Highlights of QII FY 2014-15 Operational Highlights In Rs.Mn Half year Quarter II Quarter I FY Quarter II Half year Particulars (H1) FY13- FY14-15 14-15 FY 13-14 (H1) FY14-15 14 New Sales - Total Amount (Rs. Mn) 14859 14073 11497 28932 22940 Area (Mnsf) 2.45 2.27 1.96 4.72 3.93 Avg Realization/Sft (Rs) 6065 6200 5876 6130 5830 New Sales - Prestige Share Amount (Rs. Mn) 12893 13073 10685 25966 20914 Area (Mnsf) 2.16 2.08 1.83 4.24 3.59 Collections (Rs. Mn) Total Collections 9612 8867 7159 18479 14485 Prestige Share 8101 7607 6198 15708 12272 New Leasing Total (Mnsf) 1.27 0.69 0.79 1.96 1.23 Prestige Share (Mnsf) 0.15 0.006 0.48 0.16 0.64 Rental Income - Prestige Share (Rs. Mn) 749 746 592 1495 1164 Area Delivered (Mnsf) 2.94 3.81 - 6.75 2.48 Launches (Mnsf) 2.78 4.60 5.98 7.38 10.07 4
Highlights of QII FY 2014-15 Operational Highlights For the Quarter ended 30th September 2014 (Q2): New Sales: The Company has sold 1,375 Residential units and 0.21 million square feet of commercial space, aggregating to 2.45 million square feet amounting to Rs. 14,859 million of sales, up by 29% from that of Q2 FY 13-14. (Of this, Prestige Estates share is: 1,259 units -2.16 million square feet amounting to Rs. 12,893 Million of sales, up by 21% from that of Q2 FY 13-14.) During the corresponding Q2 of previous year FY 13-14, the company had sold 1,193 units and 0.11 Million square feet of Commercial space aggregating 1.96 million square feet amounting to Rs. 11,497 Million of sales. (Prestige Estates share of sales for Q2 FY13-14 were 1,105 units aggregating 1.83 million square feet amounting to Rs. 10,685 Million.) 5
Highlights of QII FY 2014-15 Operational Highlights For the Quarter ended 30th September 2014 (Q2): Collections : Total collections for the quarter aggregated to Rs. 9,612 million, up by 34% as compared to the corresponding Q2 FY 13-14. (Prestige Estates share of collections for the quarter aggregated to Rs. 8,101 million, up by 31% as compared to the corresponding Q2 FY 13-14.) Total collections for Q2 FY 13-14 were Rs. 7,159 million and Prestige Estates share of collections were Rs. 6,198 million. 6
Highlights of QII FY 2014-15 Operational Highlights For the Half year ended 30th September 2014 (H1): Sales: The Company has for the six months ended September 2014 sold 2,652 units & 0.25 Mnsft of Commercial space, totaling to 4.72 million square feet, amounting to Rs.28,932 million of Sales. (Prestige Estates share is 2,453 units and 0.25 Mnsft of commercial space, totaling to 4.23 million square feet amounting to Rs. 25,966 million of Sales.) Collections : Total collections for the six months ended 30th September 2014 aggregated to Rs. 18,479 million, up by 28% as compared to the corresponding H1 FY 13-14. (Prestige Estates share is Rs. 15,708 million, up by 28% as compared to the corresponding H1 FY 13-14.) Total collections for H1 FY 13-14 were Rs. 14,485 million and Prestige Estates share of collections were Rs. 12,272 million. 7
Highlights of QII FY 2014-15 Operational Highlights Sales (QOQ) (Rs. Mn) Sales Q2 FY14 & Q2 FY15 (Rs.Mn) 14859 16000 14073 13073 12893 14000 12620 14859 16000 29% 11497 12893 12000 10685 14000 Total Sales 11497 10685 9402 21% 12000 8788 10000 Total 10000 Sales 8000 Prestige 6007 8000 Estates Sales 6000 Prestige 6000 Estates 4000 4000 Sales 2000 2000 0 Q2 FY 14 Q2 FY 15 0 29% Q2 FY14 Q3 FY14 Q4 FY14 Q1 FY 15 Q2 FY15 Sales H-O-H (Rs.Mn) 28932 30000 25966 26% 22940 25000 20914 24% 20000 Total Sales 15000 Prestige Estates Sales 10000 5000 0 H1 FY14 H1 FY15 8
Highlights of QII FY 2014-15 Operational Highlights Prestige Estates Share Collections (Q-O-Q) (Rs. Mn) Collection Q2 FY14 & Q2 FY15 (Rs.Mn) 9000 8101 7607 6% 8000 16% 10000 6557 8101 6198 7000 5923 31% 11% 8000 6000 6198 5000 6000 4000 4000 3000 2000 2000 1000 0 0 Q2 FY14 Q2 FY15 Q2 FY14 Q3 FY14 Q4 FY 14 Q1 FY15 Q2 FY15 Collections H-O-H (Rs. Mn) 15708 16000 28% 12272 14000 12000 10000 8000 6000 4000 2000 0 H1 FY14 H1 FY15 9
Highlights of QII FY 2014-15 Operational Highlights Prestige Estates Share Rental Income (QOQ) (Rs. Mn) Rental Income-Q2 FY14 & Q2 FY15 (Rs. Mn) 746 749 716 800 749 26% 800 700 615 592 592 700 600 600 500 500 400 400 300 300 200 200 100 100 0 0 Q2 FY14 Q3 FY14 Q4 FY14 Q1 FY15 Q2 FY15 Q2 FY14 Q2 FY15 Rental Income H-O-H (Rs.Mn) 1495 28% 1600 1164 1400 1200 1000 800 600 400 200 0 H1FY14 H1FY15 10
Highlights of QII FY 2014-15 In Rs.Mn Financial Highlights Half year Quarter II Quarter I FY Quarter II Half year Particulars (H1) FY13- FY14-15 14-15 FY 13-14 (H1) FY14-15 14 Turnover (Rs. Mn) 5843 6156 5041 11999 10334 EBIDTA (Rs. Mn) 1961 1895 1476 3856 3075 EBIDTA % 34% 31% 29% 32% 30% PAT (Rs. Mn) 968 1041 778 2009 1642 PAT % 17% 17% 15% 17% 16% WACC 12.82% 12.84% 12.87% 12.82% 12.87% D/E Ratio (Standalone) 0.27 0.45 0.40 0.27 0.40 D/E Ratio (Consolidated) 0.58 0.76 0.69 0.58 0.69 11
Highlights of QII FY 2014-15 Financial Highlights For the Quarter ended 30th September 2014 Revenue at Rs. 5,843 Mn, considering revenue from operations and other income, up by 16% as compared to the revenue for the corresponding quarter of previous year (Q2 FY14) which stood at Rs.5,041 Mn. EBIDTA at Rs. 1,961 Mn, up by 33% as compared to the EBIDTA for the corresponding quarter of previous year (Q2 FY14) which stood at Rs.1,476 Mn PAT at Rs.968 Mn, up by 24% as compared to the PAT for the corresponding quarter of previous year (Q2 FY14) which stood at Rs.778 Mn 12
Highlights of QII FY 2014-15 Financial Highlights For the Half year ended 30th September 2014 Revenue at Rs. 11,999 Mn, considering revenue from operations and other income, up by 16% as compared to the revenue for the corresponding half year of previous year (H1 FY14) which stood at Rs.10,334 Mn. EBIDTA at Rs. 3,856 Mn, up by 25% as compared to the EBIDTA for the corresponding half year of previous year (H1 FY14) which stood at Rs.3,075 Mn PAT at Rs.2,009 Mn, up by 22% as compared to the PAT for the corresponding half year of previous year (H1 FY14) which stood at Rs.1,642 Mn 13
Highlights of QII FY 2014-15 Financial Highlights Turnover, EBIDTA & PAT (Rs. Mn) Q-O-Q 6591 7000 6156 5843 6000 5041 4600 5000 Turnover 4000 EBIDTA 3000 1961 PAT 1895 1810 1614 1476 2000 1041 951 968 807 778 1000 0 Q2 FY14 Q3 FY14 Q4 FY 14 Q1 FY15 Q2 FY15 Turnover, EBIDTA & PAT (Rs. Mn) H-O-H 11999 12000 10334 10000 8000 Turnover EBIDTA 6000 3856 PAT 3075 4000 2009 1642 2000 0 H1 FY14 H1 FY15 14
Highlights of QII FY 2014-15 Business Performance Launches/Pre Launches during Q1 & Q2 FY 14-15 Developable Economic No. of Units No. of Units Sl.No Project Location Segment Area (Mnsf) Interest (Total) (PEPL Share) Quarter I FY15 1 Prestige Falcon City Phase I Bengaluru Residential 4.57 51.00% 1,890 964 2 Prestige Cube Bengaluru Retail 0.03 100.00% - - Total- Quarter I 4.60 1890 964 Quarter II FY15 3 Prestige Bagmane Temple Bells Bengaluru Residential 1.55 70.00% 968 678 4 Prestige Gulmohar Bengaluru Residential 0.87 51.00% 404 206 5 Prestige Leela Residences Bengaluru Residential 0.36 60.00% 88 54 Total- Quarter II 2.78 1460 938 Total Q1 & Q2 FY15 7.38 3350 1902 15
Highlights of QII FY 2014-15 Completions during Q1 & Q2 FY 14-15 Developable Economic Prestige Share Sl.No Project Location Segment Area (Mnsf) Interest (Mnsf) Quarter I FY15 1 Prestige TechPark III Bengaluru Commercial 1.55 100.00% 1.55 2 Exora Business Park - Block 2 Bengaluru Commercial 1.02 32.46% 0.33 3 Excelsior Tech Park Bengaluru Commercial 0.29 21.75% 0.06 4 Forum Mangalore Mangaluru Retail 0.95 34.00% 0.32 Total- Quarter I 3.81 2.27 Quarter II FY15 5 Prestige Oasis- Phase II Bengaluru Residential 0.09 100.00% 0.09 6 Prestige Philadelphia Bengaluru Residential 0.03 45.00% 0.01 7 Cessna Business Park B8 Bengaluru Commercial 0.62 85.00% 0.53 8 Prestige Khoday Towers Bengaluru Commercial 0.26 48.53% 0.13 9 Prestige Technopolis Bengaluru Commercial 0.47 56.80% 0.27 10 Forum Sujana Hyderabad Retail 1.47 24.50% 0.36 Total- Quarter II 2.94 1.38 Total Q1 & Q2 FY15 6.75 3.65 16
Highlights of QII FY 2014-15 Business Performance Area Leased during Q2 FY 2014-15 Quarter II FY 14-15 As on 30 September 2014 Current Segment Area Yet to Yield Prestige Rental Total Prestige Share Total Share Yielding Area Office 1.25 0.15 11.27 5.47 4.82 0.65 Retail 0.02 0.01 3.41 1.45 0.69 0.76 Total 1.27 0.15 14.68 6.92 5.51 1.41 17
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