AGENDA Welcome and Introductions (5 min) � Catherine Bishop , NHLP Welcome, Purpose and Goals for Convening ( 13 min) � Sandra Henriquez, Assistant Secretary for Public and Indian Housing S d H i A i t t S t f P bli d I di H i g Comparison of Major Rental Assistance Programs (10 min) � Barbara Sard, Senior Advisor for Rental Housing, Office of the Secretary HUD Goals for the Future of Rental Assistance Programs (8 min) � Barbara Sard, Senior Advisor for Rental Housing, Office of the Secretary Questions (10 min) � Overview of January 20 Agenda (5 min) � Ron Ashford, Director of Public Housing Supportive Services � Overview of Workgroup Topic Areas for January 20 (10 min) � Ron Ashford and Pamela Lawrence, Public Housing Supportive Services , g pp Questions (10 min) � Logistics for January 20 (7 min) � Anice Chenault, Public Housing Supportive Services , g pp Questions (10 min) � 2
Welcome fr Welcome fr lcome from Sandra Henriq lcome from Sandra Henriq om Sandra Henriquez om Sandra Henriquez uez, uez, Welcome fr Welcome fr lcome from Sandra Henriq lcome from Sandra Henriq om Sandra Henriquez om Sandra Henriquez uez uez Assistant Secretar Assistant Secretary fo Assistant Secretar Assistant Secretary fo y for P for P Public Public and Indian Housing and Indian Housing and Indian Housing and Indian Housing
JANUARY 20, 2010 MEETING GOALS JANUARY 20, 2010 MEETING GOALS Collect resident ideas and thoughts about the future � of public housing Collect ideas for maintaining public housing � residents' voices as future programs are designed g g Building a more engaged and informed group of � public housing residents with an ongoing, meaningful participatory role in HUD policies and g p p y p programs. Provide information and training that empowers public � housing residents to participate in future policy and housing residents to participate in future policy and program development
R ENTAL A SSISTANCE : W HY “S TREAMLINE ”? W HY S TREAMLINE ? In 2008, HUD provided deep rental assistance to more than 4.3 million households through at least 11 different programs administered by three operating divisions. Among these programs, there are differences in… t tenant rents t t � owner incentives � contract characteristics � income requirements and target groups � local agencies administering programs � tenant mobility � physical condition standards � access to private capital for maintenance, upkeep and renovation � rules and regulations � …etc. �
Comparison of Three Main Comparison of Three Main HUD HUD [1] Rental Assistance Pr ntal Assistance Programs ograms Project Pr Pr Project oject based oject-based based based Project Project Pr Pr oject based oject-based based based Public Housing Public Housing Sectio Section 8 n 8 Vo Vouchers Long-t Long-term, pr erm, project-based oject-based contract contract with with subsidy tied subsidy tied to units units Subsidy is based on the difference between tenant payment and a no no yes yes yes yes market-based or budget-based rent (including a utility allowance) k t b d b dg t b d t (i l di g tilit ll ) and is predictable, stable, and reliable for the term of the contract. Mark Market-based -based rent rent setting setting no yes yes Subsidy amount is based on the costs of the local rental market. Ability t ility to le leverage priv rage privat ate debt/eq e debt/equity ity to o im impr prove pr e proper operty ty Investors are able to lend to properties that have project-based no yes yes subsidy. Single subsidy stream Single subsidy stream Single subsidy stream Single subsidy stream Federal subsidy is adequate to address operating and capital needs no yes yes is delivered via a single stream of funding. Manageme Management incentiv nt incentives es no; op. fund p yes, for for-profit f f fit Owners have financial incentives to manage property up to market formula is break- yes owners standards. even Rental assistan ental assistance ce ma may be y be used f used for ne r new de w development lopment Rental assistance provider can offer an agreement to enter into a p g no no yes rental assistance contract, and that agreement can be used to obtain financing for modernizing/replacing obsolete property.
Comparison of Three Main Comparison of Three Main HUD HUD Rental Assistance Pr ntal Assistance Programs, cont. ograms, cont. Pr Project Project Pr oject-based oject based based based Pr Project Pr Project oject based oject-based based based Public Housing Public Housing Section 8 Sectio n 8 Vo Vouchers Rental assistan ental assistance ce contrac contract ma may y be be transf transferre erred a away fr from poorly om poorly per perform orming ng pr proper operties ties A contract for rental assistance at one property can be transferred to A t t f t l i t t t b t f d t no with difficulty yes another or others, in whole or in part to help residents access better properties. Form of rm of rental assistance rental assistance allo allows o ws owners’ ability ners’ ability to acq acquire ire de development capacity lopment capacity largely no generally yes yes Owners gain skills needed to improve properties/integrate existing and future stock into affordable housing marketplace. Subsidy Subsidy stream stream ma may be bo y be both t th tenant enant-based and pr -based and project-based, giving oject-based, giving fle flexibility ibility to o owner ners s and t and tenants enants no no yes Subsidy is flexible to suit current and future needs of various residents and locations; residents may move without losing subsidy. Subsid Subsidy stream f y y stream facilitat cilitates local s local plannin p p lanning and housin g and housing/ g/ser g/ service ice par partnerships nerships Rental assistance may be attached to special needs housing, no no yes transitional housing, permanently affordable housing in gentrifying areas, units made available through inclusionary zoning, units in a eas, u ts ade a a ab e t oug c us o a y o g, u ts TODs, etc. Eligible f Eligible families can access pu milies can access public benef blic benefit via public agency it via public agency yes no yes The owner or rental assistance administrator is a public entity.
R ENTAL A SSISTANCE S HOULD R ENTAL A SSISTANCE S HOULD … � Be simple to use and simple to administer � Be flexible, taking the form of either tenant-based or project- based assistance � Assure resident choice, resident mobility , y � Reduce the number of families with worst-case housing need � Provide affordability for extremely low-income families � Promote deconcentration of race and/or poverty for people Promote deconcentration of race and/or poverty for people and places � Promote financially and physically sustainable properties � Create opportunities to leverage capital for improving C f property quality � Help residents reach self-sufficiency
Questions? Questions? Questions? Questions?
JANU ANUAR ARY 19-20, 20 Y 19-20, 2010 A AGEND ENDA Time Time Activ tivity ty Loca Locatio tion January 19, 2010 6-8 pm Welcome Dinner hosted by NHLP HUD Auditorium C January 20, 2010 9:00 Registration HUD Auditorium C 9:30 Welcome by Assistant Secretary Henriquez y y q HUD Auditorium C 9:45 HUD Auditorium C Welcome by Secretary Donovan 10:00 Overview of HUD’s Rental Assistance Program Goals HUD Auditorium C 10:15 – 10:30 Participant Introductions HUD Auditorium C 10:30 – 10:45 On your own Break 10:45 – 12:15 Work Groups Breakout rooms 12:15 – 1:30 Lunch On your own 1:30 – 3:30 HUD Auditorium C Reporting out and conversation with Secretary Donovan and senior staff
WORK GR RK GROUPS DISCUSSIONS OUPS DISCUSSIONS JANU JANU NUAR NUAR ARY 20, 20 ARY 20, 20 Y 20, 2010 Y 20, 2010 We would like for you to share your thoughts on HUD’s rental We would like for you to share your thoughts on HUD s rental assistance programs. We are especially interested in hearing your thoughts on We are especially interested in hearing your thoughts on how the following can be done better: Resident organizing and involvement in PHA planning Resident organizing and involvement in PHA planning � Resident protections � Resident choice of where to live � Services that best promote resident success Services that best promote resident success � � Similarities and differences between publicly and privately � owned affordable rental units Shifting rental assistance programs to a single funding stream Shifting rental assistance programs to a single funding stream �
Questions? Questions? Questions? Questions?
Logistics f Logistics for Januar Logistics f Logistics for Januar r January 20, 20 r January 20, 20 y 20, 2010 y 20, 2010
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