intermediate representaions

Intermediate Representaions Concepts of Programming Languages (CoPL) - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Intermediate Representaions Concepts of Programming Languages (CoPL) Malte Skambath November 16, 2015 Intermediate Overview Representaions Malte Skambath We need Compilers! We need Compilers! Classical Compiler Process

  1. Intermediate Representaions Concepts of Programming Languages (CoPL) Malte Skambath November 16, 2015

  2. Intermediate Overview Representaions Malte Skambath We need Compilers! We need Compilers! Classical Compiler Process Classical Compiler Process Machine Models Stack Machines Register Machines Three-Address Code Machine Models Static-Single-Assignment Implementations Stack Machines LLVM Register Machines CIL Conclusion Implementations LLVM CIL Conclusion 2 / 34

  3. Intermediate Developing Software Representaions We need compilers! Malte Skambath We need Compilers! Classical Compiler Process Machine Models Stack Machines Register Machines Three-Address Code Static-Single-Assignment Implementations LLVM ? CIL Conclusion x86 3 / 34

  4. Intermediate Developing Software Representaions We need compilers! Malte Skambath We need Compilers! Classical Compiler Process Machine Models Stack Machines Register Machines Three-Address Code Static-Single-Assignment Implementations LLVM ? CIL Conclusion x86 AMD64 ARM 3 / 34

  5. Intermediate Developing Software Representaions We need compilers! Malte Skambath We need Compilers! Classical Compiler Process Machine Models Stack Machines Register Machines Three-Address Code Static-Single-Assignment Implementations LLVM ? CIL Conclusion x86 AMD64 ARM 3 / 34

  6. Intermediate Intermediate Representation Representaions The solution! Malte Skambath We need Compilers! Classical Compiler Process Machine Models Stack Machines Register Machines Three-Address Code Static-Single-Assignment Implementations LLVM CIL Intermediate Representation Conclusion x86 AMD64 ARM 4 / 34

  7. Intermediate Intermediate Representation Representaions Malte Skambath We need Compilers! Classical Compiler Process Machine Models Definition Stack Machines Register Machines An intermediate representation (IR) is data structure as Three-Address Code Static-Single-Assignment representation of a program between a high-level Implementations programming language and machine code. LLVM CIL Conclusion An intermediate language (IL) is a low-level assembly language as IR for a virtual machine. 5 / 34

  8. Intermediate Classical Compiler Process Representaions Malte Skambath We need Compilers! Classical Compiler Process Lexical Analysis (Scanner) Machine Models Stack Machines Tokens Register Machines Three-Address Code Syntax Analysis (Parser) Static-Single-Assignment Frontend Implementations ST/AST LLVM CIL Semantic Analysis Conclusion CFG Optimization CFG Code Generation Backend 6 / 34

  9. Intermediate Abstract Sytax Tree Representaions Malte Skambath An abstract syntax tree (AST) . . . We need Compilers! . . . describes the syntactical structure of a program Classical Compiler . . . depends on the programming language Process Machine Models . . . is generated during by the parser Stack Machines Register Machines program Three-Address Code Static-Single-Assignment Implementations return block while LLVM CIL Conclusion . . . body condition variable sum . . . assign bin op: * variable sum variable i 7 / 34

  10. Intermediate Control-Flow-Graph Representaions Malte Skambath We need Compilers! Classical Compiler Process int s = 1; Machine Models Stack Machines for ( int i=1; i<=10; i++) i ← 1 , s ← 0 Register Machines s += i; Three-Address Code Static-Single-Assignment return (s); Implementations no i ≤ 10 LLVM CIL yes Conclusion ret ( s ) i ← i + 1 s ← s + i 8 / 34

  11. Intermediate Stack Machines Representaions Malte Skambath Definition We need Compilers! A general Stack Machine has Classical Compiler Process ◮ a stack as storage Machine Models ◮ a set of instructions / operations op = F ( a 1 , a 2 , . . . , a n ) Stack Machines Register Machines including ( push and pop ) Three-Address Code Static-Single-Assignment Executing an operation takes the arguments from top of Implementations LLVM the stack, computes the result in the accumulator, and CIL pushes the result back the stack. Conclusion Example 3 push 1 push 2 2 2 5 push 3 1 1 1 1 1 add pop 9 / 34

  12. Intermediate Stack-machines Representaions Code Generation Malte Skambath We need Compilers! Classical Compiler We can generate the control by traversing the syntax tree. Process x 2 + y 2 . � Assume we have to compute the expression Machine Models Stack Machines Register Machines Three-Address Code Static-Single-Assignment Implementations LLVM CIL Conclusion 10 / 34

  13. Intermediate Stack-machines Representaions Code Generation Malte Skambath We need Compilers! Classical Compiler We can generate the control by traversing the syntax tree. Process x 2 + y 2 . � Assume we have to compute the expression Machine Models Stack Machines Register Machines Three-Address Code AST Static-Single-Assignment push x Implementations sqrt push x LLVM CIL mul Conclusion push y add push y mul mul mul add sqrt x x y y 10 / 34

  14. Intermediate Stack Machines Representaions Summary Malte Skambath We need Compilers! Classical Compiler Process ◮ Programs for stack machines are short Machine Models Stack Machines Only the opcodes ( or constants) in the byte code. Register Machines Three-Address Code ◮ In practical use stack machines can be extended Static-Single-Assignment 1. An external memory to store and load values Implementations LLVM (computations are still limited to the stack) CIL 2. Top-Level registers Conclusion 3. Metainformations (see CIL later) ◮ Problem: Most processor-architectures use registers. ⇒ Hybrid Models, Special informations in the intermediate representation. 11 / 34

  15. Intermediate Register Machines Representaions Malte Skambath We need Compilers! Classical Compiler Definition Process A register machine . . . Machine Models Stack Machines ◮ consists of an infinite number of memory cells named Register Machines Three-Address Code registers Static-Single-Assignment Implementations ◮ each register is accessible LLVM CIL ◮ has a limited set of instruction / operations: Conclusion 1. Arithmetical Operations: Computes a function F using selected registers � o 1 , � . . . , � o n � as operands and stores the result in a target register � r � 2. Jumps/Branches 12 / 34

  16. Intermediate Three-Address Code (3AC/TAC) Representaions ◮ Each TAC is a sequence of instructions I 1 , I 2 , . . . , I n for a Malte Skambath register machine. We need Compilers! ◮ Instructions can be Classical Compiler Process 1. Assignments r1 := r0 2. Unconditional Jumps (Instructions can be labeled) Machine Models Stack Machines Register Machines L0: goto L1 Three-Address Code ... Static-Single-Assignment L1: r0 := 1 Implementations LLVM 3. Conditional Branches CIL Conclusion if a<b then goto L1 4. Arithmetical operations r3 := add (r1,r2) ◮ Each instruction contains at most 3 registers 13 / 34

  17. Intermediate Three-Address Code (3AC/TAC) Representaions ◮ Each TAC is a sequence of instructions I 1 , I 2 , . . . , I n for a Malte Skambath register machine. We need Compilers! ◮ Instructions can be Classical Compiler Process 1. Assignments r1 := r0 2. Unconditional Jumps (Instructions can be labeled) Machine Models Stack Machines Register Machines L0: goto L1 Three-Address Code ... Static-Single-Assignment L1: r0 := 1 Implementations LLVM 3. Conditional Branches CIL Conclusion if a<b then goto L1 4. Arithmetical operations r3 := add (r1,r2) ◮ Each instruction contains at most 3 registers � x 2 + y 2 ) Example ( t1 := x * x t2 := y * y t3 := t1 + t2 result := sqrt(t3) 13 / 34

  18. Intermediate Three-Address Code (3AC/TAC) Representaions How to design the Byte-Code Malte Skambath We need Compilers! For practical use we should store TAC in byte code format. Classical Compiler ◮ Each operation has an opcode for the virtual machine Process Machine Models ◮ Each instruction can be represented by tuples Stack Machines Register Machines Three-Address Code Quadruples Triples Static-Single-Assignment Implementations opcode op1 op2 opcode op1 op2 LLVM t1 MUL x x MUL x x CIL Conclusion t2 MUL y y MUL y y t1 ADD t1 t2 ADD (1) (2) res SQRT t1 - SQRT (3) - Note Registers can be assigned implicitly (Triples). But then each register has to be assigned only once. 14 / 34

  19. Intermediate Static-Single-Assignment Representaions Malte Skambath We need Compilers! Classical Compiler Definition (Static-Single Assignment) Process Machine Models A Three-Adress Code is in Static-Single Assignment -from if Stack Machines each register gets assigned once in the code. Register Machines Three-Address Code Static-Single-Assignment � x 2 + y 2 ) Example ( Implementations LLVM CIL Not in SSA SSA Conclusion L1: x := x * x L1: x0 := x * x L2: y := y * y L2: y0 := y * y L3: x := x + y L3: x1 := x0 + y0 L4: z := sqrt(x) L4: z := sqrt(x1) 15 / 34


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