atomic physics

Atomic Physics Accelerator Facility at Darmstadt, Warsaw, November - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Polish German Meeting on the New International Atomic Physics Accelerator Facility at Darmstadt, Warsaw, November 24, 2003 Atomic Physics at the New International Accelerator Facility at GSI in Darmstadt Atomic Physics under Extreme

  1. Polish – German Meeting on the New International Atomic Physics Accelerator Facility at Darmstadt, Warsaw, November 24, 2003 Atomic Physics at the New International Accelerator Facility at GSI in Darmstadt Atomic Physics under Extreme Conditions Andrzej Warczak Jagiellonian University, Institute of Physics, Kraków, Poland


  3. Polish – German Meeting on the New International Extreme Static Fields Accelerator Facility at Darmstadt, Warsaw, November 24, 2003 H-like Uranium Q uantum E K = -132 • 10 3 eV 16 10 <E>= 1.8 • 10 16 V/cm Z = 92 E lectro- 15 10 1s D ynamics 14 10 <E> [V/cm] 2p 3/2 13 10 Ly α 1 (E1) Strongest laser fields : 12 2s 1/2 10 10 22 W/cm 2 2p 1/2 11 10 Hydrogen Z = 1 Ly α 2 (E1) M1 E K = -13.6 eV 10 10 <E>= 1 • 10 10 V/cm 9 10 1 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 Nuclear Charge, Z 1s 1/2 Lamb Shift t r e n g t h b y s i x o r d a g n i t u d e 1 s - g r o u n d s t a t e : i n c r e a s e o f t h e e l e c t r i c f i e l d s e r s o f m

  4. Polish – German Meeting About 2 The ground state Lamb shift on the New International Accelerator Facility in H-like uranium at Darmstadt, Warsaw, November 24, 2003 0 Joint Papers Theory: 463,95 ± 1 eV V. A. Yerokhin and V. M. Shabayev(2001) 520 Decelerated Ions: Cooler (our exp.) 510 91+ U Experiment: 459.8 ± 4.8 eV Cooler Gasjet 500 Lamb Shift [eV] 490 The recently achieved accuracy of 4.8 eV is a 480 470 considerable improvement by a factor of 3 460 Decelerated compared to the most precise value up to now. 450 Ions: Jet 440 430 420 1990 1992 1994 1996 1998 2000 2002 Year U 92+ NESR from SIS ESR New Experimental Experimental Storage Ring Storage Ring

  5. Polish – German Meeting on the New International Towards an Accuracy of 1 eV Accelerator Facility at Darmstadt, Warsaw, November 24, 2003 Development of x-ray detection techniques Transmission crystal spectrometer GSI– Ś wierk-Grenoble–Kraków-Kielce-Frankfurt Harvard-GSI Segmented Ge(i) detectors Calorimeters 15mm 52 mm Mainz-GSI 30 mm Micro-strip Ge(i) detectors and polarimeters Juelich-GSI– Ś wierk-Kraków-Kielce-Frankfurt

  6. Polish – German Meeting on the New International Atomic Physics – Nuclear Physics Accelerator Facility at Darmstadt, Warsaw, November 24, 2003 Giessen-GSI-Krakow

  7. Polish – German Meeting Extreme Velocities on the New International Accelerator Facility Extreme Dynamic Fields at Darmstadt, Warsaw, November 24, 2003 γ E/u for U 92+ 100 100GeV 10 2 1GeV η =( γ -1)mc 2 /E BK =1 10MeV 100keV 1keV 10eV 1 100meV NESR ISR HITRAP SIS300 HESR USR

  8. Polish – German Meeting on the New International Extreme Velocities Accelerator Facility at Darmstadt, Warsaw, November 24, 2003 Lorentz Shifted ( γ -boosted) Laser Cooling/ Spectroscopy

  9. Polish – German Meeting on the New International Extreme Velocities Accelerator Facility at Darmstadt, Warsaw, November 24, 2003 Precision Measurements of 2s Lamb Shift Lab.System (laser) in Strong Fields of High-Z Li-like Ions ω = 5 . 87 eV h L γ =23.9 Projectile frame excitation ω 0 = 280 . 6 eV h fluorescence 1 s 2 2 p 1/2 γ =23.9 The large Doppler shift laser excitation fluorescence Lab. System allows us to use visible laser 280.6 eV detection fluorescence sources to excite transitions ω = in the energy range up to 280 13384 eV h X eV, e.g. 2s-2p transitions in 1 s 2 2 s 1/2 lithium-like heavy ions

  10. Polish – German Meeting on the New International Extreme Dynamic Fields Accelerator Facility at Darmstadt, Warsaw, November 24, 2003 s n o t o h P l Fourier- a N ( ω ) E(t) u Quantization t r i v f Transform o e Weizsäcker-Williams (1934) s l t ≤ 0.1 as u P d n o c e s N( ω ) o t E= γ Z/b 2 t A Photon - Field n i “ s e 1000 A unique light source d o l p Photoionization in strong x e „ virtual photon fields with I ≥ 10 20 W/cm 2 m o t A 500 ħω 50 [keV] [ E(t) 500

  11. Polish – German Meeting on the New International Extreme Dynamic Fields Accelerator Facility at Darmstadt, Warsaw, November 24, 2003 High- γ Collision times in the sub-attosecond regime (10 –22 s < t < 10 –18 s) Positive Continuum e - e - 2 + mc Transfer Ionization Capture Excitation 0 ECPP γ Z ≈ Free Pair Production E b 2 - mc 2 e + e + Negative Energy Continuum

  12. Polish – German Meeting Photon-Matter Interaction on the New International Accelerator Facility in the Relativistic Regime at Darmstadt, Warsaw, November 24, 2003 Photoionization Radiative Electron Capture U 92+ => N 2 , 358 MeV/u E KIN - e Ly α 400 2 K-REC L-REC Ly α M-REC 8 counts 1 -REC 200 8 Ly β E L h ω 0 - h ω 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 e photon energy (keV ) E K

  13. Polish – German Meeting Photon-Matter Interaction on the New International Accelerator Facility in the Relativistic Regime at Darmstadt, Warsaw, November 24, 2003 h ω ´ Total cross sections I ⊥ I ⊥ ( ∆ E+ h ω ´) About 40 Joint Papers I ( ∆ E+ h ω ´) adiabatisity parameter η 9 9 I  ( ∆ E+ h ω ´) ⊥ 1 10 100 1000 Ge(i) Pixel σ (barn) Detector 100 cross section per target electron (FZ Jülich) 10 h ω ´ I ∆ E || counts (arb. units) counts (arb. units) 6 1 6 h ω 0.1 Polarization 0.01 E 0.1 1 10 79+ ions) beam energy [GeV/u] (for Au R ad iative C ap tu re in to th e K -S h ell 3 3 la b o ra to ry fra m e Gas Jet target 92 + = > N 2 , 3 0 9 .7 M e V /u U 7 6 5 d σ /d Ω [arbitrary units] 4 3 0 0 2 6000 6000 6500 6500 7000 7000 7500 7500 8000 8000 m a g n e tic tra n s itio n s 1 energy (channels) energy (channels) 0 0 2 0 4 0 6 0 8 0 1 0 0 1 2 0 1 4 0 1 6 0 1 8 0 o b s e rv a tio n a n g le θ [d e g ] Frankfurt-GSI-Krakow-Kielce- Ś wierk c o m p le te re la tiv is tic c a lc u la tio n s (E ic h le r e t a l.) n o n re la tiv is tic d ip o le d is trib u tio n ze ro d e g re e e m iss io n o f e le c tric ra d ia tio n b y Lanzhou-Argonne-Kassel-Berlin Angular distribution e le c tro n c a p tu re in to s -o rb ita ls is fo rb id d e n b y a n g u la r m o m e n tu m c o n s e rv a tio n la w s ze ro d e g re e e m issio n : ( α Z ) 2 co rre c tio n to th e m a g n e tic e m issio n

  14. Polish – German Meeting on the New International The HITRAP Project at GSI Accelerator Facility at Darmstadt, Warsaw, November 24, 2003 11.4 MeV/u UNILAC U 73+ experiments for slow particles u / post- V SIS e decelerator experiments M cooling with particles 0 trap 0 U 92+ at rest 4 U 73+ stripper The HITRAP project will be a part of FLAIR EXPERIMENTS WITH HIGHLY-CHARGED IONS AT EXPERIMENTS WITH HIGHLY-CHARGED IONS AT The HITRAP project will be a part of FLAIR EXPERIMENTS WITH HIGHLY-CHARGED IONS AT EXPERIMENTS WITH HIGHLY-CHARGED IONS AT target U 92+ EXTREMELY LOW ENERGIES: EXTREMELY LOW ENERGIES: EXTREMELY LOW ENERGIES: EXTREMELY LOW ENERGIES: FACILITY FOR LOW- • ultra-accurate mass measurements (atomic physics) • ultra-accurate mass measurements (atomic physics) FACILITY FOR LOW- • ultra-accurate mass measurements (atomic physics) • ultra-accurate mass measurements (atomic physics) • g-factor measurements (tests of QED) • g-factor measurements (tests of QED) • g-factor measurements (tests of QED) • g-factor measurements (tests of QED) ENERGY NESR ENERGY • laser and x-ray spectroscopy • laser and x-ray spectroscopy • laser and x-ray spectroscopy • laser and x-ray spectroscopy • nuclear polarization • nuclear polarization • nuclear polarization • nuclear polarization ANTI-PROTONS and ANTI-PROTONS and • surface studies and hollow-atom spectroscopy • surface studies and hollow-atom spectroscopy • surface studies and hollow-atom spectroscopy • surface studies and hollow-atom spectroscopy • collisions at very low velocities • collisions at very low velocities • collisions at very low velocities • collisions at very low velocities IONS RESEARCH IONS RESEARCH • experiments with antiprotons at the NESR • experiments with antiprotons at the NESR electron cooling • experiments with antiprotons at the NESR • experiments with antiprotons at the NESR and deceleration down to 4 MeV/u

  15. Polish – German Meeting on the New International Antiproton Factory Accelerator Facility at Darmstadt, Warsaw, November 24, 2003 Z – range SIS100/300 1 => 92 New accelerator facility HESR Z – range -1 => 92 Parameters: CR antiprotons up to 30 GeV, AP stored and cooled NESR

  16. Polish – German Meeting Ultra-Slow and Trapped on the New International Accelerator Facility Antiprotons at Darmstadt, Warsaw, November 24, 2003 Hydrogen Antihydrogen Positron Antiproton Why is there no Antimatter Why is there no Antimatter GSI will provide provide the Most Intense the Most Intense GSI will in the Universe? in the Universe? Source of Antiprotons Source of Antiprotons


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