investor p presentation i

Investor P Presentation i 13 February 2012 Bruce Kay - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Investor P Presentation i 13 February 2012 Bruce Kay Non-Executive Director Catalyst Metals Ltd C Company Objectives Obj ti To create shareholder value by pursuing advanced gold and metals projects Develop a defined economic

  1. Investor P Presentation i 13 February 2012 Bruce Kay Non-Executive Director

  2. Catalyst Metals Ltd C Company Objectives Obj ti  To create shareholder value by pursuing advanced gold and metals projects  Develop a defined economic resource at Four Eagles Gold Project in Victoria  Exercise option on Unity Gold Plant at Bendigo to p y g process gold from Four Eagles Early cash flow is the priority

  3. Current Projects Mi Minnie Springs i S i Molybdenum Tungsten Project Tungsten Project Everton Molybdenum Project Molybdenum Project Four Eagles Gold Project

  4. Making Things Happen  Major drilling campaigns in 2011 (13,187 metres)  Option Agreement signed to purchase Unity Gold Plant  Shallow high grade gold intersected  Gold footprint now 5 kms x 3 kms  Four possible Gold Lines of Lode defined ibl ld i f d d fi d Cents 50 50 C t l Catalyst Share Price t Sh P i High 51 cents 40 30 20 Low 20.5 cents Feb 11 May 11 Aug 11 Nov 11 Feb 12

  5. North Bendigo Gold Belt  Major gold belt NORTH 230,000mE 250,000mE 270,000mE 290,000mE Pyramid emerging north of V I C T O R I A N S W EL5295 6,000,000mN Echuca Bendigo Bendigo Four Eagles F E l Prospective Mitiamo Target  Totally concealed by EL4525 Lockington Tandar White Murray Basin y 5,980,000mN elaw rra F sediments Rochester Tandarra Project Gold deposit/ Fault occurrence Town / city  Whitelaw Fault Main Road Railway y 5,960,000mN , , controls gold Limit of base- EL4525 ment outcrop Exploration Licence Raywood Holding Companies Sebastian Catalyst /  Catalyst has 25km of PGM Farmin Drummond / Unity JV Unity JV strike length 5,940,000mN Unity 100% Fosterville Castlemaine Navarre /  Option over Unity Northgate Bendigo Bendigo Northgate Goldfield Goldfield D Drummond Potential d P t ti l F Fosterville t ill Timpetra Goldfield 5,920,000mN 0 20 kilometres

  6. Bendigo / Ballarat Gold Zones DPI predicts 32 million ounces of Gold under Cover (source: Victorian Department of Primary Industries, Gold Undercover Initiative) p 143º Governo 145º Bendigo - Ballarat rnor N. S. W. N S W DPI DPI Gold Zone Gold Zone Fault System predicts 32 Mozs W  60 million ounces produced h i t e l 38º a  2 Deposits > 10 million ounces p w Four Eagles Gold Project g j F F a u V I C T O R I A  5 deposits > 1 million ounces l t t l u a F F 60 M 60 Mozs Bendigo Total Gold Production Stawell Production unt William > 10 million ounces Fault > 1 million ounces ca > 300,000 ounces 300,000 ounces Ballarat Ballarat Avoc Mou MELBOURNE Concealed by Murray Basin Sediments Fault 36º a 0 100 r b NORTH m a kilometres B

  7. Bendigo: historic gold production ‘000 oz Au PRODUCTION BY YEAR BENDIGO GOLDFIELD FIRST 11 YEARS 1,000 Alluvial oz Au Lode oz Au TOTAL oz Au 300 000 300,000 Alluvial ounces 4.0 Moz 800 700,000 Reef ounces 18.0 Moz 980,000 Total 22.0 Moz 620,000 600 650,000 650,000 880,000 400 750,000 730,000 200 690,000 570,000 410,000 TOTAL 3,570,000 3,710,000 7,280,000 1850 1870 1890 1910 1930 1950 Estimated 50,000 ounces per vertical metre  E Every 100 metres contains 5 million ounces 100 t t i 5 illi 

  8. Bendigo: a world-class gold target Bendigo Goldfield New Chum Line 7.9mt @15.1g/t Au Line of Lodes Nell (3,850,000oz) Gwynne Li Line Garden Gully Line 10.8mt @15.0g/t Au  18 million ounces e (5,203,000oz) n o Z BENDIGO reef gold reef gold n o o i Hustlers Line t c u 1.6mt @17.6g/t Au d o (918,000oz) r  4 million ounces P URBAN l a ric alluvial gold alluvial gold Deborah Line or 0.46mt @14.7g/t Au t s i (217,000oz) H Napoleon  Possibly 7 million ounces AREA Line Sheepshead Line in top 200 metres in top 200 metres 2.3mt @11.6g/t Au 2 3mt @11 6g/t Au (852,000oz)  Large footprint NORTH (8k (8kms x 3kms) 3k ) 0 2 kilometres

  9. Bendigo Target Size Garden Gully Line of Lode (South) SOUTH 500RL 249,000 oz (18.0g/t Au) 825,000 oz (19.2g/t Au) 1.372 Moz (13.3g/t Au) 0RL -500RL LEGEND 1,000 metre depth 0 1000 Historic Stoping -1000RL Metres 124 000mN 124,000mN 125 000mN 125,000mN 126 000mN 126,000mN 127 000mN 127,000mN TOTAL GARDEN GULLY PRODUCTION 10.8 million tonnes @ 15g/t Au (5.2 million ounces)

  10. Bendigo Target Size Garden Gully Line of Lode (North) SOUTH NORTH 500RL 1.070 Moz (17.0g/t Au) 1.014 Moz (14.2g/t Au) 693,000 oz (13.4g/t Au) 0RL -500RL LEGEND 0 1000 1,000 metre depth Historic Stoping -1000RL Metres 128,000mN , 129,000mN , 130,000mN , 131,000mN , 132,000mN , TOTAL GARDEN GULLY PRODUCTION 10.8 million tonnes @ 15g/t Au (5.2 million ounces)

  11. 2011 North Bendigo Gold Rush  Not trying to prove the old timers wrong  Not spending $50 - $100 million below old workings p g $ $ g  Looking for virgin discoveries under shallow cover  Cheap exploration using Aircore ($2,000 per hole)  Potential open pit or shallow underground will negate  Potential open pit or shallow underground will negate nugget problem Catalyst wants the Bendigo that was mined from 1852 – 1862 : 7 million ounces f

  12. What lies beneath the wheat fields? 6m @ 82.7g/t Au (FE328) 1m @ 18 3g/t Au (FERC002) 1m @ 18.3g/t Au (FERC002) 3m @ 31.3g/t Au (FE415) 1m @ 17.5g/t Au (FEDD001) 5mm 3m @ 9.7g/t Au (FE380)

  13. Four Eagles Gold Project

  14. Four Eagles Drill Cross Section Four Eagles Cross Section 5989369N FE415 FERC001 FE472 FERC002 100m d e n COVER o d 80m n a SEDIMENTS b a 60m OXIDISED / SAPROLITIC 3m @ 1.3g/t Au 3m @ 1.0g/t Au BASEMENT 3m @ 1.3g/t Au 6m @ 2.4g/t Au 40m ORDOVICIAN 2m @ 1.8g/t Au 3m @ 31.3g/t Au 3m @ 31 3g/t Au BASEMENT 1m @ 0.55g/t Au Gold Mineralisation 20m >0.1g/t Au significant Au intercept 1m @ 0.6g/t Au >0.1g/t Au >0 1g/t Au ZONE OF 1m @ 18.3g/t Au QUARTZ VEINS Arsenic Anomalism 0m WITH GOLD MINERALISATION >100ppm As -20m 20 0 50 Metres 245380mE 245400mE 245420mE 245440mE 245460mE 245480mE 245500mE

  15. Four Eagles Drill Cross Section Four Eagles Cross Section 5988925mN Proposed Diamond Drillholes 2012 FE300 FE298 FE329 FE297 FE330 FE296 FE331 FE295 FE299 FE328 FE294 DHP 02 DHP 01 DD DD 0m 3m @ 0.59g/t Au from 123m 3m @ 0.51g/t Au, from 78m 3m @ 0.29g/t Au from 81m 6m @ 82.7g/t Au from 123m; 0.7m @ 4.83g/t Au Clay - Shepparton Fm. 6m @ 1.9g/t Au from 135m 0.8m @ 17.5g/t Au Sand 3m @ 1.0g/t Au from 126m 0.4m @ 2.08g/t Au Carbonaceous Clay from 170 176m from 170-176m Saprolite Zone Saprolite Zone FOLD AXIS Basement Castlemaine Gp. -250m Shale FEDD001 0.7m @ 1.63g/t Au from 504m Sandstone 356m Laminated Quartz Veins 0 250 Metres FEDD002 244000mE 244250mE 244500mE 244750mE 511m

  16. Gold Footprint of Bendigo Goldfield Four Eagles Gold Footprint of Bendigo NORTH Goldfield W 0 4 h h i i t  Bendigo e kilometres l INSET a Drillholes w EL5295 0.2 to 0.5 g/t Au 8km x 3km 0.5 to 1.0 g/t Au F a 1.0 to 5.0 g/t Au u l t > 5.0 g/t Au Prospective target trend Prospective target trend  Four Eagles Gold Zone As Zone Fault SEE 5km x 3km Railway INSET Main Road W and growing and growing h h i Bendigo Goldfield t e line of lode overlay l a w EAGLE 5 TARGET EAGLE 2 ZONE Bendigo Goldfields Total Production Total Production Mitiamo (1851 - 1954) F EAGLE 1 EAGLE 4 a TARGET ZONE • 18 million ounces u l reef gold (14g/t Au) t Bendigo EAGLE 3 ZONE • 4 million ounces alluvial gold Goldfield • 7 million ounces in first 10 years Line of Line of Lode Overlay 0 2 km EL4525

  17. Four Eagles Gold Project 250,000mE 240,000mE Drillholes EL5295 2011 Aircore (Catalyst) 0.2 to 0.5 g/t Au Railway 6,000,000mN 0.5 to 1.0 g/t Au 1.0 to 5.0 g/t Au > 5.0 g/t Au Gold Zone Arsenic Zone Catalyst & Navarre Main Road GOLD TRENDS Note: No Arsenic data available for Navarre 5,990,000mN 5,990,000mN Mitiamo W h i t e l a w EL4525 F a u Catalyst Metals l t 5,980,000mN East Tandarra Trend Trend Tandarra Trend 5,970,000mN 5,970,000mN EL4897 Navarre NORTH Minerals 0 5 kilometres

  18. 2012: Testing the Third Dimension  Large gold footprint in oxidised zone with high grades but little testing below  Angled RC and Diamond drilling of Lines of Lode  Geophysics (CSAMT) to map quartz veins  Geophysics (CSAMT) to map quartz veins  Further Aircore drilling (10,000 metres) along Whi Whitelaw Fault l F l Objective: Minimum 150 000 ounces Objective: Minimum 150,000 ounces of Inferred Gold Resource

  19. Four Eagles Gold Project Heads of Agreement Initial Phase  $2 100 000 exploration spend by January 2014 to earn 50%  $2,100,000 exploration spend by January 2014 to earn 50% interest in project with approx. $800,000 spent to date  $100,000 cash (payable before 20 March 2012) $ , (p y )  750,000 CYL shares (to be issued before 20 March 2012) At Farmin At Farmin  2,500,000 CYL shares Future Farmin Future Farmin  $2,100,000 exploration spend to earn up to 75% interest in project  Providence Gold free carried until decision to mine

  20. Unity Gold Plant  600,000 tpa  600,000 tpa  Original cost approx. $65M approx. $65M  Built in 2006  Gravity/CIL  90% recovery  90% recovery  Exploration ground

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