies • Customer relationship management

  27. Simulating a salary  ANOVA : Analysis of variance -> to eliminate non influential parameters • Require a great source of data (sourcing) • Tools to do it : XLSTAT on Excel  Multi linear regression : to create the polynomial used to calculate the salary • The program is done but… • We need the PEAR library for PHP

  28. Marketing

  29. Search Engine Optimization • On-Page Factors (Code & Content) • Title tags <title> • Header tags <h1> • ALT image tags • Content <body> • Hyperlink text • Keyword frequency & density

  30. Search Engine Optimization Research keywords related to our business

  31. Research keywords related to your business Mot clé Mot clé Mot clé Mot clé évaluation 0,08 3350000 550000 salaire 0,12 2240000 1830000 rémunération 0,1 450000 246000 salaires 0,12 246000 201000 evaluations 0,03 201000 22200 grille des salaires 0,25 165000 165000 salaire net 0,09 165000 135000 grille salaire 0,25 165000 165000 grille des salaire 0,25 165000 165000 salaire brut 0,08 135000 110000 remunere 0,49 110000 90500 salaire moyen 0,13 110000 74000 calcul salaire 0,15 90500 74000 salaire brut net 0,07 90500 90500 calculer salaire 0,15 90500 74000 formation remunere 0,58 74000 74000 évaluation cm2 0,05 60500 60500 evaluer 0,22 60500 40500 evalue 0,05 60500 2900 salaire minimum 0,13 49500 22200 salaires en france 0,11 49500 40500 évaluation ce1 0,01 40500 40500 calcul salaire net 0,1 40500 33100 calculer salaire net 0,1 40500 33100 salaire ingénieur 0,11 40500 33100

  32. Chosen keywords <meta name="keywords" content=" évaluation, rémunération, salaire, emploi, offres d'emploi, jobs, job, recrutement, jobeval, travail, recherche d'emploi carrière, opportunités, opportunité, argent, simulation, informatique, salaire net, calcul />

  33. Search Engine Optimization  Utilization of descriptive title tags for each page  identify level of competition  Ensure that your text is HTML-text and not image text  Obtain inbound links from related websites

  34. Level of competition    

  35. Potential partners

  36. Design and accessibility Structure and design based on our client’s demands • A form directly available on the first page to do a simulation • Less than five clicks to do for the user • Reassuring the visitor : no ads, testimonies…

  37. Site promotion

  38. Strategy to… • Gather data: the sourcing step • Reach targets, draw traffic

  39. Gathering data: Centrale Carrières

  40. Gathering data: Centrale Carrières • Gathers 4 schools: Nantes, Lyon, Lille, Marseille • Email distribution • Using (former) students’ relationships or info • Contact for ECN: Didier Tubiana

  41. Gathering data: • Also: • Forums about computer sciences such as…

  42. Draw traffic: • French forum of developers • Famous, free & serious website • Specialized sections: – Employment • Salaries • Also: online magazine, weekly newsletters

  43. Features to come…  Export widget to other websites  Generate content (CV, Cover letter advices)  Develop a Facebook app Conclusion


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