interviewing for residencies and jobs tips for success

Interviewing for Residencies and Jobs: Tips for Success ALSHP - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Interviewing for Residencies and Jobs: Tips for Success ALSHP Student Programming Thursday, September 29, 2016 Kristi Kelley, PharmD, FCCP, BCPS, CDE, BC-ADM Associate Clinical Professor, Department of Pharmacy Practice Auburn University

  1. Interviewing for Residencies and Jobs: Tips for Success ALSHP Student Programming – Thursday, September 29, 2016 Kristi Kelley, PharmD, FCCP, BCPS, CDE, BC-ADM Associate Clinical Professor, Department of Pharmacy Practice Auburn University Harrison School of Pharmacy and Clinical Pharmacist, Brookwood Baptist 

  2. Objectives  Define the purpose of interview s  Outline commonly asked interview questions  Discuss w ays to prepare for interview s  Identify appropriate attire and body language  Develop a personal plan to formulate responses to commonly asked interview questions

  3. What’s the purpose of an interview?  Gain information not evident from your CV  Teamw ork, personality, intangible qualities  Test the “fit”  From the company/residency program and candidate perspective  Verify the information know n about the candidate  “Win” the candidate over Am J Health-Syst Pharm . 2013; 70:2082-5.

  4. How do you prepare for the interview?  Books  Inw ardly reflect  Reinders TP. The  What are your goals Pharmacy Professional’s Guide to (short-term and long- Resumes, CVs & term)? Interview ing.  What are your strengths  Bookstaver PB, et al. and areas for Roadmap to improvement? Postgraduate Training in Pharmacy.  Participate in mock  Caballero J, et al. Get interview s the Residency: ASHP’s Guide to Residency  Interview s and Research the position and Preparation. company/health system Am J Health-Syst Pharm . 2013; 70:2082-5.

  5. What should you remember during the interview?  Be honest  Be engaged  Be aw are  Be prepared Am J Health-Syst Pharm . 2013; 70:2082-5. Image courtesy of cooldesign at

  6. What areas of questions should you be prepared for? Education/training Personal traits Handling of a specific work- related situation Pharmacy/work Career goals experience

  7. General Pointers for Question Responses   Keep responses brief Think about your answ ers to commonly  Use positive asked questions ahead of words/phrases time  Give focused responses  It is okay to ask the interview er to repeat the  Use concrete, recent question examples of w hat you have done  Take time to think before responding

  8. Weakness Strengths

  9. Points to Consider   Accomplishments Communication skills   Focus on recent ones Writing vs. oral presentation  Career development  How would you  Short-term goals describe your listening skills?  Long-term goals  Dealing w ith conflict  Coping w ith change  Think about how you  Structured routine vs. cope frequent change  Focus on positive  How do you deal w ith outcomes people w ho resist change? Adapted from Chapter 10: “Interview Questions.” In: Reinders TP. The Pharmacy Professional’s Guide to Resumes, CVs, and Interviewing. 2 nd ed. Washington, DC: American Pharmaceutical Association; 2006.

  10. Points to Consider   Handling criticism Educational experience   What is your approach? Focus on academic strengths  Describe an incident  that demonstrates w hat Talk about areas w here you have learned from you w ere successful receiving constructive and applied your criticism. know ledge in work/clinical situations  Decision-making skills  What types of decisions do you have difficulty Adapted from Chapter 10: “Interview making? Questions.” In: Reinders TP. The Pharmacy Professional’s Guide to  How do you make Resumes, CVs, and Interviewing. 2 nd ed. deicions w hen you do Washington, DC: American Pharmaceutical Association; 2006. not have adequate data to make the decision?

  11. Points to Consider   Issues related to the Leadership qualities employer or position  Can you be a role  Why do you w ant this model for others? position?  Use the term “w e”  How would you fit in? instead of “I” – team player  Know ledge of issues  facing the profession Teamwork  Focus on current  Management issues skills/abilities  Looking to distinguish specific skills – Adapted from Chapter 10: “Interview Questions.” In: Reinders TP. The Pharmacy Professional’s Guide to planning, organizing, Resumes, CVs, and Interviewing. 2 nd ed. Washington, DC: directing, controlling American Pharmaceutical Association; 2006.

  12. Points to Consider   Commitment to life-long Personal attributes learning  Emphasize positive  Need to show your attributes commitment  Problem-solving skills  How do you keep up?  Can you think through  Maintaining peer problems and develop relationships effective solutions?  Give examples of  Professional/employment interpersonal skills experiences  How do you relate to those difficult to deal Adapted from Chapter 10: “Interview Questions.” In: w ith? Reinders TP. The Pharmacy Professional’s Guide to Resumes, CVs, and Interviewing. 2 nd ed. Washington, DC: American Pharmaceutical Association; 2006.

  13. Points to Consider   Dealing w ith self- Time management skills assessment  Ability to set goals,  Strengths/areas for prioritize tasks, and time improvement management  Be prepared to give  Stress management specific examples  How do you work under  pressure? Volunteerism  Professional organizations  Technical know ledge/skills  Community service  Gauge ability to think on projects your feet Adapted from Chapter 10: “Interview Questions.” In: Reinders TP. The Pharmacy Professional’s Guide to Resumes, CVs, and Interviewing. 2 nd ed. Washington, DC: American Pharmaceutical Association; 2006. Am J Health-Syst Pharm . 2009;66:1075-6.

  14. What questions should you ask?   Greatest strengths of the What unique skills w ill I program gain from this program/training/experien  Upcoming changes ce?  What are the benefits of  What do people like most residency training to or least about the organization? organization?  What type of pharmacist  What types of is successful in this relationships to organization? pharmacists have w ith other providers in this organization? Philbrick AM, Sorensen TD. Chapter 10: “Interview Process.” In: Bookstaver PB, et al. Roadmap to Postgraduate Training in Pharmacy. New York: McGraw Hill; 2013.

  15. You’ve made it to the end….. Concluding the Follow ing up after Interview the interview  Be prepared to ask the  Thank you interview er questions  Handw ritten note  Have a response  Email prepared if the  Make it personal interview er says….  Anything else I should know about you?  Why should w e offer the position to you? Chapter 10: “Interview Questions.” In: Reinders TP. The Pharmacy Professional’s Guide to Resumes, CVs, and Interviewing. 2 nd ed. Washington, DC: American Pharmaceutical Association; 2006. Philbrick AM, Sorensen TD. Chapter 10: “Interview Process.” In: Bookstaver PB, et al. Roadmap to Postgraduate Training in Pharmacy. New York: McGraw Hill; 2013.

  16. Which of the following is an actual interview question? A. How have you gone above and beyond to help a customer? B. Describe a time w hen you w ere on a team and someone w asn’t pulling their w eight: How did you respond? What w as the outcome? C. What are the strengths? D. What do you w ant to get our of your job?,10.htm

  17. What questions should you NEVER be asked?  Martial status/children  Religious preferences  Nationality  Age  Health-related Philbrick AM, Sorensen TD. Chapter 10: “Interview Process.” In: Bookstaver PB, et al. Roadmap to Postgraduate Training in Pharmacy. New York: McGraw Hill; 2013.

  18. What about a phone interview?   Before the interview Day of the interview   Know how you w ill call-in Minimize distractions   Research the Be professionally dressed program/position  Call at the appointed time  Allow plenty of time  During the interview  Be in the right “place”  Be professional  Be conscious of time  Utilize notes  After the interview  Reflect Am J Health-Syst Pharm. 2015;72:1940-2.  Write thank-you notes

  19. Attire and Body Language 

  20. Attire  Dress professionally and w ear comfortable shoes  Minimal or no cologne/aftershave/perfume  Neat, professional hairstyles  Short, trimmed nails  Cover up tattoos  Conservative make-up  Minimal jew elry/accessories  Carry a portfolio  Keep the cellphone aw ay! Chapter 10: “Interview Questions.” In: Reinders TP. The Pharmacy Professional’s Guide to Resumes, CVs, and Interviewing. 2 nd ed. Washington, DC: American Pharmaceutical Association; 2006. Philbrick AM, Sorensen TD. Chapter 10: “Interview Process.” In: Bookstaver PB, et al. Roadmap to Postgraduate Training in Pharmacy. New York: McGraw Hill; 2013.


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