intelligent artificial limbs

intelligent artificial limbs and other miraculous thinking - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

towards intelligent artificial limbs and other miraculous thinking machines Patrick PILARSKI TEDxEdmonton June 9, 2012 TEDxEdmonton June 9, 2012 artificial limbs human machine interface limb muscle signals myoelectric control

  1. towards intelligent artificial limbs and other miraculous thinking machines Patrick PILARSKI TEDxEdmonton June 9, 2012

  2. TEDxEdmonton June 9, 2012 artificial limbs • human machine interface limb muscle signals myoelectric control machine body amputee function restore prosthesis human machine interface limb muscle signals myoelectric control machine body amputee function restore prosthesis elbow human machine interface limb muscle signals myoelectric wrist control machine body amputee function restore prosthesis hand

  3. TEDxEdmonton June 9, 2012 intelligent artificial limbs • human machine interface limb muscle signals myoelectric adapt machine body amputee function restore prosthesis human machine interface limb muscle learn signals myoelectric control machine body amputee function restore prosthesis enable machine interface limb muscle signals myoelectric wrist control machine body amputee function restore prosthesis human improve

  4. through the eyes of a robot TEDxEdmonton June 9, 2012

  5. TEDxEdmonton June 9, 2012 predictions & knowledge

  6. TEDxEdmonton June 9, 2012 tomorrow’s assistive devices • human machine interface augment muscle brain computer signals integrate data control system body computer faster function restore system machine network interface limb muscle brain stronger computer signals myoelectric control body amputee network function extend prosthesis enhance machine interface limb muscle brain computer signals myoelectric

  7. TEDxEdmonton June 9, 2012 ... and other thinking machines cognition telepresence memory phone & extra email limb vehicle agent

  8. TEDxEdmonton June 9, 2012 marvellous humans Richard Sutton : Michael Rory Dawson : Jason Carey : Jacqueline Hebert : K. Ming Chan : Thomas Degris : Joseph Modayil : Adam White : Alberta Innovates Centre for Machine Learning : Alberta Innovates Technology Futures : Glenrose Rehabilitation Hospital Foundation : Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council : Collaborators in Edmonton and Beyond .

  9. TEDxEdmonton June 9, 2012 marvellous humans


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