
Introductions Nicole Finch, Staff Services Manager II CCHCS - PDF document

Acquisitions Management Section Contract Services Unit 1 Introductions Nicole Finch, Staff Services Manager II CCHCS Acquisitions Management S ection Contract S ervices Unit Sharon Prindle-Bush, Staff Services Manager I CCHCS

  1. Acquisitions Management Section Contract Services Unit 1 Introductions Nicole Finch, Staff Services Manager II CCHCS Acquisitions Management S ection Contract S ervices Unit Sharon Prindle-Bush, Staff Services Manager I CCHCS Acquisitions Management S ection Contract S ervices Unit 2 1

  2. What We Do The CCHCS Acquisitions Management S ection (AMS ) Contract S ervices (CS ) Unit processes all non-information technology health care support services contracts (excluding direct medical care). 3 Authority  The Department of General S ervices (DGS ), Office of Legal S ervices (OLS ) has statutory authority to approve non-IT service contracts.  CCHCS AMS has delegated purchasing authority from DGS to execute non-IT service contracts.  CCHCS obtains services through the contract process, not the grant process.  CCJBH was not awarded a Mental Health S ervices Act (MHS A) contracting exemption. 4 2

  3. Request for Proposal Process 1. AMS receives contract request from CCJBH 2. AMS Contract Analyst drafts solicitation in coordination with CCJBH 3. CCJBH, with guidance from AMS , selects the RFP Evaluation Committee 5 Request for Proposal Process (cont.) 4. AMS advertises on Cal eProcure  Minimum of 10 business days 5. AMS receives proposals 6. Formal written evaluations  Performed by the Evaluation Committee with oversight from AMS 6 3

  4. Request for Proposal Process (cont.) 7. Cost Opening 8. Issue Notice of Intent to Award 9. Draft final contract 10. Contract approval  AMS Management review  Contractor  AMS Management signature  DGS if over $150k 7 Request for Proposal Process (cont.) 11. Contract Execution 12. Contract Management by CCJBH 8 4

  5. Questions? 9 5


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