introduction of edible fungi

Introduction of edible fungi Overview Definition - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Introduction of edible fungi Overview Definition Classification Cultivation (Production) Nutrition Value and other Applications Definition Edible fungi are the

  1. Introduction of edible fungi 靳利蕊 陈斯国

  2. Overview ( Ⅰ ) Definition ( Ⅱ ) Classification ( Ⅲ ) Cultivation (Production) ( Ⅳ ) Nutrition Value and other Applications

  3. ( Ⅰ ) Definition Edible fungi are the fleshy and edible fruiting bodies of higher fungi. They belong to the macrofungi, because their fruiting structures are large enough to be seen with the naked eye. Edible fungi vs Mushroom

  4. Edibility may be defined by criteria that include absence of poisonous effects on humans and desirable taste and aroma. Edible Edible fungi Mushroom Mushroom Less than 10% of all mushrooms may be edible. 1. Toth, B. Mushroom toxins and cancer (review). Int J Oncol 1995;6:137

  5. ( Ⅱ ) Classification (1) Basidiomycotina (担子菌亚门 ) Lentinus edodes (香菇 / 厚菇) Agaricus campestris (蘑菇) Auricularia (木耳) Tremella (银耳) (2) Ascomycotina (子囊菌亚门) Morehella esculenta (L. ) Pers (羊肚菌) Helvella elastica Bull. ∶ Fr. (马鞍菌) Tuber mdicum cook et Massee (块菌)

  6. Lentinus edodes (香菇 / 厚菇) “山珍”、“植物皇后” Agaricus campestris (蘑菇) " 植物肉 "

  7. Auricularia (木耳) Tremella (银耳) “菌中之冠” 、“雪 耳 ”

  8. Morehella esculenta Tuber mdicum cook et (L. ) Pers (羊肚菌) Massee (块菌) “黑色金刚石” Helvella elastica Bull. ∶ Fr. (马鞍菌)

  9. ( Ⅲ ) Cultivation ( Production ) Taking edible mushroom as example Depend on the mushroom species to be cultivated : Substrate preparation (培养料预处理) Inoculation (接种) Incubation (孵育) Production conditions (生产条件控制)

  10. Flow chart 1st stage : obtaining pure mycelium (获 取纯种子) 2nd stage : inoculation (接种) 3rd stage : culture (种植) 4th stage : picking and packing (收获)

  11. 1st stage : obtaining pure mycelium (获取纯种子) a. spores b. a piece of mushroom c. Germplasm providers

  12. 2nd stage : inoculation (接种) d. On cereal grain (五谷杂粮) e. Spawn (菌种体) f. Inculation of Bulk substrate (大批量底物)

  13. 2nd stage : inoculation (接种)

  14. 3rd stage : culture (种植) depending on species Tray culture( 托盘 ) Wall culture( 墙架 ) Column culture( 吊柱 ) Bag culture( 袋装 ) Mound culutre( 垛 ) Stump culture( 树墩 ) Log culture( 原木 )

  15. 3rd stage : culture (种植)

  16. 4th stage : picking and packing (收获) Further processing

  17. Overall : (a) the critical need for food, and in particular for protein, that exists in many parts of the world; (b) the economic advantages of microbial elaboration of foods or vitamins from relatively inexpensive raw materials; (c) the reduction of the cost of disposal of fermentable factory wastes.

  18. ( Ⅳ ) Nutrition Value and other Applications Compositional analyses Health & Nutritional Benefits of Eating Mushrooms Medicinal application Soil decontamination , environmental engineering

  19. 10% Compositional analyses (Part1) 100 grams of uncooked, white button mushrooms contain the following dry matter nutrients: 90% water 维生素 B9 * Folate (Vitamin B9) - 16.0 mcg 维生素 B3 * Niacin (Vitamin B3) - 3.6 mg 维生素 B5 * Pantothenic Acid (Vitamin B5) - 1.5 mg 维生素 B2 * Riboflavin (Vitamin B2) - 0.4 mg 维生素 B1 * Thiamin (Vitamin B1) - 0.1 mg 维生素 B6 * Vitamin B6 - 0.1 mg 铜元素 * Copper - 0.3 mg 铁元素 * Iron - 0.5 mg 镁元素 * Magnesium - 9.0 mg 磷元素 * Phosphorus - 86.0 mg 钾元素 * Potassium - 318 mg 硒元素 * Selenium - 9.3 mcg 锌元素 * Zinc - 0.5 mg 纤维 * Fiber

  20. Compositional analyses (Part2) dry weight basis : ( 1 ) 19 to 35% protein , 20% fibre , 4% carbohydrate ; ( 2 ) all the essential amino acids , especially rich in lysine and leucine which are lacking in most staple cereal foods (主食谷类食物 ); ( 3 ) low total fat content ; ( 4 ) high proportion of polyunsaturated fatty acids (多不饱和脂肪酸 ) (72 to 85%) relative to total fatty acids, is considered a significant contributor to the health value of mushrooms ; ( 5 ) good source of vitamins, including thiamine, riboflavin, niacin, biotin and ascorbic acid ; ( 6 ) minerals

  21. Health & Nutritional Benefits of Eating Mushrooms less calories good for weight loss lower blood pressure & rich in potassium diminished the risk of stroke rich in copper cardio-protective Selenium (硒元素) antioxidant & against cancer stimulation of the immune system Lentinan (蘑菇多糖 ) & fighting against AIDS

  22. Overall : Their nutritional value can be compared to those of eggs, milk, and meat (Oei 2003).

  23. From edible to useful mushrooms Eating mushroom is only one of several significant potential uses. Depending on the species, thy can also be used in medicine, environmental engineering and ecosystem protection.

  24. Medicinal application medicinal value being devoid of undesirable side-effects Mushroom extracts : antibacterial, hematological, antiviral, antitumor, hypotensive and hepatoprotective effects against cancers of the stomach, esophagus, lungs, etc.

  25. Soil decontamination , environmental engineering able to break down a large number of structurally different organic substances, including many pollutants that are difficult to degrade. able to break down several aromatic (芳香族) compounds (containing a benzene (苯) skeleton), such as vanillic acid (香草酸) , and even lindane (六六六) and DDT oyster mushroom 蚝蘑 , 木牡蛎

  26. 谢谢聆听!

  27. Q & A


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