introduction summary of previous work new strategy for


INTRODUCTION SUMMARY OF PREVIOUS WORK NEW STRATEGY FOR DEVELOPING MOROCCAN OIL SHALE Investi tigati ting new geological str tructu tures th that t can conta tain bitu tuminous rocks De Developing a nati

  1. INTRODUCTION � SUMMARY OF PREVIOUS WORK � NEW STRATEGY FOR DEVELOPING MOROCCAN OIL SHALE � Ø Investi tigati ting new geological str tructu tures th that t can conta tain bitu tuminous rocks Ø De Developing a nati tional experti tise Ø Setti tting up appropriate te regulati tions for oil shale acti tiviti ties tionally Ø Promoti ting Moroccan oil shale locally and inte ternati CONCLUSION � 2

  2. The first Research Studies on Moroccan Oil Shale were � conducted in the late 1930s, The Tangier deposit located in northern Morocco was the � first oil shale deposit discovered, A private company, the “Oil Shale Tangier Society”, � operated an 80 metric ton per day pilot plant between 1939 and 1945, The two most well studied deposits are the Timahdit and � Tarfaya which were identified in the late 1960s and are located in Central and southwestern Morocco, respectively The total oil content in all known Moroccan oil shale � deposits was estimated to be 50 billion barrels in place as of 1980. 3

  3. � INTRODUCTION � SUMMARY OF PREVIOUS WORK � NEW STRATEGY FOR DEVELOPING MOROCCAN OIL SHALE Ø Investigating new geological structures that can contain bituminous rocks Ø De Developing a nati tional experti tise Ø Setti tting up appropriate te regulati tions for oil shale acti tiviti ties Ø Promoti ting Moroccan oil shale locally and inte ternati tionally � CONCLUSION 4

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  5. The results of the previous geological, mining, laboratory studies and retorting tests can be summarised as follow: KEY EY PARAMET ETER ERS OF MAJO JOR MOROCCAN DEP DEPOSITS: Paramete ters TIMAHDI DIT TARFAYA YA TANGIER ER Explored area (km 2 ) Ex 600 600 900 900 400 400 Oil shale Oil shale Thick Thickness ness (m) (m) 150 150 33 33 0.1 .1 - - 3 3 Up Upper er Up Upper er Up Upper er Geo Geolo logic gical l age ge Creta taceous Creta taceous Creta taceous Oil Shale Oil Shale reserves reserves 42 42 80 80 4 - 4 - 6 6 (10 9 metr (10 tric to tons) Mean Oil Yi Yield (lite ter/ 62 62 55 55 25 - 25 - 83 83 tonne) to (10 9 bbl) Oil Oil in in place lace (10 bbl) 15 15 22.7 22.7 1 - 1 - 2 2 1 to to 2 2 to to 3 Str tripping rati tio ???? ???? (70 l/t- t- 80 m) (62 l/t- t- 30 m) 6 6

  6. PILOT PIL OT PL PLANT ANTS S : MAIN RES ESULTS OF THE E PREV EVIOUS TES ESTS 120 100 80 60 Diect Pyrolysis Processes 40 Indiect Pyrolysis Processes 20 0 7

  7. THE E MAIN PREV EVIOUS EN ENGINEER EERING STUDI DIES ES: Timahdit t Tarf Tarfaya aya Previous Stu tudies Deposit De t Deposit De t Mining Stu tudies (Open pit t and/or √ DMK DM √ She Shell Underground meth thods) Feasibility ty Stu tudy using Verti tical √ OXY XY 0 - Modified In Situ tu (VMIS) process ONHYM YM Mete teorological Stu tudies √ 0 - OXY XY En Environmenta tal Stu tudies √ Tos Tosco co √ She Shell ONHYM YM Inte tegrate ted Technical and √ √ She Shell economical Feasibility ty stu tudies TOS TOSCO CO 8 8

  8. INTRODUCTION � SUMMARY OF PREVIOUS WORK � NEW STRATEGY FOR DEVELOPING MOROCCAN OIL SHALE � Ø Investi tigati ting new geological str tructu tures th that t can conta tain bitu tuminous rocks Ø De Developing a nati tional experti tise Ø Setti tting up appropriate te regulati tions for oil shale acti tiviti ties tionally Ø Promoti ting Moroccan oil shale locally and inte ternati CONCLUSION � 9

  9. Higher oil prices have rekindled world interest for development � of unconventional oil resources including OIL SHALE The conclusion of the first national conference of energy held at � Rabat on Marsh 6 th , 2009, strongly recommended diversification of Moroccan energy sources by mobilizing the country’s renewable resources, intensifying oil and gas exploration and promoting oil shale, ONHYM has developed a new strategy to: � • Develop the national resources of oil shale, • Reduce Morocco’s high dependence on imported energy (97%) • Ensure that Moroccan oil shale reserves will make a significant contribution to the Morocco’s energy mix 10

  10. Promoti ting Moroccan oil shale locally and inte ternati tionally Setting up appropriate regulations for oil shale activities Developing a National Expertise Investi tigati ting new geological zones th that t can conta tain bitu tuminous rocks 11

  11. Investi tigati ting new geological areas th that t can conta tain bitu tuminous rocks: The Moroccan oil shale is linked to the upper Cretaceous � formation ONHYM has conducted geological exploration activities � throughout the country, and some locations with oil shale outcrop have been identified The focus areas for ONHYM exploration studies are: � Errachidia, Ouarzazate, Agadir, Essaouira and Tadla. These zones constitute potential oil shale deposits Further geological evaluation can confirm the quantity and � the quality of organic matter rich rocks ONHYM is setting up an oil shale laboratory to conduct � analysis related to oil shale characterization 12


  13. Developing a nati De tional experti tise : Developing a national expertise by creating the “National Oil Shale � Committee” composed of Moroccan competencies and experts, Encouraging cooperation between different Moroccan stakeholders � interested in Oil Shale projects: ONE (Office Natioanl d’Electricité), � OCP (Office Chérifien des Phosphates), � Cement manufacturers, universities, research centers, etc. � The Committee established, in cooperation with ONHYM, four main � projects: Exploration and evaluation of new potential oil shale resources, � Moroccan oil shale combustion in fluidized bed studies, � Development of a pyrolysis process using fluidized bed technology, � Extraction of organic matter from the oil shale and utilization of the by- � products. 14

  14. Setti tting up appropriate te regulati tions for oil shale acti tiviti ties: ONHYM is amending the Moroccan hydrocarbon fiscal � framework to include oil shale activities The new legal framework is meant to make activities � producing hydrocarbons from oil shale (shale oil and gas) fiscally attractive to developers The other projects involving oil shale will remain � under the mining law 15

  15. Promoti ting Moroccan oil shale locally and inte ternati tionally: ONHYM is developing partnerships with: Oil companies interesting in investing in Moroccan oil shale � projects Companies that license oil shale utilization technologies � Companies that are currently extracting hydrocarbons from � oil shale at an advanced experimental scale Companies interesting in utilizing oil shale by-products � National and international universities and research � centers 16

  16. Promoti ting Moroccan oil shale locally and inte ternati tionally: Ø Two main axes of ONHYM’ s partnership: The production of hydrocarbons using oil shale, � The production of electricity using oil shale direct � combustion (currently with ONE). Ø Today ONHYM counts six partners, including the National Office of Electricity, working in the previous confirmed oil shale zones or investigating new potential oil shale areas throughout the country. 17

  17. Promoti ting Moroccan oil shale locally and inte ternati tionally: PET ETROBRAS/ TOTAL E& E&P Projects ts: Ø Timahdit Bloc 2 deposit Area: 96 Km 2 , Phase I - Preliminary Evaluation using Petrosix Technology - Achieved: � Core drilling, rock characterization, processing test and products analysis o Update geological studies o Mining study o Preliminary environmental assessment o Preliminary Shale Oil upgrading study o Capital and expenditures estimates o Market study to support the project o Studies presented by the Partners to ONHYM in October 2009 o Phase II - Detailed feasibility and environmental studies, technical and � economic evaluation Before starting phase II, an extended area should be assessed to reach the � necessary ore volume for potential developmen. 18

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  19. Promoti ting Moroccan oil shale locally and inte ternati tionally: PET ETROBRAS/ TOTAL E& E&P Projects ts: Ø Tarfaya East Flank deposit Area: 560 Km 2 Phase I- Review of the existing data, geological study – Achieved � Phase II- Drilling of new cores for geological evaluation and � technological improvement (ongoing) Phase III- Complementary exploration assessment � Phase IV- Pre-feasibility study � 20

  20. Promoti ting Moroccan oil shale locally and inte ternati tionally: SAN LEO EON Project: t: � Location: Tarfaya south deposit Area: 3950 Km 2 � The study consists of: o Preliminary geologic study using existing data o Environmental Impact study o Pilot plant study using IVE technology (In-Situ Vapor Extraction technology) o The above studies have been achieved, � The pilot plant equipment are now under constuction and will be shipped to the site soon � The IVE wells are set to be drilled in Dec. 2010 � The Pilot Plant start-up is planned for March 2011 21

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