involving tenants in complaints resolution

Involving tenants in complaints resolution Simone Russell Welwyn - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Involving tenants in complaints resolution Simone Russell Welwyn Hatfield Community Housing Trust 24 September 2012 Welwyn Hatfield Residents Scrutiny Panel Why set up the new Tenants Panel? Changes to regulatory arrangements Preparing

  1. Involving tenants in complaints resolution Simone Russell Welwyn Hatfield Community Housing Trust 24 September 2012 Welwyn Hatfield Residents Scrutiny Panel

  2. Why set up the new Tenants Panel? • Changes to regulatory arrangements • Preparing for changes to the way complaints are handled • Increasing accountability • Multi landlord approach=wider perspective for tenants • Promoting good practice • Ensuring better services and value for money

  3. What makes our Panel different?

  4. Who’s involved? • Tenants • Leaseholders • Shared owners • Can live out of borough if no other local candidates • 2 reps from each landlord • Representing the interests of all the tenants in the borough

  5. The role of the Panel 1. To scrutinise services 2. To review complaints

  6. Scrutiny of repairs/maintenance • What did the Panel look at in its first year?: 1. How different landlords deliver the service 2. Tenants access to reporting repairs 3. Repairs appointments 4. Cost/Value for money 5. Approaches to checking quality

  7. Training was provided for Panel Members and regular meetings have taken place throughout the year

  8. A new role for Tenants Panels

  9. Why did the Gvt change things? Local Choice 1. 2.

  10. Complaints management (before) Before April 2013 Ombudsman Route Not Landlord Housing Ombudsman solved Service (Housing Association) Services Or aren’t Local Government Ombudsman good (Council or ALMO) enough Solved Before April 2012 Regulator (TSA) TSA TSA could investigate, refer to Ombudsman I’ve got a or Audit Commission serious (housing inspection) Enforcement action problem could be taken

  11. Complaints Management (after) From April 2013 Ombudsman Route MPs solved and/or Housing Not Ombudsman Landlord Councillors solved Service Services and/or aren’t Tenant can go Not Tenants Panels straight to solved good Ombudsman Can try after 8 weeks enough again solved Solved From April 2012 Serious detriment route Regulator says YES Regulator asks: Action includes Is there ‘serious Regulator inspection, detriment’? eg harm, lost enforcement notices, I’ve got a of rights and/or management tender Also listens to eg discrimination serious Health and Safety Regulator Exec, fire problem says NO authorities, environmental No action taken health

  12. The options for Designated Persons 1. Can refer straight to the Ombudsman or 2. Can act as an advocate for the complaint (on their behalf) or 3. Can review complaints and make a decision, working with the landlord and tenant to try and find a local resolution, before referring to the Ombudsman

  13. Complaints process in Welwyn Hatfield • Unresolved complaints will be reviewed by the Tenants Panel • A new independent stage will be introduced in Welwyn Hatfield after the landlord’s internal process has been exhausted • Complainant will be given the choice whether they use this route • Complaint will be reviewed by a small Panel of tenants who are not associated with the landlord in question • We will work with elected members • Training and support will be provided • Support from the Housing Ombudsman has been provided and is there for us in the future

  14. Thank you for listening

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