introduction to business services benefits to workers comp

Introduction to Business Services Benefits to Workers Comp HINDS - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Introduction to Business Services Benefits to Workers Comp HINDS COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICT NEW EMPLOYEE ORIENTATION - JULY 2016 Earl Burke, M.B.A., CSBA Assist ant Superint endent for Business Services & Operat ions Chief Financial Officer

  1. Introduction to Business Services Benefits to Workers Comp HINDS COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICT NEW EMPLOYEE ORIENTATION - JULY 2016 Earl Burke, M.B.A., CSBA Assist ant Superint endent for Business Services & Operat ions Chief Financial Officer

  2. 2

  3. 3 Provide an e ngaging and e m pow ering e nvironm ent that ensures e xcellence

  4. Business Services Duties 4  Business Services  Operations  Accounting/ Audit  Building Plant Operations  Accounts Payable  Construction Management  Budgeting  Copier and Printing Services  Contract Management  District Vehicle Fleet Management  Employee Insurance/ Benefits  HVAC Services  Fixed Assets and Property Control  Lawn Services  Human Resources  Maintenance Services  Insurance - General Liability, Risk Management and Workers Compensation  16th Section Land Management  Payroll  Purchasing  State Reporting  Travel Advances and Reimbursements

  5. Busine ss Se rvic e s We b site 5

  6. School Year Calendar 6  Shows normal work days for 187 day and 238 day employees  Supervisors of employees that work more than 187 but less than 238 days, use calendar to determine beginning and end dates  Green Shade – 187 work days  Blue Shade - 238 work days  Yellow Shade – No Students/ Staff Professional  Red Shade – District/ Schools Closed  Suggestion: Once Principal and Hourly employee decide start and end dates, they should document on this calendar and attach with At-Will agreement

  7. Schedule and Processing… 7  One (1) payroll is processed once per month.  Processed two (2) days before the final work day of the month.  All pay actions received by the end of the pay cycle are paid.  Any pay actions received after the deadline will be processed during the next applicable payroll cycle.  Error corrections are made as timely as possible, but are subject to federal and state tax reporting concerns.  Every effort is made to ensure timely payment of employees.

  8. Payroll 101… 8  Two major areas, Payroll Accounting and Payroll Administration.  Payroll Accounting consists of: calculating earnings and related withholding for taxes and other 1. deductions, recording results of payroll activities, and 2. preparing required tax returns to federal, state and local tax 3. agencies.  Payroll Administration deals with managerial tasks. Payroll administration includes: 1. Managing employee personnel and payroll information 2. Compliance with federal, state and local employment laws

  9. Direct Deposit… 9  Mandatory.  Forms due by the 10th of month.  Changes to or closing of account require completion of new form. Report to Payroll ASAP to avoid payroll delay.  When making the decision to change bank or close your account, please do not do this after the payroll cycle ends.  There is no flexibility on Direct Deposit!  It will be processed on time!

  10. Salary Schedules…  Updated annually.  Available on Website.

  11. Payroll Notes… 11  Coaching Supplements are paid according to the MHSAA approve sports seasons  Hourly employees will be offered a “Holdback” Option once this year.  Allows hold back of percentage (minimum of 15.25%) of monthly wages to be paid out in the months of June and July.  All funds will be distributed in 2 equal installments and all deductions will be taken at that time  This is voluntary and once selected will remain in effect until the end of school year.  If employee terminates before the end of school year, the entire amount withheld will be paid in the next payroll cycle minus any deductions.

  12. Pay Stub… 12  E mplo ye e Numb e r – L e a rn it. Re me mb e r it. Use it.  E mplo ye e Na me  De pa rtme nt – Yo ur sc ho o l lo c a tio n c o de .  Advic e Da te – Da te pa yro ll wa s pro c e sse d.  We e k E nding – Da te in mo nth pa yro ll c he c k c o ve ring .  T ype – De no te s pa yro ll fre q ue nc y. All e mplo ye e s a re mo nthly.  Advic e Numb e r – Che c k Numb e r  Advic e Amo unt – Ne t a mo unt va lue o f c he c k o r de po sit.

  13. Your Pay Stub… 13  De duc tio ns – A full list o f a ll de duc tio ns a pplie d to yo ur mo nthly pa y.  F e de ra l, Sta te & L o c a l ta xe s  He a lth & L ife I nsura nc e s  I nve stme nts  Re tire me nt  Ba nk De po sits  Othe r  Curre nt – T he a mo unt de duc te d fro m yo ur c urre nt pa y c he c k.  T he to ta l sho uld e q ua l the to ta l o f yo ur pa y fo r the mo nth.  YT D – T he c a le nda r ye a r to ta l o f a ll de duc tio ns sta rting Ja nua ry 1 to the da te o f the pa y c he c k.  No te : Mo difying de duc tio ns will ha ve unpre dic ta b le e ffe c t o n YT D.

  14. Your Pay Stub… 14  L e a ve – L ist o f Sic k L e a ve , Pe rso na l L e a ve a nd F ML A L e a ve .  E a rne d – T he a mo unt o f da ys a n e mplo ye e e a rns a t the b e g inning o f the F isc a l Ye a r. July 1.  Use d – T he a mo unt o f da ys in e a c h g ro up a n e mplo ye e ha s e xha uste d a t the da te pa yro ll c yc le e nde d.  T he pa yro ll c yc le e nds ne a r the middle o f e a c h mo nth. E mplo ye e s sho uld b e a wa re tha t da ys use d a fte r the middle o f the mo nth ma y no t b e re fle c te d in the b a la nc e sho wn o n the pa y a dvic e fo r tha t mo nth.  Ba la nc e – T he re ma ining b a la nc e in e a c h le a ve c la ss a t the time pa yro ll c yc le e nde d.  It is the re spo nsib ility o f e a c h e mplo ye e to tra c k the ir o wn le a ve b a la nc e s.  F a ilure to do so will re sult in a n e mplo ye e e xc e e ding a va ila b le le a ve .  E xc e e ding le a ve will c a use e mplo ye e to lo se pa y.

  15. Your Pay Stub… 15  Federal – Federal Income Tax Withholding from W-4 form.  State – State Income Tax Withholding from State Tax Form.  M/ S – Indicates how employee wants tax applied (Married/ Single).  Exemptions - Indicates number of withholdings claimed.  Extra – Indicates any extra amounts employee requests to be withheld.  NOTE:  Employee should monitor this section and make sure that all information is correct.  It is the employees responsibility to verify that tax status and withholdings are correct.  Business Services staff shall not make recommendations about employee taxes.  Employee should consult with their individual tax preparer.

  16. Employee Leave… 16  Review Policy CGPH on Leaves and Absences.  Leave provision do not start until new employees officially report to work for the first day of contract.  Based on fiscal year.  187-219 day employee receives 7 sick and 2 personal days.  220-237 day employee receives 8 sick and 2 personal days.  238 day employee receives 9 sick and 12 personal days.  Days are prorated, if employee starts after normal start date.  If employee terminates before end of year, employee’s pay will be adjusted for days taken beyond prorated amount.  Complete Leave Forms  Each school has a procedure. Your principal will provide information.

  17. Employee Leave… Sick 17  Sick leave (ethically) must be used for:  personal illness  illness or death of immediate family member (bereavement)  or someone whom the employee is responsible. (Policy defines immediate family)  Unused days carry over year-to-year. Unlimited.  Optional dental and medical treatment or surgery should be scheduled at time when school is not in session if doing so will not cause medical risk.

  18. Employee Leave… Sub Pay Days 18  For the first 10 days, after classroom teacher’s Sick leave is exhausted because of illness, classroom teacher will be paid per diem less cost of substitute teacher.  Substitute Cost is $122 per day  Does not apply to Halftime employees or employees other than classroom teachers

  19. Employee Leave… Personal 19  Can not be taken on:  The first day of school term (Military exception)  The last day of school term (Military exception)  May be used as you desire  Requires prior written permission  Employees may bank up to 5 days per year  Max 10% of any school staff may be granted personal leave on any day. First request basis

  20. Employee Leave… Other 20  Jury Duty  No pay deducted  Must show proof of summons  Profession Leave  Available for approved absences for required training  Requires approval of supervisor and superintendent  Other Absences  Made in writing  Require approval of supervisor and superintendent  Full pay deduction will apply

  21. Verification of Absence Form 21 Completed form submitted to your schools attendance designee (See Principal) Date of Absent: The date Comp Time is being used Full Or Half Day: This can be Hours to be used Code/ Reason: Comp Time Substitute’s Name & SSN: Date Comp Time was earned Automation: ???


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