is sen a stigmatising or positive label the parents view

Is SEN a stigmatising or positive label the parents view York - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Is SEN a stigmatising or positive label the parents view York Parent Carer Forum University of York St John Integrated services conference16.2.17 Background YPCF were approached by York St John University to support students research for

  1. Is SEN a stigmatising or positive label the parents view York Parent Carer Forum University of York St John Integrated services conference16.2.17

  2. Background YPCF were approached by York St John University to support students research for their essay entitled: “Is SEN a stigmatising or positive label for children the parents view”

  3. Themes from the discussion • Diagnosis • Accessing Services • Labelling

  4. Diagnosis • This was generally considered to be positive. • Particularly specific labels such as ‘autistic’ as this tended to increase people’s understanding of particular needs and resources that could be helpful.

  5. Diagnosis • More support for families was needed undergoing the diagnostic process (‘very difficult unknown stage’) • Important to know how to access resources, make sense of things.

  6. Diagnosis • Experience of behaviour was often different at home and in school. • With the right adjustments some aspects of autism could be less important.

  7. Accessing Services • Parents commented on how they had had to become resilient and persistent to gain access to some services.

  8. Accessing Services • The My Support Plan, a lengthy process for the school and parents. • Could this be more tailored on an individual basis for example for a child with less physical and support needs.

  9. Accessing Services • Parents varied in terms of the sorts of schools that they believed were best for their children. • Some talked positively about the mainstream schools and teachers; some saw special provision as the most appropriate option .

  10. Labelling • Children with the SEN label had different perspectives on it – parents commented on how some enjoyed the label and how it set them apart from others. • Whereas others did not want to be considered ‘special’ or different . They did not see it as positive .

  11. Labelling • Parents perceptions of labelling seemed to be linked to age – in particular younger children did not feel judged by peers. • In comparison those in the secondary / FE stage who saw labels as stigmatising and prohibitive, especially in gaining employment.

  12. Labelling • Parents were positive about what had come out of their experience of being a parent of a child with SEN . • They reported increased understanding, humour and becoming a better person.

  13. A personal view Helen Aconley Rowan

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