international atomic energy agency

International Atomic Energy Agency Department of Nuclear Safety and - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

International Atomic Energy Agency Department of Nuclear Safety and Security Incident and Emergency Centre IAEA Assessment and Prognosis Side Event Presentation Introduction Lesson from Fukushima Daiichi accident - Agency has new response

  1. International Atomic Energy Agency Department of Nuclear Safety and Security Incident and Emergency Centre IAEA Assessment and Prognosis Side Event Presentation

  2. Introduction • Lesson from Fukushima Daiichi accident - Agency has new response role in case of nuclear or radiological emergency: Assessment of potential consequences and prognosis of likely emergency progression IAEA

  3. Roles of the IEC 1. Notification and official information exchange 2. Provision of assistance on request 3. Provision of public information 4. Assessment of potential emergency consequences and prognosis of possible emergency progression 5. Coordination of inter-agency response IAEA IEC Incident and Emergency Centre

  4. Assessment and prognosis process - Summary Initiating process Initial assessment and prognosis IEC assesses and verifies Nuclear or radiological CA sends notification / IEC performs AP using in-house initial information. IEC emergency occurs in a advisory message to expertise, capabilities and requests additional State IAEA IEC arrangements (through IES) information needed for AP Feedback process for Compilation of results and formation of harmonized message continual reassessment as the situation evolves and new IEC discusses the AP with IEC determines if information is learned Accident State CA (and IEC combines results into No external support is external support partners if a credible AP required they were involved) Yes IAEA in-house expertise, Mechanism for resolving issues capabilities and Yes with the harmonized message arrangements Is agreement IEC requests external support The matter is referred to reached to form a based on bilateral agreements No the IAEA IES Steering harmonized with MS (preferably using Group for further steps message? RANET mechanism) Yes Is the new AP IEC is provided with external AP IEC informs MS through proper Delivery mechanism of AP for substantially different support No channels and the public/media MS, the media and the public from the previous through MTPI AP? External support mechanism and process As the situation develops and new information is received the IEC updates the AP following the same process IAEA

  5. Normal/Ready Response Mode IAEA

  6. Basic Response Mode IAEA

  7. Full Response Mode IAEA

  8. Technical Team • Lead by Technical Team Leader • Will be an experienced IAEA staff member • Supported by subject matter experts from all departments in house organized by technical background • All received specialized IAEA specific EPR training IAEA

  9. Radiation Safety Specialists • Experts in radiation safety • Variety of backgrounds (medical physics, health physics, nuclear engineering etc.) • Trained in tools and procedures for assessing sources, conducting dose calculations, following IAEA EPR guidance • TecDoc 1162, Generic procedures for assessment and response during a radiological emergency • TecDoc 1092, Generic procedures for monitoring in a nuclear or radiological emergency • Trained in examining offsite consequences IAEA

  10. Nuclear Security Specialist • Experts in nuclear security • Variety of backgrounds (engineering, security, etc.) • Trained to similar level as RSS with different scope of responsibilities (focusing on security) • Realistic security focused exercises can be difficult to create IAEA

  11. Nuclear Installation Specialists • Experts in nuclear installations backgrounds mix of regulatory, operations in plant, etc. • Responsible for reviewing information and providing advice to ERM • Training in tools, procedures and IAEA EPR guidance: • EPR-NPP, Actions to Protect the Public in an Emergency due to Severe Conditions at a Light Water Reactor • TecDoc 955, Generic assessment procedures for determining protective actions during a reactor accident IAEA

  12. Approach to Development and Implementation of Tools and Procedures 1. Define the objectives of the process 2. Review existing capabilities and arrangements 3. Develop the methodology to achieve the objectives 4. Create the needed procedures and tools to implement the methodology 5. Test, evaluate, improve IAEA

  13. Procedures IAEA

  14. Procedures These are long documents and only applicable for the environment in the IEC IAEA

  15. Assessment and Prognosis Tools • The IEC has been developing and testing several assessment tools • Reactor Assessment Tool • Environmental Monitoring Information Display System • Radiological Source Assessment Tool • Security Assessment Tool • These tools have been used in various exercises with Member States since 2013 IAEA

  16. Reactor Assessment Tool • Controls the reactor assessment process of the Technical Team working in the IEC • User initially selects type of reactor • Specific instructions for each type • Custom visualization depending on type IAEA

  17. Reactor Assessment Tool Input form Visualization IAEA

  18. Reactor Assessment Tool Instructions for each step of the process Includes details on what types of technical parameters and questions should be considered IAEA

  19. Reactor Assessment Tool User selection immediately impacts the visualization IAEA

  20. Reactor Assessment Tool • Rapidly produces Reactor Status Assessment Report • Each update automatically saves a new time with time and date • Each subsequent report gets automatically saved as a new file and only requires a few fields to be updated IAEA

  21. Track and communicate accident evolution IAEA

  22. Reactor Assessment Tool • Feedback has been positive • Very easy to train and use for technical team members in the IEC • Quick to produce useful material for sharing with other Member States in Status Summary Reports • Improvements to user instructions are ongoing • More emphasis on handling multi-unit accidents is planned to be incorporated • Currently finalizing version 1.0 (draft) ETA – November 2016 IAEA

  23. Reactor Assessment Tool (update) IAEA

  24. Reactor Assessment Tool (update) • Currently doing internal testing • Slightly more detailed than previous tool • Feedback has been mostly positive • Development is ongoing IAEA

  25. Radiological Source Assessment Tool • User inputs number of sources, radionuclide involved, activity and date of validity • Tool automatically decay corrects for todays date and performs calculations from EPR-D Values, RS- G-1.9 Categorization of Radioactive Sources and TecDoc-1192 (where applicable) IAEA

  26. Radiological Source Assessment Tool Report contains current activity, category, dose rate and shielding information IAEA

  27. Mexico, Stolen Ir-192 source • Example: Missing Cat 2 source (50 Ci of Ir-192) • In combination with the ICSRS, produced a report within 5 minutes for internal use IAEA

  28. Environmental Monitoring Information Display System IAEA

  29. Environmental Monitoring Information Display System • Capabilities include: • Context information available for each data point (e.g., distance to event location) • Environmental Monitoring Information Display System Report • Access to different mapping solutions • IRIX import feature • Automatically create graphs of data IAEA

  30. Environmental Monitoring Information Display System Quickly produce situational reports IAEA

  31. Environmental Monitoring Information Display System IAEA

  32. Environmental Monitoring Information Display System This is now a backup tool IAEA

  33. International Radiation Monitoring Information System (IRMIS) • Replaces EMIDS in the Technical Team for handling data • Far more robust system • Available outside of the IAEA • Handle large datasets of monitoring information • If you have access to USIE, you should have IRMIS access IAEA

  34. Supporting Databases • Static parameters for NPPs • Technical data • Diagrams • Site data • Dynamic parameters for NPPs • Critical safety functions • Technology specific IAEA

  35. IAEA

  36. Member State exercises • These are our best opportunities to test the process • Need more opportunities in 2016 • Willing to participate in exercises to test new procedures IAEA

  37. Technical Meeting on AP • Technical Meeting to Review IAEA Assessment and Prognosis Procedures for Nuclear and Radiological Emergencies • 28 November – 2 December • Draft assessment tools demo available • Draft assessment procedures • Discuss tools / procedures • Review content and structure of automatic reports • Discuss how to best involve Member State capabilities to support the process IAEA

  38. For questions or comments contact: IAEA


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