Isogenies, Polarisations and Real Multiplication 2015/09/29 — ICERM — Providence Gaëtan Bisson, Romain Cosset, Alina Dudeanu, Sorina Ionica, Dimitar Jetchev, David Lubicz, Chloe Martindale, Enea Milio, Damien Robert , Marco Streng
Isogenies on elliptic curves Abelian varieties and polarisations Maximal isotropic isogenies Cyclic isogenies Isogeny graphs in dimension 2 Outline 1 Isogenies on elliptic curves 2 Abelian varieties and polarisations 3 Maximal isotropic isogenies 4 Cyclic isogenies and Real Multiplication 5 Isogeny graphs in dimension 2
Isogenies on elliptic curves 1 w 2 1 Abelian varieties and polarisations 1 elliptic curve 2 k . Complex elliptic curve Isogeny graphs in dimension 2 Cyclic isogenies Maximal isotropic isogenies Over � : an elliptic curve is a torus E = � / Λ , where Λ is a lattice Λ = � + τ � ( τ ∊ H 1 ). � � � Let ℘ ( z , Λ ) = ( z − w ) 2 − be the Weierstrass ℘ -function and w ∊ Λ \{ 0 E } � E 2 k ( Λ ) = λ k w ∊ Λ \{ 0 E } w 2 k be the (normalised) Eisenstein series of weight Then � / Λ → E , z �→ ( ℘ ( z , Λ ) , ℘ ′ ( z , Λ )) is an analytic isomorphism to the y 2 = 4 x 3 − 60 E 4 ( Λ ) − 140 E 6 ( Λ ) .
Isogenies on elliptic curves Abelian varieties and polarisations Isogenies are surjective (on the geometric points). In particular, if E is Remark or the composition of a translation with an isogeny. trivial (i.e. constant) An algebraic map between two elliptic curves is either Corollary Theorem Definition Isogenies between elliptic curves Isogeny graphs in dimension 2 Cyclic isogenies Maximal isotropic isogenies ordinary, any curve isogenous to E is also ordinary. An isogeny is a (non trivial) algebraic map f : E 1 → E 2 between two elliptic curves such that f ( P + Q ) = f ( P )+ f ( Q ) for all geometric points P , Q ∊ E 1 . An algebraic map f : E 1 → E 2 is an isogeny if and only if f ( 0 E 1 ) = f ( 0 E 2 )
Isogenies on elliptic curves Abelian varieties and polarisations Maximal isotropic isogenies Cyclic isogenies Isogeny graphs in dimension 2 Algorithmic aspect of isogenies Given a kernel K ⊂ E ( k ) compute the isogenous elliptic curve E / K ); Given a kernel K ⊂ E ( k ) and P ∊ E ( k ) compute the image of P under the isogeny E → E / K ; Given a kernel K ⊂ E ( k ) compute the map E → E / K ; Given an elliptic curve E / k compute all isogenous (of a certain degree d ) elliptic curves E ′ ; ); Given two elliptic curves E 1 and E 2 check if they are d -isogenous and if so compute the kernel K ⊂ E 1 ( k ) .
Isogenies on elliptic curves formulae [Vél71]); equation [Elk92; Bos+08]). Vélu’s formulae [Koh96]); Abelian varieties and polarisations computation over elliptic curves. Algorithmic aspect of isogenies Isogeny graphs in dimension 2 Cyclic isogenies Maximal isotropic isogenies Given a kernel K ⊂ E ( k ) compute the isogenous elliptic curve E / K (Vélu’s Given a kernel K ⊂ E ( k ) and P ∊ E ( k ) compute the image of P under the isogeny E → E / K (Vélu’s formulae [Vél71]); Given a kernel K ⊂ E ( k ) compute the map E → E / K (formal version of Given an elliptic curve E / k compute all isogenous (of a certain degree d ) elliptic curves E ′ ; (Modular polynomial [Eng09; BLS12]); Given two elliptic curves E 1 and E 2 check if they are d -isogenous and if so compute the kernel K ⊂ E 1 ( k ) (Elkie’s method via a differential ⇒ We have quasi-linear algorithms for all these aspects of isogeny
Isogenies on elliptic curves Abelian varieties and polarisations Maximal isotropic isogenies Cyclic isogenies Isogeny graphs in dimension 2 Destructive cryptographic applications class (and an efficient way to compute an isogeny to it). Example extend attacks using Weil descent [GHS02] Transfert the DLP from the Jacobian of an hyperelliptic curve of genus 3 to the Jacobian of a quartic curve [Smi09]. An isogeny f : E 1 → E 2 transports the DLP problem from E 1 to E 2 . This can be used to attack the DLP on E 1 if there is a weak curve on its isogeny
Isogenies on elliptic curves Abelian varieties and polarisations Maximal isotropic isogenies Cyclic isogenies Isogeny graphs in dimension 2 Constructive cryptographic applications But by computing isogenies, one can work over a cyclic subgroup of Example The SEA point counting algorithm [Sch95; Mor95; Elk97]; The CRT algorithms to compute class polynomials [Sut11; ES10]; The CRT algorithms to compute modular polynomials [BLS12]. One can recover informations on the elliptic curve E modulo ℓ by working over the ℓ -torsion. cardinal ℓ instead. Since thus a subgroup is of degree ℓ , whereas the full ℓ -torsion is of degree ℓ 2 , we can work faster over it.
Isogenies on elliptic curves Abelian varieties and polarisations Construct a normal basis of a finite field [CL09]; Take isogenies to reduce the impact of side channel attacks [Sma03]; isogeny graph [RS06]; isogeny (the trapdoor) [Tes06], or by encoding informations in the Construct public key cryptosystems by hiding vulnerable curves by an construct secure hash functions [CLG09]; The isogeny graph of a supersingular elliptic curve can be used to [DIK06; Gau07]; Splitting the multiplication using isogenies can improve the arithmetic Further applications of isogenies Isogeny graphs in dimension 2 Cyclic isogenies Maximal isotropic isogenies invariant by automorphisms [CL08]. Improve the discrete logarithm in � ∗ q by finding a smoothness basis
Isogenies on elliptic curves This shows that f is of the form Maximal isotropic isogenies Cyclic isogenies Isogeny graphs in dimension 2 Computing explicit isogenies (using the equation of the curve E 1 ). Abelian varieties and polarisations it prime to g ). k . If E 1 and E 2 are two elliptic curves given by Weierstrass equations, a morphism of curve f : E 1 → E 2 is of the form f ( x , y ) = ( R 1 ( x , y ) , R 2 ( x , y )) where R 1 and R 2 are rational functions, whose degree in y is less than 2 If f is an isogeny, f ( − P ) = − f ( P ) . If char k > 3, we can assume that E 1 and E 2 are given by reduced Weierstrass forms, this mean that R 1 depends only on x , and R 2 is y time a rational function depending only on x . Let w E = dx / 2 y be the canonical differential. Then f ∗ w E ′ = cw E , with c in � g ( x ) � g ( x ) � ′ � f ( x , y ) = h ( x ) , cy h ( x ) . h ( x ) gives (the x coordinates of the points in) the kernel of f (if we take If c = 1, we say that f is normalized.
Isogenies on elliptic curves Vélu’s formula Moreover by looking at the expression of X and Y in the formal group of Abelian varieties and polarisations The choices are made so that the formulas give a normalized isogeny. Isogeny graphs in dimension 2 Cyclic isogenies Maximal isotropic isogenies Let E / k be an elliptic curve. Let G = 〈 P 〉 be a rational finite subgroup of E . Vélu constructs the isogeny E → E / G as � X ( P ) = x ( P )+ ( x ( P + Q ) − x ( Q )) Q ∊ G \{ 0 E } � ( y ( P + Q ) − y ( Q )) . Y ( P ) = y ( P )+ Q ∊ G \{ 0 E } E , Vélu recovers the equations for E / G . For instance if E : y 2 = x 3 + ax + b = f E ( x ) then E / G is y 2 = x 3 +( a − 5 t ) x + b − 7 w � � � f ′ x ( Q ) f ′ where t = E ( Q ) , u = 2 f E ( Q ) and w = E ( Q ) . Q ∊ G \{ 0 E } Q ∊ G \{ 0 E } Q ∊ G \{ 0 E }
Isogenies on elliptic curves express everything in term of h . root. of the points in the kernel). , with Abelian varieties and polarisations we have [Koh96] in k . Thus summing over the points in the kernel G can be expensive. Isogeny graphs in dimension 2 Even if G is rational, the points in G may live to an extension of degree Maximal isotropic isogenies Cyclic isogenies Complexity of Vélu’s formula up to # G − 1. � Let h ( x ) = Q ∊ G \{ 0 E } ( x − x ( Q )) . The symmetry of X and Y allows us to For instance is E is given by a reduced Weierstrass equation y 2 = f E ( x ) , � g ( x ) � g ( x ) � ′ � f ( x , y ) = h ( x ) , y h ( x ) � h ′ ( x ) � ′ E ( x ) h ′ ( x ) g ( x ) h ( x ) = # G . x − σ − f ′ h ( x ) − 2 f E ( x ) h ( x ) , where σ is the first power sum of h (i.e. the sum of the x -coordinates When # G is odd, h ( x ) is a square, so we can replace it by its square The complexity of computing the isogeny is then O ( M (# G )) operations
Isogenies on elliptic curves Abelian varieties and polarisations Maximal isotropic isogenies Cyclic isogenies Isogeny graphs in dimension 2 Modular polynomials Definition (Modular polynomial) Here k = k . The modular polynomial ϕ ℓ ( x , y ) ∊ � [ x , y ] is a bivariate polynomial such that ϕ ℓ ( x , y ) = 0 ⇔ x = j ( E 1 ) and y = j ( E 2 ) with E 1 and E 2 ℓ -isogeneous. Roots of ϕ ℓ ( j ( E 1 ) ,. ) ⇔ elliptic curves ℓ -isogeneous to E 1 . There are ℓ + 1 = # � 1 ( � ℓ ) such roots if ℓ is prime. ϕ ℓ is symmetric. The height of ϕ ℓ grows as O ( ℓ ) .
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