Acquisitions Management Section Contract Services Unit 1 Introductions Nicole Finch, Staff Services Manager II CCHCS Acquisitions Management S ection Contract S ervices Unit Sharon Prindle-Bush, Staff Services Manager I CCHCS Acquisitions Management S ection Contract S ervices Unit 2 1
What We Do The CCHCS Acquisitions Management S ection (AMS ) Contract S ervices (CS ) Unit processes all non-information technology health care support services contracts (excluding direct medical care). 3 Authority The Department of General S ervices (DGS ), Office of Legal S ervices (OLS ) has statutory authority to approve non-IT service contracts. CCHCS AMS has delegated purchasing authority from DGS to execute non-IT service contracts. CCHCS obtains services through the contract process, not the grant process. CCJBH was not awarded a Mental Health S ervices Act (MHS A) contracting exemption. 4 2
Request for Proposal Process 1. AMS receives contract request from CCJBH 2. AMS Contract Analyst drafts solicitation in coordination with CCJBH 3. CCJBH, with guidance from AMS , selects the RFP Evaluation Committee 5 Request for Proposal Process (cont.) 4. AMS advertises on Cal eProcure Minimum of 10 business days 5. AMS receives proposals 6. Formal written evaluations Performed by the Evaluation Committee with oversight from AMS 6 3
Request for Proposal Process (cont.) 7. Cost Opening 8. Issue Notice of Intent to Award 9. Draft final contract 10. Contract approval AMS Management review Contractor AMS Management signature DGS if over $150k 7 Request for Proposal Process (cont.) 11. Contract Execution 12. Contract Management by CCJBH 8 4
Questions? 9 5
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