interoperability between arithmetic proofs using dedukti

Interoperability between arithmetic proofs using Dedukti PhD - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Interoperability between arithmetic proofs using Dedukti PhD supervised by Gilles Dowek & St ephane Graham-Lengrand Fran cois Thir e LSV & LIX November 22, 2018 1/15 Bugs are everywhere! 2/15 Bugs are everywhere! Would you

  1. Interoperability between arithmetic proofs using Dedukti PhD supervised by Gilles Dowek & St´ ephane Graham-Lengrand Fran¸ cois Thir´ e LSV & LIX November 22, 2018 1/15

  2. Bugs are everywhere! 2/15

  3. Bugs are everywhere! Would you trust windows to: ◮ drive your car ◮ be used in a nuclear power station ◮ perform surgery on you 2/15

  4. Proof Assistants (1/2) Coq Theorem proj1 : ∀ ( A B : Prop ), A ∧ B → A . Proof . intros A B H ; destruct H ; assumption . Qed . 3/15

  5. Proof Assistants (1/2) Coq Theorem proj1 : ∀ ( A B : Prop ), A ∧ B Definition proj1’ : ∀ A B : Prop , A ∧ → A . B → A := Proof . fun ( A B : Prop ) ( H : A ∧ B ) ⇒ produces − − − − − → intros A B H ; match H with destruct H ; | conj H0 ⇒ H0 assumption . end . Qed . 3/15

  6. Proof Assistants (2/2) HOL v a l AND1 THM = save thm ( ”AND1 THM” , l e t v a l t12 = mk conj ( t1b , t2b ) v a l th2 = RIGHT BETA(AP THM (RIGHT BETA(AP THM AND DEF t1b )) t2b ) v a l th3 = SPEC t1b (EQ MP th2 (ASSUME t12 ) ) v a l th4 = DISCH t1b (DISCH t2b (ADD ASSUM t2b (ASSUME t1b ) ) ) i n GEN t1b (GEN t2b (DISCH t12 (MP th3 th4 ) ) ) end ) ; 4/15

  7. Proof checkers & automatic provers ◮ Automath ◮ Coq ◮ Metamath ◮ Isabelle ◮ Mizar ◮ Agda ◮ PVS ◮ Dedukti ◮ HOL family ◮ ProofCert ◮ LF ◮ CubicalTT 5/15

  8. Interoperability problem ◮ There is a lot a proof checkers & logics ◮ Different logics might have different expressivity ◮ Each system has its own library of proofs ◮ There is not standard 6/15

  9. Interoperability problem ◮ There is a lot a proof checkers & logics ◮ Different logics might have different expressivity ◮ Each system has its own library of proofs ◮ There is not standard Our goal: Take a small library (e.g. an arithmetic library) that could be exported to a bunch of proof checkers 6/15

  10. Methodology Python C++ Java Javascript 7/15

  11. Methodology Python C++ ASM Java Javascript 7/15

  12. Dedukti Coq Matita HOL CoqInE Krajono Holide Dedukti Focalide iProver Focalize modulo Zenon modulo 8/15

  13. From Matita to HOL Arithmetic library Coq HOL-light HOL4 Open Theory Matita CoqInE HOL Zero ediloh Krajono Holide Dedukti Focalide universo dkmeta,... Zenon Focalize modulo 9/15

  14. Dedukti[CIC] to Dedukti[HOL] Dedukti[CIC] Dedukti[HOL] Dedukti 10/15

  15. Dedukti[CIC] to Dedukti[HOL] ... ... ... Dedukti[CIC] Dedukti[HOL] 10/15

  16. Dedukti[CIC] to Dedukti[HOL] What to do? ◮ Remove useless stuff (proofs not used) ◮ Remove universes ◮ Remove dependent products ◮ Remove rewrite rules 11/15

  17. Dedukti[CIC] to Dedukti[HOL] What to do? ◮ Remove useless stuff (proofs not used) ◮ Remove universes ◮ Remove dependent products ◮ Remove rewrite rules How? ◮ Dedukti rewrite system ◮ OCaml 11/15

  18. Dedukti[CIC] to Dedukti[HOL] What to do? ◮ Remove useless stuff (proofs not used) ◮ Remove universes ◮ Remove dependent products ◮ Remove rewrite rules How? ◮ Dedukti rewrite system ◮ OCaml Problems: ◮ All at the same time? ◮ What is the best order? 11/15

  19. Dedukti[CIC] to Dedukti[HOL] What to do? ◮ Remove useless stuff (proofs not used) ◮ Remove universes ◮ Remove dependent products ◮ Remove rewrite rules How? ◮ Dedukti rewrite system ◮ OCaml Problems: ◮ All at the same time? ◮ What is the best order? 11/15

  20. Remove rewrite rules nat : Type. 0 : nat. S : nat -> nat. odd : nat -> Prop. pi : odd (S 0). [] one --> S 0. def pi1 : (odd one) := pi. 12/15

  21. Remove rewrite rules nat : Type. 0 : nat. S : nat -> nat. odd : nat -> Prop. pi : odd (S 0). def eq : nat -> nat -> Prop := x:nat => y:nat => forall (P:(nat -> Prop) => impl (P x) (P y)). 12/15

  22. Remove rewrite rules nat : Type. 0 : nat. S : nat -> nat. odd : nat -> Prop. pi : odd (S 0). def eq : nat -> nat -> Prop := x:nat => y:nat => forall (P:(nat -> Prop) => impl (P x) (P y)). eq_one : eq (S 0) one. 12/15

  23. Remove rewrite rules nat : Type. 0 : nat. S : nat -> nat. odd : nat -> Prop. pi : odd (S 0). def eq : nat -> nat -> Prop. [x,y] eq x y --> forall (P:(nat -> Prop) => impl (P x) (P y)). eq_one : eq (S 0) one. def pi1 : (odd one) := eq_one (ctx => odd ctx) pi. 12/15

  24. Dedukti[HOL] to OpenTheory (OT) Should be easy , right? But... 13/15

  25. Dedukti[HOL] to OpenTheory (OT) Should be easy , right? But... ◮ Polymorphism in OT is not the handle the same way as in Dedukti[HOL] ◮ Dedukti is modulo delta (constants unfolding), OT is not ◮ Dedukti is modulo beta, OT is not! ◮ Dedukti using De Bruijn indices, OT uses names! 13/15

  26. In practice Dedukti to Dedukti (done) Dedukti to Dedukti (done) ◮ 6 months ◮ 5 months ◮ 3 tools ◮ 1 tool ◮ about 1500 lines of OCaml ◮ 3000 lines of OCaml 14/15

  27. Conclusion & Future Work ◮ Find (or invent) a better language to write these compilers (a futur work with Prof. Brigitte Pientka) ◮ OT has some good ideas for interoperability that could be reuse ◮ Extend the compiler to other systems such as ProofCert, Coq or PVS 15/15

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