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Internet Media Guides Internet Media Guides - Status Updates - - - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Internet Media Guides Internet Media Guides - Status Updates - - Status Updates - Yuji Nomura Fujitsu Laboratories Ltd. IMG Envelope IMG Envelope Gives independence from transport protocol and metadata format Unicast transport and

  1. Internet Media Guides Internet Media Guides - Status Updates - - Status Updates - Yuji Nomura Fujitsu Laboratories Ltd.

  2. IMG Envelope IMG Envelope  Gives independence from transport protocol and metadata format  Unicast transport and Multicast transport  SDP, XML-based metadata, binary, etc.  Needs following parameters:  Content Type  metadata URI  Versioning  Validity period  Candidates  MIME and XML

  3. Example of IMG Envelope Example of IMG Envelope  MIME  Content Type -> “Content-Type”  metadata URI, Versioning -> “Content-ID”  Validity period -> Need new header  Authentication -> S/MIME  XML  need to define the same parameters/structure

  4. XML vs. MIME XML vs. MIME  These provide almost the same functions for IMG Envelope  Both will match the IMG requirements  In terms of standardization,  Re-use existing specifications  XML seems to require more effort than MIME

  5. Open Issues Open Issues  Versioning, metadata URI  Define usage of MIME headers  Validity Period  Define new MIME headers  Authentication of IMG description subset

  6. Next Steps Next Steps  Publish new draft  IMG Envelope using MIME?  Update existing draft  SIP Event Notification for Internet Media Guides  draft-nomura-mmusic-img-notify-00.txt  According to the discussion results


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