japanese orphan drug designation

Japanese Orphan Drug Designation An agency of the European Union 2 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Japanese Orphan Drug Designation An agency of the European Union 2 I ntro duc tio n Medicines and medical devices for patients with rare diseases are clinically very important. However, the lack of the attraction for developing these

  1. Japanese Orphan Drug Designation An agency of the European Union

  2. 2

  3. I ntro duc tio n Medicines and medical devices for patients with rare diseases are clinically very important. However, the lack of the attraction for developing these medicinal products due to the small numbers of targeting patients makes it difficult to precede favourable research and development. So, In order to support the patients with rare diseases, it is necessary to establish proper measures to promote research and development for orphan medicinal products. Under these circumstances, Orphan system was established in Japan by amending the Pharmaceutical Affaires Law in April 1993, and entered into force in 1st October in the same year. 3

  4. Re la te d le g isla tio ns & Guide line s  The Pharmaceutical Affaires Law (PAL)  Chapter 9-3: Designation etc. of Orphan Drugs and Orphan Medical Devices • Stipulation of overall and general Orphan system  Enforcement Regulation of the PAL  Chapter 9: Designation etc. of Orphan Drugs and Orphan Medical Devices. • Criteria, Application form etc.  Notification by Director General of Pharmaceutical and Food Safety Bureau  II. Designation etc. of Orphan Drugs and Orphan Medical Devices • Guideline, Detailed description of application, procedure and criteria etc. 4

  5. Crite ria fo r Orpha n De sig na tio n in Ja pa n 1 ) The num ber of Patients (similar to Prevalence in EU) Patients is less than 5 0 ,0 0 0 in Japan ( less than 3 .9 / 1 0 ,0 0 0 population) 2 ) High priority in health care needs a) No alternative drugs and/ or medical interventions are available (similar to “unmet needs” in EU) b) Extremely higher efficacy and/ or safety compare to already approved products (similar to “significant benefit” in EU in some extent) 3 ) High Possibility of Developm ent Theoretical bases for the application & feasible development plan 5

  6. I nc e ntive s fo r Orpha n De sig na tio n 1) Administrative and Scientific Advices 2) Preferential protocol assistance & priority review 3) Grant aid for research expenses 4) Authorisation for tax deduction 5) Reduction of application fee 6) Extension of re-examination period 6

  7. Pro c e sse s o f Orpha n De sig na tio n -1- Pre f. Ge ne ra l Go ve rno r Pub lic Spo nso r (1) Application of pre- (2) Pre-submission submission meeting meeting PAF SC W MHL Ne w Drug 1 Ne w Drug 2 Me d. De v & Dia g no stic s Daisuke Tanaka, MHLW 7

  8. Pro c e sse s o f Orpha n De sig na tio n -2- Pre f. Ge ne ra l Go ve rno r Pub lic Spo nso r (3) -1 Submission of application (5) -2 Discussion (4) -1 Send the (5) -1 Refer to the application for review PAFSC PAF SC W (4) -3 Review Report MHL (5) -3 Recommendation Ne w Drug 1 Ne w Drug 2 Me d. De v & Dia g no stic s (3) -2 Validation of Application (4) -2 Review & Evaluation Daisuke Tanaka, MHLW 8

  9. Pro c e sse s o f Orpha n De sig na tio n -3- Pre f. Ge ne ra l Post designation Go ve rno r Pub lic I ncentives Spo nso r requests etc (6) -2 Notification (6) -2 Notification (by Gov. Gazette & Document) PAF SC W MHL Ne w Drug 1 Ne w Drug 2 (6) -1 Administrative works Me d. De v & Dia g no stic s Daisuke Tanaka, MHLW 9

  10. Pro c e sse s o f Orpha n De sig na tio n -Re vie w- Pre f. Ge ne ra l Go ve rno r Pub lic Spo nso r Discuss Validation review PAF SC W MHL Ne w Drug 1 Ne w Drug 2 Me d. De v & Dia g no stic s Daisuke Tanaka, MHLW 10

  11. Pro c e sse s o f Orpha n De sig na tio n -Re vie w- Ge ne ra l Pub lic Spo nso r Public Assessment Report Discuss Validation review PAF SC W MHL Ne w Drug 1 The COMP Ne w Drug 2 Rapporateur Me d. De v & Dia g no stic s Co- Daisuke Tanaka, MHLW 11 rapporateur

  12. Diffe re nc e b e twe e n E U & Ja pa n  No specific Division/ Section, Committee in Japan.  “High possibility of Development” is one of the designation criteria in Japan.  Designated products are automatically obtained Priority Review in Japan.  No specific “Time clock” is set in Japan.  1 step procedure in Japan whilst 2 step procedure in EU (Re-evaluation of orphan status at the licencing) 12


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