Taking you to the next level Integration of a space-segment model with GPS satellites in the vehicle dynamics simulation lli i h hi l d i i l i Dipl.-Ing. Tobias Butz, Dipl. Ing. (FH) Bernhard Schick IPG Automotive GmbH Prof Dr Ing Gert F Trommer Dipl Ing Matthias Wankerl Prof. Dr.-Ing. Gert F. Trommer, Dipl.-Ing. Matthias Wankerl Institute of System Optimization Institute of System Optimization IPG Automotive GmbH | Tobias Butz | “apply & innovate 2012“ – IPG Technology Conference 20.09.2012 1
Motivation Motivation Motivation Use of navigation solutions for advanced driver assistance systems (ADAS) Use of navigation solutions in safety-critical driving situations U f i i l i i f i i l d i i i i To simulate the significantly enhanced for the information enhanced for the information content, quality and redudancy by means of suitable fusion algorithms IPG Automotive GmbH | Tobias Butz | “apply & innovate 2012“ – IPG Technology Conference 20.09.2012 2
Motivation Motivation Motivation To develop and evaluate GPS/INS-based integration and fusion algorithms in the seamless process with IPG CarMaker Makes artificial, but realistic, pseudo and delta range measurements available. In addition to these, error models and error functions in the receiver, the GPS observation parameters as well as in the vehicle’s inertial sensors have been integrated into the vehicle dynamics simulation IPG Automotive GmbH | Tobias Butz | “apply & innovate 2012“ – IPG Technology Conference 20.09.2012 3
IPG CarMaker The IPG CarMaker The IPG CarMaker “Virtual Test Driving” to evaluate concepts, models, controllers and systems IPG Automotive GmbH | Tobias Butz | “apply & innovate 2012“ – IPG Technology Conference 20.09.2012 4
Global Positioning System (GPS) The Global Positioning System (GPS) The Global Positioning System (GPS) GPS consists of three segments: Space Segment needs to be integrated User Segment is simulated by the car The Control-Segment is pay further by the use of current ephemeris-data IPG Automotive GmbH | Tobias Butz | “apply & innovate 2012“ – IPG Technology Conference 20.09.2012 5
Global Positioning System (GPS) How does GPS? How does GPS? Transmisson to Receiver Generates a Pseudo Random Code Also generates a Pseudo Random Also generates a Pseudo Random 4x Code and compares the two codes Distance of least four satellites known Das Bild kann nicht angezeigt werden. Dieser Computer verfügt möglicherweise über zu wenig Arbeitsspeicher, um das Bild zu öffnen, oder das Bild ist beschädigt. Starten Sie den Computer neu, und öffnen Sie dann erneut die Datei. Wenn weiterhin das rote x angezeigt wird, müssen Sie das Bild möglicherweise löschen und dann erneut einfügen. Zeit t Das Bild kann nicht angezeigt werden. Dieser Computer verfügt möglicherweise über zu wenig Arbeitsspeicher, um das Bild zu öffnen, oder das Bild ist beschädigt. Starten Sie den Computer neu, und öffnen Sie dann erneut die Datei. Wenn weiterhin das rote x angezeigt wird, müssen Sie das Bild möglicherweise löschen und dann erneut einfügen. Self-localization by By means of the time difference triangulation possible is determined the distance IPG Automotive GmbH | Tobias Butz | “apply & innovate 2012“ – IPG Technology Conference 20.09.2012 6
Implementation Difference between GPS and the Implementation Difference between GPS and the Implementation Normally, based on the reception time of the satellite signal and the pseudo-ranges of at least four satellites, one‘s own position and that of the clock fields of the satellite receiver are calculated As the positional data of the virtual vehicle are known in the CarMaker simulation environment the calculation is modified accordingly in this case: The positions of satellites are calculated by means of these positional data, using the reception time of the satellite signals and the epherimidal data. h i id l d t IPG Automotive GmbH | Tobias Butz | “apply & innovate 2012“ – IPG Technology Conference 20.09.2012 7
Implementation Calculation of the Satellite Calculation of the Satellite Space-Segment Calculation of satellite position in ECEF (Earth centered, Earth fixed) at time of transmission using centered Earth fixed) at time of transmission using ephemeridal data Calculation of transmission time of the satellite signal Recalculation of signal runtime Repetition of steps 2 – 5 until desired accuracy has been achieved accuracy has been achieved IPG Automotive GmbH | Tobias Butz | “apply & innovate 2012“ – IPG Technology Conference 20.09.2012 8
Implementation Implementation of the Space-Segment Model Implementation of the Space Segment Model Parameterized and controlled by means of a clearly structured, user-friendly graphical user interface (GUI) Prior to starting the virtual road test the desired values an parameters are entered here IPG Automotive GmbH | Tobias Butz | “apply & innovate 2012“ – IPG Technology Conference 20.09.2012 9
Errors and Faults Errors and Faults Errors and Faults In order to allow a realistic simulation of the errors and faults in the signals and sensors are modeled The disturbance of the GPS can be changed as well as turned off via the GUI Th di t b f th GPS b h d ll t d ff i th GUI In addition the IMU error can be simulated and the quality of the inertial sensors In addition, the IMU error can be simulated and the quality of the inertial sensors determined with the help of the GUI IPG Automotive GmbH | Tobias Butz | “apply & innovate 2012“ – IPG Technology Conference 20.09.2012 10
Errors and Faults Overview of Integrated GPS Errors Overview of Integrated GPS Errors Receiver Clock Error Ephemris-Error Ionospheric Error Ionospheric-Error Troposheric-Error Receiver Noise • Pseudorange Noise • Delta-Range-Noise • Range-Rate-Noise IPG Automotive GmbH | Tobias Butz | “apply & innovate 2012“ – IPG Technology Conference 20.09.2012 11
Errors and Faults The Goodness of the IMU The Goodness of the IMU The IMU (Inertial Measurement Unit) i includes three l d th accelerometers and gyros The goodness is described by three fault sizes: • Bias • Scale Factor Error • Angle/Velocity Random Walk IPG Automotive GmbH | Tobias Butz | “apply & innovate 2012“ – IPG Technology Conference 20.09.2012 12
Benefit New Applications through the Integration New Applications through the Integration New and updated driver assistance systems / map-based driver assistance systems Predictive driving / lower emissions through reduced fuel consumption / optimized energy management strategies for hybrid electric and battery electric vehicles IPG Automotive GmbH | Tobias Butz | “apply & innovate 2012“ – IPG Technology Conference 20.09.2012 13
Benefit New Applications through the Integration New Applications through the Integration Newly developed functional algorithms can be examined in virtual road tests involving a wide range of traffic and traffic situations (corresponding to real-world customer use cases) Simulation of complex traffic scenarios using a highly capable traffic model Interlinking of vehicles: Car-to-Car (C2C) or Car-to-Infrastructure (C2I) IPG Automotive GmbH | Tobias Butz | “apply & innovate 2012“ – IPG Technology Conference 20.09.2012 14
Conclusion Conclusion Conclusion The integration of the space-segment-model into the vehicle dynamics simulation CarMaker makes a highly capable tool available that allows newly developes functions and functional algorithms to be tested and evaluated in virtual road tests at a very early stage Ability to even repeat complex traffic scenarios which is very important for the Ability to even repeat complex traffic scenarios, which is very important for the development and to evaluate Car-to-X-Communication Consequently, this new method offers major optimization potential for both existing and new driver assistance systems as well as for innovative energy management systems and operating strategies This new tool allows an significant contribution to safety and fuel efficiency Thi t l ll i ifi t t ib ti t f t d f l ffi i IPG Automotive GmbH | Tobias Butz | “apply & innovate 2012“ – IPG Technology Conference 20.09.2012 15
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