ja janm nm tam am

Ja Janm nm tam am Celebrating 5246 th birthday of Lor ord d K a - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Ja Janm nm tam am Celebrating 5246 th birthday of Lor ord d K a 24th August 2019 Janmtam Celebrating 5246th Birth Anniversary of r Ka 24 24 th th August t 2019 19 Ka Vande Jagad-gurum

  1. Ja Janm nm āṣ tam am ī Celebrating 5246 th birthday of Lor ord d K ṛṣṇ a 24th August 2019

  2. Janmāṣtamī Celebrating 5246th Birth Anniversary of Ś r ī Kṛṣṇa 24 24 th th August t 2019 19 Kṛṣṇaṁ Vande Jagad-gurum By Dr. Suryanarayan Nanda 2019-08-25 for Arya Samaj Greater Houston

  3. In 3228 BCE in Mathura, Celebrating a child was born who was 5246th birthday of Lord Kṛṣṇa destined to reshape the spiritual and temporal destiny of mankind — Śrī K ṛṣṇ a. His life was a model for the entire humankind of all periods and cultures, and he was and continues to be the Beau Ideal of millions of men and women in many a millennium. By Dr. Suryanarayan Nanda 2019-08-25 for Arya Samaj Greater Houston

  4. Celebrating 5246 th birthday of Lord K ṛṣṇ a Śri K ṛṣṇ a was born around midnight of the eighth phase of the moon ( A ṣ tamī tithi) of dark half of the month of Bhādraprada of 3228 BCE. By Dr. Suryanarayan Nanda 2019-08-25 for Arya Samaj Greater Houston

  5. tion Educa cation Garga Muni performed Upanayana (ceremony of Initiation) of Balar ā ma and K ṛṣṇ a. Latter they underwent formal education at the Gurukul of sage Sa ṁ dīpanī and had graduated to worldly life therefrom.

  6. Brahmach ā r ī K ṛṣṇ a ब्ऱहॎम​चर्रं महदॎ घॊरं चीर्थ्वा दॎ्वदश ्वरॎषाकम हहम्र्थपवर्ष्ामभॎर्रेर्थर्र र्रॊ मर्रव तपसवरॎचातः . समवनव्ऱतचवररणर्रवं रूकॎममणर्रवं र्रॊ ऽन्जवर्रत सनर्थक ु मवरस तेजसॎ्ी प्ऱ​दॎर्रुमॎनॊ नवम मे सुतः . Mahabharata.10 (Sauptika Parva).12. 29 & 30 Lord Krishna said to Ashwathama, That son whom I obtained through ascetic penances and observances of austere Brahmachary a for twelve years on the breast of Himalaya whither I had gone for the purpose, that son of mine, Pradyumna, of great energy and a portion of Sanat-kumara himself, begotten by me upon my wife Rukmini who had practiced vows as austere as mine'.

  7. He was a Self-Realized being. He had mastered the art and science of Yoga. He involved himself in everything without being involved. He played a friend and a foe without being involved in friendship and enmity. He lived with the awareness that he could not escape his karmas Yoge śvar K ṛṣṇ a and that he had no choice but to one who had mastered the art of Yoga undergo the effects of his karma.

  8. Ś r ī Kṛṣṇa accepts the duality of life altogether and therefore transcends duality. He rejoices both in victory and in defeat. Śrī K ṛṣṇ a is one who celebrated both life and death. Transcendence is not possible so long as you are in conflict, so long as you Yoge śvar K ṛṣṇ a choose one part and reject the other. Transcendence is only possible when one who had mastered the art you choicelessly accept both parts of Yoga together, when you accept the whole.

  9. Śrī K ṛṣṇ a accepts life as whole in all its facets, in all its colors unconditionally. He is full of love and compassion, and yet he has the courage to accept and fight a war. His heart is utterly non violent, yet he plunges into the fire and fury of violence when it becomes unavoidable. Yoge śvar K ṛṣṇ a He accepts the nectar, and yet one who had mastered the he is not afraid of poison. art of Yoga

  10. Yoge śvar K ṛṣṇ a one who had mastered the art of Yoga That is why he was always able to give a big smile. He lived with a smile, and even left his body with a smile.

  11. Mitrasya Chakṣuṣā sarvāṇi bhutāni samīkṣantām. Ṛg Veda Śrī Kṛṣṇa was so sweet by nature, word and deed that not only humans but animals too loved him. He embraced one and all as if they were his kith and kin. By Dr. Suryanarayan Nanda 2019-08-25 for Arya Samaj Greater Houston

  12. In Indraprastha at the time of Rajasuya Modesty yagna, performed by Yudhishthira amongst all the invitees like hundreds of Kings, Monarchs, Rishis, Munis and scholars. Ś ri K ṛṣṇ a by all means was considered and reckoned as the wisest, strongest, most valorous and the most distinguished figure, and was honored by Agra-p ū j ā ( foremost felicitation ) and was offered arghya (respect) . But he modestly offered himself to welcome the Rishi - Munis and scholars by washing their holy feet.

  13. Droṇa & Drupada By Dr. Suryanarayan Nanda 2019-08-25 for Arya Samaj Greater Houston

  14. K ṛṣṇ a & Sudāmā By Dr. Suryanarayan Nanda 2019-08-25 for Arya Samaj Greater Houston

  15. Thus Ś r ī Kṛṣṇa was born in captivity but he, by dint of merit, hard work and humane nature became a liberator of Mankind. He put society before self. He lived and died for the fellow human beings.

  16. Śrī K ṛṣṇ a is not a supporter of war He has no desire whatsoever to hurt anyone. He has made every effort to avoid war, but he is certainly not prepared to escape war at any cost - at the cost of life and truth itself. After all, there should be a limit to our efforts to avoid war, or anything else for that matter. We want to avoid war just for so it does not hurt and harm life. But what if life itself is hurt and harmed by preventing war? Then its prevention has no meaning . Śrī K ṛṣṇ a says it is good to avoid war, but if it becomes unavoidable it is better to accept it bravely and joyfully than to run away from it.

  17. र्रदव सभवर्रवं रवजवनवमनक्सज्टं र्रुरॎिकॎठिरम्। Karṇa अजैषीचॎछक ु ननज्टवानवत् कॎव ते धरॎमसॎतदा गतः ।। Arjuna ्न्वसे वॎर्रतीते च करॎा ्षे त्ऱर्रोदशे। न प्ऱर्रचॎछसस र्रदॎ रवजॎर्रं कॎव ते धरॎमसॎतदा गतः ।। र्रदॎ भीमसेन सपैर्षच रॎ्षर्रुमतैर्षच भोजनैः। आचरत् र्थ्नॎमते रवजव कॎव ते धरॎमसॎतदा गतः ।। र्रदॎ ्वररॎव्ते पवरॎवान् सुपॎतवञॎजतुगृहे तदव। आदीपर्रसॎ्ं रविेर्र कॎव ते धरॎमसॎतदा गतः ।। र्रदव रजसॎ्लवं क ृ ठरॎवं दुःशवसन्शे कॎसॎरॎतवम्। सभवर्रवं प्ऱवहसः करॎा कॎव ते धरॎमसॎतदा गतः ।। By Dr. Suryanarayan Nanda 2019-08-25 for Arya Samaj Greater Houston

  18. Karṇa र्रदनवर्रैः पुरव क ृ ठरॎवं कॎमलर्षर्रमवनवमनवगसम्। Arjuna उपप्ऱेक्ससस रविेर्र कॎव ते धरॎमसॎतदा गतः ।। रॎ्नठ्वः पवणड्वः क ृ ठरॎो शवर्ष्तं नरक ं गतवः। पनतमनॎर्रं ्ृरॎीठ्ेनत ्दंसॎर्थ्ं गजगवसमनीम्।। उपप्ऱेक्ससस रविेर्र कॎव ते धरॎमसॎतदा गतः। रवजॎर्रलुिः पुनः करॎा समववॎर्ररॎसस पवणड्वन्। र्रदव शक ु ननमवरॎिर्थर्र कॎव ते धरॎमसॎतदा गतः ।। र्रदवसभमनॎर्रुं बह्ो र्रुद्ने जघॎनुमाहवररॎवः। परर्वर्रा ररॎे बवलं कॎव ते धरॎमसॎतदा गतः ।। ( महव .. करॎाप्ा अधॎर्रवर्र - 91) By Dr. Suryanarayan Nanda 2019-08-25 for Arya Samaj Greater Houston

  19. Gāndhārī cursed K ṛṣṇ a. “ May you Krishna, witness the death of your children and grand children and may you die alone in the forest hunted down like a beast.” He accepted the curse quietly and with smile.

  20. Mistaking the sleeping Krishna for a deer, a hunter named Jara shoots an arrow in his foot that fatally injures him due to which he left this world at 125. He died with a joyful smile upon his face. In fact he blessed and forgave the hunter. By Dr. Suryanarayan Nanda 2019-08-25 for Arya Samaj Greater Houston


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