Fatih Gordu, PE (SJRWMD) Trey Grubbs (SRWMD) Douglas Durden, PE (SJRWMD) Ron Basso, PG (SWFWMD) January 25, 2016
Overview Status of NFSEG Steady-State Model Calibration NFSEG Model Simulations NFSEG Transient Model Development
Status of NFSEG Steady-State Model Calibra:on Groundwater Model Calibration (2001 and 2009) HSPF Model Calibration (1992 thru 2014)
HSPF Model Calibra:on Transient Calibration 1992 through 2014 ü Precipitation ü Evapotranspiration ü Agricultural Irrigation ü Non-Agricultural Irrigation ü Septic Tanks
Groundwater Model Calibra:on Errors in elevation • dataset led to erroneous simulated flooding in some areas Layer 1 top elevation • and some boundary conditions updated with improved elevation dataset (USGS 3D Elevation Program)
Groundwater Model Calibra:on NSEG 2009 Simulated Potentiometric Surface
Groundwater Model Calibra:on
Model Status HSPF Models Calibration of base models done Evaluating calibration of models with irrigation and septic tank flows Groundwater Model Updated land-surface elevation dataset PEST model calibration in progress Working on improving simulations of spring flows and river baseflows Refining hydraulic conductivity distribution
Next Steps Complete PEST Calibration (2001 and 2009) Technical Team Review Execute Model Scenarios
NFSEG Model Simula:ons 2001 and 2009 2015 – 2035 (5-year increments) Pumps-off
NFSEG Transient Model Development Work to date: Conceptual model report 2002-2010 calibration period Monthly stress periods Steady-state model development Water-use datasets Observation datasets Recharge and ET datasets Programming
NFSEG Transient Model Develop steady-state NFSEG Create transient datasets Boundary Conditions (Recharge, ET, Water Use, etc.) Observation data (levels and flows) Steady-state simulation of initial condition for transient model Transient Calibration: Storage properties Transient Recharge Documentation and technical review Definition, execution, and postprocessing of scenario simulations
NFSEG Transient Model Development Next steps Complete NFSEG steady-state model development and review Develop more detailed work plan for development of transient NFSEG Target start date for intensive transient model development: Spring 2017 Estimated time for completing transient model development: 4-5 years after completion of steady-state model
Upcoming Mee:ngs Technical Team Meetings (tentative) February 3, 2016 Steering Team Meeting (tentative) February 10, 2016
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