introduction to version 10 2

Introduction to version 10.2 and responses to IF requests Makoto - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Introduction to version 10.2 and responses to IF requests Makoto Asai SLAC SD/EPP Version 10.2 Released on December 4 th , 2015 Further improvements in both compu>ng speed and memory consump>on. Preliminary benchmarks show a

  1. Introduction to version 10.2 and responses to IF requests Makoto Asai SLAC SD/EPP

  2. Version 10.2 Released on December 4 th , 2015 • Further improvements in both compu>ng speed and memory consump>on. • – Preliminary benchmarks show a few % speedup with sizable memory reduc>on New features include: • – C++11 na>ve code – Unified Solids Library is now installed as an external package – Updated Goudsmit-Sounderson mul>ple scaRering model for e+/e- – Full Auger atomic de-excita>on cascade simula>on – Alterna>ve Geant4-DNA physics models for liquid water – Improved simula>on of low-energy, evaporated nucleons by Fri>of model coupled with Precompond-de-excita>on model – A new model for nuclear gamma de-excita>on – Neutron_HP is merged into Par>cle_HP, which also deals with proton, deuteron, triton, 3He and alpha – Substan>al revision of the Radioac>ve Decay model – “Batch plo\ng" facility in G4tools – Dedicated thread of Visualiza>on for “real->me” event display – See presenta>ons at the recent Technical Forum for details • hRps://>metable/#20151209 Introduction to version 10.2 and responses to the IF requests - M. Asai 2

  3. Placorms Compila>on using the C++11 Standard is now mandatory. • Cmake 3.3 or higher is required. • Placorms: • – Linux, gcc-4.8.3 on 64 bit architectures (Intel or AMD) with CERN CentOS Linux 7 (CC7) (based on CentOS Linux 7). – MacOSX 10.11 with clang-3.7 (Apple LLVM/Clang-7.0.0) – Windows7 with Visual C++ 14.0 (Visual Studio 2015) More verified and tested configura>ons (64 bits): • – Linux, gcc-4.9.3, gcc-5.2.0, clang-3.6 – Linux, Intel-icc 15.0, 16.0 – MacOSX 10.10 with clang-3.6 – MacOSX 10.9 with clang-3.5 – Windows7 with Visual C++ 12.0 (Visual Studio 2013) – Linux for Intel Xeon Phi with Intel-icc 15.0, 16.0 (gcc-4.9 compa>bility layer) Note: Windows placorms are supported/verified only for the sequen>al mode. • Mul>threading capability is not yet supported on Windows. Introduction to version 10.2 and responses to the IF requests - M. Asai 3

  4. Recent patch releases • Nov 30 th , 2012 – Geant4 version 9.6 release – Feb 4 th , 2015 - Geant4 9.6-patch04 release • Dec 6 th , 2013 – Geant4 version 10.0 release – Mar 6 th , 2015 - Geant4 10.0-patch04 release • Dec 5 th , 2014 – Geant4 version 10.1 release – Jun 19 th , 2015 - Geant4 10.1-patch02 release • Versions 10.0 and 10.1 will be supported with necessary patches at least for 2016. – They are kept compliant with C++98. We stop full support of version 9.6. • – Individual cases may be discussed. Introduction to version 10.2 and responses to the IF requests - M. Asai 4

  5. Coming events • Releases – Next release : early December 2016 (date t.b.c.) • Next beta release : end of June 2016 – Patch releases for versions 10.0, 10.1 and 10.2 will be made as needed Next Technical Forum on March 23, 2016 • – Main topic : 2016 work plan • Dran 2016 work plan will be publicized in advance for user’s feedbacks – User’s input on requirements is welcome • New/improved func>onali>es, supported placorms, etc. Tutorials • – April 25-29, 2016 @ SMU, Dallas TX. • Registra>on starts in a couple of weeks. – Further tutorials will be announced through the Geant4 announcement mailing list and also on the collabora>on web pages. Introduction to version 10.2 and responses to the IF requests - M. Asai 5

  6. Responses to IF requests Thank Laura and Carl once again for their comprehensive presenta>ons! • Four kinds of requests • – Major development requirements we will integrate into our annual work plan • Listed in our Requirements Tracking System • hRps:// – Other development / enhancement requests • Some of minor requests have been already addressed, some will come. • A few are too difficult and need to seek resources. – Support requests • Discussions have started or soon arranged. • Examples may be created for some “common” requests. – Need further communica>on / clarifica>on / diges>on • Discussions have started or soon arranged. Introduction to version 10.2 and responses to the IF requests - M. Asai 6

  7. Introduction to version 10.2 and responses to the IF requests - M. Asai 7

  8. Introduction to version 10.2 and responses to the IF requests - M. Asai 8

  9. Both EM and hadronic showers already treated in detail as part of ongoing improvement and valida>on of models and physics lists (LHC, Calice, etc.). Further discussion in the following presenta>on. Introduction to version 10.2 and responses to the IF requests - M. Asai 9

  10. Cosmic rays are currently reasonably well treated up to about 1 TeV using exis>ng EM and hadronic and weak models. Muon-nuclear interac>ons (and gamma-nuclear) need more data for valida>on. Also a more sophis>cated (full weak interac>on) model is required to augment the current low momentum transfer model (big job). More discussion at the following presenta>on. Introduction to version 10.2 and responses to the IF requests - M. Asai 10

  11. Muon spin tracking process already available, and the outstanding bug was addressed with version 10.2. Patch to v10.1 underway. An>-proton produc>on handled exclusively by FTF model. Aner valida>on against G4 V 10.1 or 10.2, will see if FTF can be improved or if Ber>ni needs to be extended to handle an>-protons UR-28 Introduction to version 10.2 and responses to the IF requests - M. Asai 11

  12. Introduction to version 10.2 and responses to the IF requests - M. Asai 12

  13. Geant4 already has rudimentary capabili>es of handling these requirements. Connec>ng NEST and extending it to liquid Argon will ul>mately address them, but need resources. Pion and kaon decays already exist with sufficient detail to do par>cle ID. Was done in BaBar. Introduction to version 10.2 and responses to the IF requests - M. Asai 13

  14. Introduction to version 10.2 and responses to the IF requests - M. Asai 14

  15. Discussions in the following presenta>on. UR-29 Introduction to version 10.2 and responses to the IF requests - M. Asai 15

  16. Introduction to version 10.2 and responses to the IF requests - M. Asai 16

  17. Func>onality already exists. We can offer immediate support of inser>ng user’s data, which will hopefully polished to future example code. Introduction to version 10.2 and responses to the IF requests - M. Asai 17

  18. Introduction to version 10.2 and responses to the IF requests - M. Asai 18

  19. Discussions in the following presenta>on. Introduction to version 10.2 and responses to the IF requests - M. Asai 19

  20. Introduction to version 10.2 and responses to the IF requests - M. Asai 20

  21. Discussions in the following presenta>on. UR-30 Introduction to version 10.2 and responses to the IF requests - M. Asai 21

  22. Need further communica>on / clarifica>on / diges>on. Introduction to version 10.2 and responses to the IF requests - M. Asai 22

  23. Support request. Follow-up will be arranged. Introduction to version 10.2 and responses to the IF requests - M. Asai 23

  24. Bugs have been fixed for v10.2. Patch release to v10.1 is underway. Introduction to version 10.2 and responses to the IF requests - M. Asai 24

  25. Introduction to version 10.2 and responses to the IF requests - M. Asai 25

  26. An>-proton produc>on handled exclusively by FTF model. Aner valida>on against G4 V 10.1 or 10.2, will see if FTF can be improved or if Ber>ni needs to be extended to handle an>-protons UR-28 Introduction to version 10.2 and responses to the IF requests - M. Asai 26

  27. Introduction to version 10.2 and responses to the IF requests - M. Asai 27

  28. Introduction to version 10.2 and responses to the IF requests - M. Asai 28

  29. Neutron cross-sec>on is reasonably precise with Par>cle_HP (Neutron_HP). We have an op>onal model (thermal- scaRering model) to handle an atom in a molecule, though it requires dataset for each molecule. Introduction to version 10.2 and responses to the IF requests - M. Asai 29

  30. In version 10.2 we have improved de- excita>on and radioac>ve decay modules, but there is no correla>on between more than one gammas. Further improvements are planned. UR-31 Introduction to version 10.2 and responses to the IF requests - M. Asai 30

  31. Shielding physics list is maintained as such. Func>onality exists. Data of each material is not known to us and should be provided by the user / vender. Introduction to version 10.2 and responses to the IF requests - M. Asai 31

  32. In version 10.2, ( α , n) is handled in reasonable accuracy by Par>cle_HP. We do not have spontaneous fission except Californium. We have no Solu>on for XMASS immediate work plan for adding other experiment exists. nucleus unless we find resources. Introduction to version 10.2 and responses to the IF requests - M. Asai 32

  33. Introduction to version 10.2 and responses to the IF requests - M. Asai 33

  34. Support request. Discussion started. Geant4 10.2 and Gaudi-hive are well connected. Further improvements are underway. UR-12 Discussion for support of user-part of code ini>ated. Introduction to version 10.2 and responses to the IF requests - M. Asai 34


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