jets at an eic an experimental perspective

Jets at an EIC: An Experimental Perspective Brian Page Brookhaven - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Jets at an EIC: An Experimental Perspective Brian Page Brookhaven National Laboratory Santa Fe Jets and Heavy Flavor Workshop Outline Brief Introduction to the Electron Ion Collider (EIC) Underlying Event Characteristics Accessing

  1. Jets at an EIC: An Experimental Perspective Brian Page Brookhaven National Laboratory Santa Fe Jets and Heavy Flavor Workshop

  2. Outline • Brief Introduction to the Electron Ion Collider (EIC) • Underlying Event Characteristics • Accessing Photon Structure and Gluon Spin with Dijets • Quark – Gluon Discrimination • Detector Smearing Jet and HF Workshop - Santa Fe 2

  3. EIC Goals in a Nutshell Gain a Better Understanding of QCD via Precision Measurements of the Bound States of the Theory • How are the sea quarks and gluons, and their spins, distributed in space and momentum inside the nucleon? • Where does the saturation of gluon densities set in? • How does the nuclear environment affect the distribution of quarks and gluons and their interactions in nuclei? Understanding the glue that binds us all Jet and HF Workshop - Santa Fe 3

  4. Potential EIC Realizations • Two designs are in active development: • eRHIC (BNL) • JLEIC (JLab) • eRHIC utilizes the existing RHIC hadron facility and adds an electron ring and injector • JLEIC utilizes CEBAF as an electron accelerator and adds a hadron source / booster and collider rings • Broad tradeoff: eRHIC will start with lower luminosities but have larger center of mass energies while JLEIC will prioritize luminosity but with smaller collision energies Jet and HF Workshop - Santa Fe 4

  5. Simulation Details / Particle Cuts • Electron – Proton events generated at √s = 141 GeV using PYTHIA (Full energy eRHIC design 20x250 GeV electron x proton) • Cut on inelasticity: 0.01 ≤ y ≤ 0.95 PRD 96, 074035 (2017) • Jet Algorithm: Anti_k T (R = 1.0) • Jets found in Breit frame • Particles used in jet finding: • Stable • p T ≥ 250 MeV • η ≤ 4.5 • Parent cannot originate from scattered electron Jet and HF Workshop - Santa Fe 5

  6. Relevant Subprocesses Resolved QCD-Compton (QCDC) Photon-Gluon Fusion (PGF) DIS EIC User Meeting - 01/08/16 6

  7. Jets at an EIC: Points to Remember • Lower center of mass energies will lead to lower jet / di-jet yields and more limited p T / mass reach • Will need largest available energies and high luminosity to accumulate reasonable statistics at high p T / mass – use √s = 141 GeV for all that follows Jet p T [GeV] Di-jet Mass [GeV] Jet and HF Workshop - Santa Fe 7

  8. Jets at an EIC: Points to Remember • Lower center of mass energies will lead to lower jet / di-jet yields and more limited p T / mass reach • Will need largest available energies and high luminosity to accumulate reasonable statistics at high p T / mass – use √s = 141 GeV for all that follows Q 2 = 10 - 100 GeV 2 Jet p T [GeV] • Jets contain relatively few particles overall • Events should be relatively clean with moderate underlying event • Typical particle p T is small -> precision tracking important for reducing jet Jet and HF Workshop - Santa Fe 8 energy scale uncertainties

  9. Underlying Event Study • ep events are expected to be relatively clean, with moderate underlying event activity • Want to systematically quantify the amount of underlying event present in a typical event p 2 Away Trigger Jet Direction • Divide event into regions based on D f Transverse position of a trigger jet Toward f Trigger • Transverse regions sensitive to Jet underlying event contribution Transverse Transverse Toward Transverse Away • For this study: Dijet events from Resolved, QCDC, and PGF subprocesses; Away Q 2 < 1 GeV 2 ; p T1 > 5, p T2 > 4.5 GeV/c 0 h Jet and HF Workshop - Santa Fe 9

  10. Underlying Event Characteristics 1.2 in 3.6 degree bin Trigger jet p >5 GeV T • 1 Plot average number of Trigger jet p >8 GeV T charged particles per 0.8 event as a function of 0.6 azimuthal angle from ñ trigger jet 0.4 ch N á 0.2 Toward Trasverse Away • Also plot the average 0 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 D f summed particle p T [rad] 3 in 3.6 degree bin Trigger jet p >5 GeV T 2.5 Trigger jet p >8 GeV • See little dependence on T 2 trigger jet p T 1.5 1 ñ sum • The number of charged 0.5 particles and p T sum in 0 T Away Toward Trasverse p transverse region is small á -0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 D f Jet and HF Workshop - Santa Fe [rad] 10

  11. Comparison with STAR • Plot the average p T for charged tracks as a function of trigger jet p T • See that these quantities are independent of the trigger jet p T in transverse region as well as Q 2 arXiv:1107.4891 • See similar behavior in 200 GeV pp events at STAR • Can we use STAR data to study certain EIC jet observables? Jet and HF Workshop - Santa Fe 11

  12. Jets as Parton Surrogates • Jets should approximate the energy and momentum of the partons from which they arise allowing the reconstruction of event kinematics such as x γ (photon momentum fraction) and x P (parton momentum fraction) among many other applications • x γ will allow tagging of direct vs resolved subprocesses which will be important for studies of photon structure (Phys. Rev. D 96, 074035) as well as alternative methods for accessing ∆G Direct Resolved QCD – Compton Photon-Gluon Fusion Jet and HF Workshop - Santa Fe 12

  13. Subprocess Tagging and Kinematics 1 𝑛 𝑈1 𝑓 −𝑧 1 + 𝑛 𝑈2 𝑓 −𝑧 2 X γ = 2𝐹 𝑓 𝑧 • Use dijet energy and momentum to reconstruct x γ and x P • Cutting on x γ can enhance or reduce resolved contribution (which becomes more prominent at low Q 2 ) depending on the analysis needs • 1 Both x γ and x P accurately reconstructed 𝑛 𝑈1 𝑓 𝑧 1 + 𝑛 𝑈2 𝑓 𝑧 2 X P = 2𝐹 𝑄 Jet and HF Workshop - Santa Fe 13

  14. Example: Photon Structure Study the polarized and unpolarized hadronic structure of the photon • In QCD, the photon can be considered a superposition of a bare photon state and a hadronic state • Want to characterize the polarized and unpolarized structure of this hadronic state (photon PDFs) • EIC cross section data will allow very precise extractions of these PDFs and give access to the polarized structure for PRD 96, 074035 (2017) the first time Jet and HF Workshop - Santa Fe 14

  15. Flavor Tagging PRD 96, 074035 (2017) • Would also like to look more differentially and constrain photon PDFs for different parton flavors • See that the jet associated with the photon preferentially goes to lower pseudorapidities • Can tag the highest p T hadron inside the jet associated with the photon to enhance certain flavors See π + and π - enhance u and u-bar • fractions while kaons enhance u/u-bar and s/s-bar • Take advantage of the excellent PID capabilities of the planned EIC detectors Jet and HF Workshop - Santa Fe 15

  16. Example: Accessing ∆G with Dijets • Several observables are sensitive to ∆G in DIS but golden measurement at an EIC would be scaling violation of g 1 (x,Q 2 ) 𝑒𝑕 1 (𝑦, 𝑅 2 ) ≈ −∆𝑕(𝑦, 𝑅 2 ) 𝑒𝑚𝑜(𝑅 2 ) • Can also get access to ∆G by using dijets to tag the photon-gluon fusion process, providing a cross-check and allowing studies of the evolution of ∆G with respect to Q 2 • Reconstruction of x γ will facilitate rejection of resolved events x P will help isolate PGF from the quark-induced QCD-Compton process arXiv:1206.6014 Jet and HF Workshop - Santa Fe 16

  17. A LL Vs Di-jet Mass A LL Vs Di-jet Mass A LL Vs Di-jet Mass • Weight simulated events by product of the partonic asymmetry and the ratios 𝓜𝒆𝒖 = 𝟐𝟏 𝒈𝒄 −𝟐 of the polarized over unpolarized photon and All Subprocesses proton PDFs to obtain realistic estimate of A LL • Plot the expected A LL as a function of di-jet invariant mass for each sub-process separately as well as the 𝑂 − 𝐵 2 1 combined sample 𝜏 = 𝑂 • PGF asymmetry is nearly Q 2 = 10 - 100 GeV 2 canceled out by QCDC Mass [GeV] Mass [GeV] asymmetry with opposite sign – would like to reduce QCDC contribution Jet and HF Workshop - Santa Fe 17

  18. A LL Vs Di-jet Mass: x P Cuts x P • QCDC and PGF asymmetries largely cancel out making overall asymmetry small • Want to enhance PGF subprocess w.r.t. QCDC • Dijet Mass PGF events peaked to lower x P values Jet and HF Workshop - Santa Fe 18

  19. A LL Vs Di-jet Mass: x P Cuts x P • Selecting events with 0.005 < x P < 0.03 enhances PGF asymmetry but restricts mass range • Intermediate x P values get more QCDC contribution • Largest x P values have roughly equal amounts Dijet Mass Jet and HF Workshop - Santa Fe 19 of PGF and QCDC

  20. Quark – Gluon Discrimination • Can we use the distribution of energy within a jet to determine if that jet arose from a quark or a gluon? Possibility to tag QCD-Compton process via detection of a gluon • This is a preliminary look at jet substructure at eRHIC; eventually want to explore the utility of substructure for studying how partons loose energy and hadronize in the cold nuclear medium • For this study, look at jets with p T ≥ 10 GeV as this is where separation between quark and gluon jets is seen. Only consider light quarks: u, d, and s Jet Mass: High Jet p T Jet Mass: Low Jet p T Quark Jet Gluon Jet Jet p T ≥ 10 GeV 3 ≤ Jet p T < 5 GeV Jet and HF Workshop - Santa Fe 20


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