inter trust interoperable trust assurance infrastructure

INTER-TRUST Interoperable Trust Assurance Infrastructure Grant - PDF document

INTER-TRUST ICT FP7- G.A. 317731 INTER-TRUST Interoperable Trust Assurance Infrastructure Grant agreement no: 317731 Introduction The main objective of the INTER-TRUST project is to develop a framework to support trustworthy applications

  1. INTER-TRUST – ICT FP7- G.A. 317731 INTER-TRUST Interoperable Trust Assurance Infrastructure Grant agreement no: 317731 Introduction The main objective of the INTER-TRUST project is to develop a framework to support trustworthy applications in heterogeneous networks and devices based on the enforcement of interoperable and changing security policies. This need has been identified by developers, integrators and operators of systems that have to comply with strong security requirements, who are the end-users of the INTER-TRUST frame. INTER-TRUST is addressing a crucial problem of today’s world, where computer networked pervasive systems and services have become a crucial infrastructure element for the organisation of modern society. These networks and services are required to be more and more open and new technology is designed to facilitate the interoperation between these networks composed of heterogeneous, communicating devices. Guaranteeing that they interoperate securely has become a major concern for individuals, enterprises and governments. This has given rise to the need to constantly maintain and protect these networks and services to achieve the high level of trust necessary so that they become an asset and not an added risk for society. Since the environment may be potentially hostile and contain malicious opponents, it is crucial to define frameworks to enforce secure interoperability. Project Goal and Case Studies The main goal of the INTER-TRUST framework is to allow managing, enforcing and negotiating changing security policies and to support the verification that the required security level is maintained, activating enforcement actions when needed. This will allow integrating existing state-of-the-art techniques used by systems, devices or services that need to interoperate and make sure that privacy, data security, reliability and resiliency to attacks and operational failures is guaranteed by all parties involved. INTER-TRUST aims at finding an answer to the need of today IC systems to interoperate with their environments which, in general, has two main characteristics: it may contain hostile elements and it evolves dynamically. It is therefore necessary to design mechanisms to negotiate security policies so that the different parties involved in some interoperation may interact securely. However, since the environment may possibly change dynamically, these security policies cannot be deployed statically, particularly if the model of the environment is incomplete or contains errors. Instead, they must be dynamically adapted to the changes of the environment, especially when these changes reveal potentially hostile behaviours. Furthermore, the adaptability will make it harder to “crack” the system as compared to fixed never-changing security mechanisms. The project intends to validate end evaluate the results achieved using two completely different case studies with complex, high-demanding critical services. The two case studies, e-voting and Vehicle to Vehicle/Vehicle to Infrastructure (V2x) communications for Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS), will be used by INTER-TRUST to gather requirements, define the research priorities, and validate the approach and the developed techniques and tools. These case studies perfectly illustrate the importance of the objectives of INTER-TRUST. 1

  2. INTER-TRUST – ICT FP7- G.A. 317731 The first case study concerns remote multi-channel e-voting and requires the support of heterogeneous and highly distributed devices with strict security and privacy concerns. It is a natural evolution of Internet voting that adds support to mobile phones, land-line phones, e-mails, etc. for casting votes. The second use case scenario deals with a V2x/ITS context. with a focus on V2V (peer-to-peer communications) and on V2I (centralised communications). The security needs of V2x/ITS use case scenarios are of paramount importance to their successful implementation, particularly when dealing with safety-related services. In the V2I and V2V context there is a set of services, accessed by remote nomad devices or OBU (On-Board Unit) terminals using, sometimes patchy, wireless communications (UMTS, Wi- Fi, etc.). These services are often deployed on a common architecture and must be completely interoperable to make multi-provider deployment possible on the same infrastructure. As such, the V2x/ITS use case scenarios require highly adaptable, distributed security that can operate intermittently. Partners The consortium has been formed in order to better address the objectives of the INTER-TRUST project. It includes 5 industrial partners (with 4 SMEs), with deep, first-hand knowledge of the industrial problems to be addressed and 5 academic research institutions, each providing renowned experience in the different research domains required by the project: 1. Softeco Sismat s.r.l. (IT) - Coordinator 2. Montimage eurl (FR) 3. Institut Mines-Telecom (FR) 4. Universitat Rovira i Virgili (ES) 5. Search Lab (HU) 6. Universidad de Malaga (ES) 7. The University of Reading (UK) 8. Universidad de Murcia (ES) 9. Scytl Secure Electronic Voting s.a.(ES) 10. Indra Sistemas s.a. (ES) Technological approach INTER-TRUST technological approach is based on the study of security policy modelling which enable the party involved in a given interoperation to negotiate its interoperability security policy with other parties. This interoperability security policy may generally include access control requirements, corresponding to permissions and prohibitions that apply to a given party when it asks for access to the resources managed by another party. It may also include usage control requirements corresponding to obligations that a given party has to respect after obtaining access to a given resource controlled by another party. The dynamic adaptation required by to cope with the changing environment will be achieved through the adoption of Aspect Oriented Programming (AOP) and supervision techniques based on monitoring, as well as active testing techniques. An overall view of the INTER-TRUST framework 1 is represented in the Figure 1 and is composed of the following components: 1 By framework we mean a set of methods, libraries, tools, rules and conventions that allow developing, deploying and operating applications with the capability of assuring secure interoperability and adaptability. 2

  3. INTER-TRUST – ICT FP7- G.A. 317731 Modelling languages to model security policies, threats, interoperability constraints, negotiations • models and contracts. Existing languages and editing tools (corresponding to the Security Policy editor in the figure below ) will be adapted and used. Negotiation/communication module . This module will allow different interacting parties to define • a common security policy through the use of predefined negotiation models (e.g. a simple model would be choosing the policy that has the highest security level). Aspects Generation module. This module will allow to dynamically generate aspects to be woven, • based on the negotiated policy. Security Policy interpreter . This module, which will be woven into the applications, will interpret • the negotiated policy. Monitoring and testing modules . These modules will serve to: i) stimulate the system by injecting • code for active and fuzz testing (for the development/test phases); and, ii) capture application events to generate traces that can be used by the Monitoring tool below (for the development/test and operation phases). Reaction module . This module will be in charge of performing the necessary protection and • mitigation strategies to increase the reliability and trust of the proposed security rules and the adaptability of the system to new sets of malicious behaviour and threats. Aspect Weaver module . This module will allow weaving and un-weaving Aspects according to the • policies which are contextualised depending on the situation they are to be used (e.g. the specific parties that need to interact, time limits when they are valid...). Stand-alone monitoring and testing tools (far left of the figure) will be used to supervise and verify • that the system works as expected: o Monitoring tool . Existing tool will be adapted to detect any vulnerability or abnormal behaviour. During the testing and operation phases it will serve to observe the behaviour of the system; detect security vulnerabilities; verify that the negotiated contracts are respected; verify that the sharing of information and the delegation of processing is carried out securely; and, trigger reaction strategies. o Active and fuzz testing tools . Existing tools will be adapted to verify that security policies are respected in dynamic systems during development/testing phases. Combined with the monitoring tool, it will be possible to stimulate the system under test and detect any vulnerability. Figure 1: Basic architecture 3

  4. INTER-TRUST – ICT FP7- G.A. 317731 Duration Started on November 1st 2012, INTER-TRUST will last 30 months Contacts Project Coordinator Enrico Morten Softeco Sismat Via De Marini 1 16149 Genova Italy tel. +39 010 6026 328 fax. +39 010 6026 350 e-mail: Project Technical Manager Edgardo Montes de Oca Montimage 39 rue Bobillot 75013 Paris France tel. +33 (0) 1 53 80 35 77 e-mail: Project Exploitation and Dissemination Manager Dr. Antonio F. Skarmeta Gómez Dept. Ingeniería de la Información y las Comunicaciones Facultad de Informática, Universidad de Murcia 30100 Murcia Spain tel: +34-868-884607 fax: +34-868-884151 e-mail: 4


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