integrated system transmission and ancillary services

Integrated System Transmission and Ancillary Services Rates 2015 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Integrated System Transmission and Ancillary Services Rates 2015 Estimate & 2013 True-up Customer Information Meeting October 17, 2014 9 a.m. MDT, Billings, MT and via Web Introductions Lloyd Linke Operations Manager Gary

  1. Integrated System Transmission and Ancillary Services Rates 2015 Estimate & 2013 True-up Customer Information Meeting October 17, 2014 9 a.m. MDT, Billings, MT and via Web

  2. Introductions • Lloyd Linke – Operations Manager • Gary Hoffman – Attorney-Advisor • Linda Cady-Hoffman – Rates Manager • Steve Sanders – Operations and Transmission Advisor • Sara Baker – Public Utilities Specialist 2

  3. Agenda • Meeting Purpose • Transmission Rates • Ancillary Service Rates • Penalty Rate • Contact Information 3

  4. Meeting Purpose • As a result of the Public Rate Adjustment Process conducted in 2009: – Western will provide customers the opportunity to discuss and comment on the recalculated rates by October 31 of each year. – Western will respond to customer comments prior to or at the time of the implementation of the recalculated revenue requirements and/or rates. • This meeting provides an opportunity to discuss the proper application of data in the formula rate, not the rate formula itself. 4

  5. Forward-Looking Formula Transmission Rates – True-up • 2010 – First use of Forward-Looking Formula Transmission Rates. • True-up of 2011 rates included in the 2013 rates. • Draft audited financial data for 2013 available in 2014. • True-up of 2012 rates included in the 2014 rates. • True-up of 2013 rates will be included in 2015 rates. * • True-up of 2014 rates will be included in 2016 rates. * *Pending current public rate processes WAPA-168 & WAPA-170 5

  6. Forward-looking Formula Transmission Rates – True-up Procedures • Differences between estimated Revenue Requirements and actual Revenue Requirements are identified. • Actual load is compared to the projected load. • Revenue collected in excess of actual net Revenue Requirement returned through reduction of future year Revenue Requirement. • Collected revenue less than actual net Revenue Requirement collected by increase a future year Revenue Requirement. 6

  7. Formula Rate for Network Transmission Service • Same ATRR used for Network and Point-to- Point rates. • Rate includes costs for Scheduling, System Control, and Dispatch (SSCD) Service needed for Transmission. Customer’s Load-Ratio Share x Annual Revenue Requirement for IS Transmission Svc = 12 months 7

  8. Annual Transmission Revenue Requirement – Effective January 1, 2015 Annual IS Transmission Costs From Revenue Basin Electric $ 69,944,553 Requirement Western $ 122,876,359 Templates Heartland $ 857,254 $ 193,678,166 MRES Revenue Transmission Customer Facility Credits $ 2,508,129 Requirement Template $ 5,922,864 NWPS Revenue Requirement Template $ 8,430,993 Annual Revenue Requirement for IS $ 202,109,159 Transmission Service 2013 Rate True-up 2013 True-up Amount ( $ 1,595,537) Worksheet 2013 Unreserved Use of Transmission ( $ 3,567) Service Penalty Annual Revenue Requirement for IS $200,510,055 Transmission Service after True-up 8

  9. Firm Point-to-Point IS Transmission Service • Rate includes costs for Scheduling, System Control, and Dispatch (SSCD) Service needed for Transmission. • Rate includes an estimated load projection. Annual IS Transmission Service Revenue Requirement = IS Transmission System Total Load A. Annual Revenue Requirement for IS Transmission Service $ 200,510,055 B. IS Transmission System Total Load (kW) 5,717,000 C. Maximum Firm Point-to-Point Transmission Rate in $/KW-Mo $ 2.92 A/B/12 months 9

  10. Non-Firm Point-to-Point Transmission Service Firm Point-to-Point Transmission Rate 1000 mills/$ = x 730 hours/month Firm Point-to-Point Transmission Rate ($/kW-Mo) $ 2.92 Maximum Non-Firm Point-to-Point (2.92*1000) Transmission Rate (Mills/kW-Hr) 4.00 730 hrs per month 10

  11. Ancillary Service Rates • Scheduling, System Control, and Dispatch (SSCD) Service • Reactive Supply and Voltage Control from Generation Sources Service (RSVC) • Regulation and Frequency Response Service • Energy Imbalance Service • Operating Reserves Service – Spinning and Supplemental • Generator Imbalance Service 11

  12. Scheduling, System Control, and Dispatch Service • SSCD Rate Formula Annual Revenue Requirement SSCD Service = Number of Daily Tags per Year 12

  13. Scheduling, System Control, and Dispatch Service (continued) Rate for Scheduling, System Control and Dispatch Service for 2015 A. Fixed Charge Rate 21.652% B. Scheduling, System Control and Dispatch Net Plant Costs $15,778,238 C. Annual Revenue Requirement for Scheduling, System Control and Dispatch Service $3,416,304 (A x B) D. 2013 Number of Daily Tags 89,113 E. Rate for Scheduling, System Control and Dispatch Service ($/tag/day) $38.34 (C/D) 13

  14. Scheduling, System Control, and Dispatch Service (continued) Determination of Pick-Sloan Missouri Basin Program, Eastern Division Annual IS Transmission Costs O&M Expense Operation and Maintenance Expense for Transmission Worksheet, C6L17/ Total O&M Expense for Transmission $ 59,913,131 Net Transmission Plant Investment $ 606,596,209 Net Plant Investment Worksheet, C6L11 = O&M as % of Net Transmission Plant Investment 9.877% A&G Expense A&G Expense for Transmission Worksheet, C6L16/ Transmission A&G Expense $ 14,794,441 Net Transmission Plant Investment $ 606,596,209 Net Plant Investment Worksheet, C6L11 = A&G as % of Net Transmission Plant Investment 2.439% Depreciation Expense Depreciation Expense for Transmission Worksheet, C6L4/ Transmission Depreciation Expense $ 27,406,164 Net Transmission Plant Investment $ 606,596,209 Net Plant Investment Worksheet, C6L11 = Deprecation as % of Net Transmission Plant Investment 4.518% Cost of Capital Cost of Capital Weighted Transmission Composite Rate 4.818% Worksheet, C6L9 Total 21.652% 14

  15. Reactive Supply and Voltage Control from Generation Sources Service • RSVC Rate Formula Annual Revenue Requirement for VAR Support = Load Requiring VAR Support • Annual Revenue Requirement Includes: – Western’s synchronous condenser costs operating outside the 0.95 leading to 0.95 lagging power factor bandwidth. – Costs of generators providing RSVC Service outside the 0.95 leading to 0.95 lagging power factor bandwidth. 15

  16. Reactive Supply and Voltage Control from Generation Sources Service (continued) Reactive Supply and Voltage Control From Generation Sources for 2015 Western’s Costs A. Generation Fixed Charge Rate 20.000% B. Generation Net Plant Costs $513,144,006 (A x B) C. Annual Cost of Generation $102,628,801 D. Capability Used for Reactive Support 1.94% (C x D) E. Reactive Service Revenue Requirement $1,990,999 Reactive Supply and Voltage Control From Generation Sources for 2015 Integrated System F. Over Collection for 2013 ($827,031) (E + F) G. Total Reactive Revenue Requirement w/ True-up $1,163,968 H. 2013 IS Transmission System Total Load (kW-Yr) 5,269,000 (G/H) I. Annual Reactive Service Charge ($/kW-Yr) $0.22 (I/12) J. Monthly Reactive Revenue Charge ($/kW-Mo) $0.02 16

  17. Reactive Supply and Voltage Control from Generation Sources Service (continued) Determination of Pick-Sloan Missouri Basin Program, Eastern Division Annual Generation Revenue Requirement O&M Expense Operation and Maintenance Expense for Generation Worksheet, C6L19/ Generation O&M Expense $ 94,194,444 Net Generation Plant Investment $ 668,965,042 Net Plant Investment Worksheet, C6L12 = O&M as % of Net Generation Plant Investment 14.081% A&G Expense for Generation A&G Expense Worksheet, C6L18/ Generation A&G Expense $ 268,478 Net Generation Plant Investment $ 668,965,042 Net Plant Investment Worksheet, C6L12 = A&G as % of Net Generation Plant Investment 0.040% Depreciation Expense for Generation Depreciation Expense Worksheet, C6L6/ Generation Depreciation Expense $ 16,192,391 Net Generation Plant Investment $ 668,965,042 Net Plant Investment Worksheet, C6L12 = Deprecation as % of Net Generation Plant Investment 2.421% Cost of Capital Cost of Capital Weighted Generation Composite Rate 3.458% Worksheet, C6L11 Total 20.000% 17

  18. Regulation and Frequency Response Service • Regulation and Frequency Response Service Rate Formula Annual Revenue Requirement for Regulation = Load in the Control Area Requiring Regulation 18

  19. Regulation and Frequency Response Service (continued) Regulation and Frequency Response for 2015 - Western’s Costs A. Fixed Charge Rate 18.033% B. Corps Generation Net Plant Costs $169,551,257 (A x B) C. Annual Corps Generation Cost $30,575,178 D. Plant Capacity (kW) 937,000 (C / D) E. Cost/kW ($/kW) $32.63 (K x 2%) F. Capacity Used for Regulation (kW) 70,240 (E x F) G. Regulation Revenue Requirement ($) Capacity $2,291,931 Integrated System H. BEPC & HCPD Regulation Revenue Requirement $53,782 I. Under Collection-2013 Regulation Revenue Rqmt $251,842 (G + H + I) J. Total Regulation Revenue Requirement 2,597,555 K. Load in Control Area(s) (kW-Yr) 3,512,000 (J/K) L. Annual Regulation Charge ($/kW-Yr) $0.74 (L/12 months) M. Monthly Reactive Revenue Charge ($/kW-Mo) $0.06 19


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